Its over

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Texas angst requested by StrongBlueMonster777

TW: Suicide

They don't care about you.

They never did. Texas knew the other states didn't care what happened to him. The states had made fun of him for being "weak" during the snowstorm. The blue states thought he was a lunatic. It's not like the other cared about him. He knew they didn't care. He always put on a mask of being happy, of just being ok, lying to himself everyday that the others cared. He wasn't sure how long he could keep it up, each day it hurt more and more.

They don't care what happens to you.

They'll never care. Texas got on some clothes and put on his hat before heading downstairs. He looked at the states, not bothering to talk to anyone. He sat down not knowing what to do. It felt like the others where watching him. He knew they didn't care about him, but at the same time it felt like they judged him. They judged every minute flaw, everything he did, he always felt like all eyes where on him, and no eyes where on him.

You look like a fuck up.

Depressed bitch. Texas took out his phone to appear busy. He stared at the screen blankly. He didn't know what to do, he could feel them judging him even more. He just wanted to disappear, to die. If he did no one would care, hell some might even be happy. He knew if he was dead he wouldn't have to experience that, he'd never have to experience this again. He'd never feel like he was alone, like no one cared, like everybody judged him for everything. Yes death would be nice.

Go do something with your life.

You're wasting it, you always waste it. Texas knew he was wasting his life, and the others where judging him for it. He could be doing something instead of sitting here. The others where judging him for it as well, he knew they where. They where doing something with their lives and he was over here being a waste of space. He knew it would be best if he was gone. Dying would be the best option, he would be happy. Death would be happy, peaceful even.

You should kill yourself.

The others won't care, just do it. Texas knew death was the best option. Living wasn't worth it anymore. He would be happy when he died. This would all be over. No one would judge him anymore, he liked that. He knew they wouldn't care about him when he died, but that didn't hurt as much. He just wanted his life to be over. He couldn't put on this facade of being ok any longer, it hurt him so much. He headed up stairs to his room. He laid down to wait for the others to go to sleep. His thoughts raced in his head, he knew death was the only option.

Just get it over with.

Kill yourself, they won't care. Texas stared blankly at the ceiling. It felt like time passed by so slow. His thoughts raced in his head. They told him to kill himself, he knew they where right. He smiled knowing each passing moment his end got closer and closer. Every second that ticked by brought him to closer and closer to feeling ok. He used to think death wasn't the best option. Now he knew it was. What else could he do? No one cared about him. Everyone hated him, he hated himself.

You never did anything good with your life.

You never did anything with your life. It had become night time. Texas knew the states where almost asleep. He waited for awhile longer. He didn't know why he waited, he knew no one would care when he died. No one would care when he died, just like no one cared about him now. He still knew death was the best option. He opened up a drawer looking inside. He saw his pistol and picked it up. He grabbed a bullet and loaded the gun. One bullet was all he needed, one shot and it would all be over. With a shaky hand he brought the gun to his head.

He pulled the trigger.

It was over.

It was all over.

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