A painful feeling

191 8 3

TW: Death, Murder, assisted suicide

"How are you feeling Indiana?" Alabama asked looking over to Indiana.

"How do you think?" Indiana responded, snapping a little. The pair sat on their bed together, silence consuming them.

"How are you?" Alabama asked, a sad smile on his face. He looked at the hospital bound state.

"Not good." Ohio responded weakly. His whole body was in pain, he hated himself like this.

"I know you're upset, I wanna know how I can help?" Bama asked, he was sad too, but he wanted to help Indi.

"I don't know." Indiana mumbled, his voice quiet. Alabama pulled him into a hug, trying not to cry, he didn't think he deserved to cry.

"Does this help?" Alabama asked, trying to calm his voice down. Indiana nodded, not saying a word. Alabama just held his boyfriend in his arms.

"I love you." Alabama said, sitting on a chair next to Ohio's hospital bed. Ohio looked over at him and smiled weakly.

"I love you too." Ohio responded, his voice weak. Bama hated seeing his boyfriend like this.

"Is there anything I can get you?" Alabama asked, he wanted to make sure he was comfortable. Ohio shook his head, he couldn't think of anything at the moment.

"Wh-why would s-someone d-do that?" Indiana asked, his voice starting to get shaky as tears pricked the corners of his eyes.

"I don't know." Alabama responded, he didn't want to talk about Ohio's death, but he knew he had to. He could feel tears well up in his eyes, he fought desperately to hold them back.

He held onto Indiana tighter, not wanting to let go. The silence consumed them once again, neither of them saying a word.

"Have you talked to Indiana?" Alabama asked.

"Yeah, yesterday." Ohio responded to Alabama's question. He didn't tell Indiana about his plan, he knew it would hurt him to much. The only two people that knew where himself and Alabama.

Alabama nodded and looked at the Midwestern state, tears welling in his eyes. He hugged Ohio, crying into his boyfriend's chest.

He didn't want to do this.

Indiana started to cry. His breathing became shaky as tear rolled down his face.

"Hey it's ok." Bama cooed, trying to comfort the crying state.

"N-no it's n-n-not! Ohio's f-fucking d-dead!" Indiana sobbed. Ohio didn't deserve to die, not this soon. Indiana knew him and Alabama would've gotten more time with him, the doctors said so, but a monster had to go and ruin it by shooting him.

"Wh-why w-would s-s-someone k-kill h-him?" Indi asked, sobbing.

"I don't know." Alabama lied, he knew exactly why. He could feel the tears in his eyes threatening to fall, this time he let them.

"I-I don't w-want to do th-this, the d-d-doctors s-said y-you still have t-time. Just st-stay with us a b-b-bit longer." Alabama sobbed, he didn't want to kill him. He knew that's what Ohio wanted.

"I'd love to spend more time with you and Indiana, but I don't want it to be like this. I'm suffering and you know this." Ohio responded, his voice weak. He was terrified of what to come. He accepted it though, but that didn't lessen the fear that built up inside of him. He wanted to die, he just couldn't bring himself to do it himself.

Alabama sobbed as he held Indiana tightly. He didn't want to let go. He didn't feel like he deserved to be crying over Ohio, this was all his fault.

The pair didn't say a word. This time the silence felt sickening to Alabama.

Alabama took the gun out of his bag. He knew he had to do this. With tears falling down his face he pointed the gun at Ohio's head. He could see Ohio smile. He looked away, he couldn't bare to look at his boyfriend. He swallowed the lump in his throat, he didn't want to go this.

He closed his eyes and pulled the trigger.

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