Pleasure is found at the bottom of a bottle

187 8 2

TW: Alcoholism

Alabama sat outside, he saw Indiana asleep in a chair beside him. He admired how the sun kissed his boyfriends face, he smiled as he looked at Indiana. He looked back out across the yard, he admired the nature around. The chirping birds and the rustle of small animals made him close his eyes. He wanted to join Indiana in dream land. He was about to fall asleep when he heard the back door open.

"Hey y'all." Kentucky greeted as he stepped outside onto the porch.

"Hey Kentucky." Alabama responded, opening his eyes so he could look at the other southern state.

"You want one?" Kentucky asked, taking out a pack of cigarettes and grabbing one.

"Sure." Alabama responded, accepting the offer. Kentucky nodded and pulled out a cigarette, handing it to Alabama. Alabama grabbed his lighter and lit his cigarette.

"Ope hi." Indiana greeted the two states, stretching as he woke up.

"Hey Indiana, did we wake you up?" Kentucky asked, looking at the midwestern state. Indiana nodded, stretching.

"I'm sorry, you can go back to bed if you would like." Alabama apologized, looking at the tired state.

"No it's fine, you don't need to apologize for anything. I would like to go back to bed though." Indiana said, still very tired.

"Let's go inside then." Kentucky suggested, putting out his cigarette, Alabama followed suit.

"Sleep well Indiana." Alabama cooed, but his boyfriend had already fallen back asleep. The pair walked into the house, the cool air conditioning hit Alabama like a truck. He was outside in the warmth for so long he had gotten used to it.

"You seem to wanna tell me something, what is it?" Alabama asked, he had a hunch that Kentucky wanted to tell him something important. Kentucky sat down and Alabama sat down next to him.

"I found Ohio passed out drunk in the bathroom." Kentucky told Alabama. Alabama looked at him with surprise.

"You're joking right? Please tell me you're joking!" Alabama asked, his eyes wide with shock.

"I'm not." Kentucky said, his face was dead serious.

"I'm gonna go check on him." Alabama said, getting up to go check on Ohio. Kentucky nodded as he watched him leave.

Alabama opened the bathroom door to see Ohio passed out drunk on the floor. His heart broke for the midwestern state. He picked up the limp state and brought him to his bedroom. He laid his boyfriend onto his bed. He sighed and sat down next to Ohio, not wanting to leave him.

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