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Character Introductions

Name: Devin Harlowe
Age: 18
Hair Color: Blood Red
Eye Color: Deep Crimson
Bio: Devin's parents has died before he could grow up with them. He was taken into an orphanage where he made some friends and enemies. He's not really the type of guy you want to mess with because he will personally send you to Hell himself. But, in all honesty, Devin really is a nice guy once you get to know him.

Name: Kyle Holmes
Age: 16
Hair Color: Light Purple
Eye Color: Silver
Bio: Kyle is abused by his parents and bullied at school, even Angels have to stand in the rain to see the sun come up again. He is a kind guy but, when you make him angry, he'll make you fear for your life.


"D-Devin? Wh-what are you..." I said confused. "Shhh.... d-don't ruin this moment f-for me." Devin said, completely wasted. He had pinned me against the wall. I couldn't move my arms but part of me didn't want to. I didn't want to hurt the deviously gorgeous man in front of me. Sure, our ages don't quite match, but that's just a number. I mean, he's only two years older than me. Besides, Angels and Demons don't age after 19.

"B-but! What if they find out..." I ask nervously. "Who? Lucifer? God? Who gives.. a-a shit? Kyle, I love you." Devin said, slurring his words a bit. "Y-you don't mean that! I-it's just the a-alcohol!" I said. He couldn't love me, I'm an Angel! We're basically enemies! Plus, why would he be interested in a goody-two-shoes like me? I think to myself.

"Nope, I mean it. I-i wouldn't dare s-say this while sober." He laughed, "I'm bored. Let's just.... get this over with!" I gasped loudly, I knew what he was saying. "Wh-what?! No! We.... We can't have sex! What if-" I was cut short by Devin's laughter. "Oh, come on! I know yo-you wannit!" He laughs, "Ohhhhh yeah you do." He purred, staring me in the eyes. "I'll prove it to ya!" He smiled then pressed his lips against mine, still holding me against the wall.

Ohh... How I wanted this for so long. But I can't let it happen. But maybe... maybe just for a little longer. If it's only a little bit longer then it'll be alright, right? I relax and kiss him back, he loosens the grip around my wrists a little.

Devin bites my bottom lip, making me gasp, and slips his tongue in. He explores my mouth freely. I can taste the alcohol he had earlier, but I put it aside. He lets go of my arms and I wrap them around his neck, getting lost in the kiss. He pulled away, leaving wanting more. "Hahaha! See? You do want me." Devin said with the cutest smile ever.

"Wh-" But before I could protest, Devin kissed me again but this time he was being rough. He kissed me with a fiery passion that could melt the heavens. I didn't even try to stop him. I want this to happen. I want him.

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