Chapter 1//Whats Happening?

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I'm starting the chapter from when they were little kids, I hope that's ok. Well, it should be since it's my book!


"I wanna leave this place... I only have two friends. Everyone hates me!" I shout angrily to the headmaster. He sighs heavily. "Now, you know we can't just send you off all willy-nilly. You must be patient and wait for a nice couple to adopt you." He smiles patiently to me. I roll my eyes, feeling my blood boil. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever." I said viciously, "Sorry for wasting your precious life..." I walk out the room and slam the door.

I quickly walked down the hall to my room, quietly trying to block out the cold remarks thrown at me... It didn't work well. "What's wrong faggot?" One of my bullies said. He was the orphanage bully but he seemed to love me the most. I never learned his name, I never had interest in him, but I knew he was three years older than me.

I ignored him and continued to walk. "Hey! Listen to me when I'm talking to you! Get back over here, now!" He shouted. I continued to walk, picking up the pace, and felt my anger rise even more. When I entered my room, I blacked out. The last thing I remember was the door slamming shut on it's own. But when I woke back up, everything was destroyed, some of the adults were banging on my door and twisting the doorknob, hoping it would soon work.

"Huh?" I hum, confused. My windows were broken, the bed sheets were ripped violently, and the mattress was in pieces on the floor beside me. My dresser was nothing but wood shards and all my clothes were destroyed. It looked like a tornado or something ran through my room, leaving me alone. I walked in front of my mirror, or what was left of it, and suddenly everything felt unreal.

I had little, red bat wings growing from my back. Though they freaked me out, I kinda liked the way they looked. They couldn't lift me up yet but they were still pretty cool looking. How did this happen? I asked myself, still staring in the mirror.


The sound of my lock clicked and my wings suddenly scrunched back into my back, leaving two wide slits in my shirt. I saw the headmaster rush in and run up to me. "What happened? Are you ok? Are you hurt?" He asked me with a panicked look on his face. I just stared him in the eyes. I felt a smile creep onto my face. Kill him a man with a deep voice ordered me in my head. "Ok." I comply happily.

"Wha-" I cut off the headmaster and the door slammed shut again. I heard the lock of the door and the banging continued. I felt my bat wings beginning to show themselves. I looked in the mirror for a second and realized they were bigger now. I felt myself begin to get lighter as I lifted from the ground.

I looked down to him and laughed maniacally. "Wh- How are y-you doing th-" He asked nervously. Every time he opened his mouth to speak, he got more annoying. "Shut up!" I shouted at him, my voice much deeper than usual. A look of utter fear was plastered on his face and he ran for the door. I smirked.

I rose my hand to his head, waited for a few seconds, and quickly made it into a tight fist. He screamed loudly, grabbing his head with his hands for a few seconds before his head exploded. The blood was splattered everywhere near the door and his body fell into a puddle of blood underneath him.

I fell to the floor and the door swung open almost immediately. My wings were gone once again. I felt so weak but so powerful at the same time. I wondered when I might be seeing this new power again. The adults screamed and I smiled at their reactions to my lovely work. I grew tired and closed my eyes, happily drifting off to sleep.


I sat in my dark room alone, wondering why I've been punished. I did everything mom told me to do. I took out the trash, cleaned her room, washed every dish in the sink, cooked her food, cleaned the counters and oven when I was finished, washed the dishes again, and yet I'm punished? "Kyle! Get over here, NOW!" She shouted to me from the living room.

"Great... What now?" I whined quietly. I walked out to the living room where Mom stood, giving me the dirtiest glare. "Y-yes, Mom?" I asked hesitantly. "Come here..." She demanded darkly with one hand on her hip. I walked over slowly, not wanting to get close, but she grabbed my arm when I was in range, pulling me closer. She bent down so she was the same height as me. "You know your little... friends you talk to?" She asked me calmly. "Y-yes..." I answered quietly.

I know what friend she was talking about. Mom never really lets me outside besides school, so I don't really have friends, but this man said he would be my friend. He said his name is Jesus. He comforts me when I need it and he said I have a special 'gift'. I asked him once what this gift was, his only reply was that I would find out soon.

"Well, I'm sick and tired of hearing your stupid voice talking to your imaginary friend late at night!" She said, raising her voice. "I-i-i'm s-sorry! P-please don't.... d-don't hit me!" I pleaded. She raised her hand and just as she was about to hit me, I started to glow a bright gold. "Wha-?!" I shrieked as I started to float a bit.

A small pair of fluffy angelic wings floated behind my back and my hair turned to a brighter purple. My mother now looked afraid of me, I instinctively touched her hand without any intention of hurting her. She fell to her knees in tears. "I... I-I-I... I'm sorry!!" She sobbed loudly. I stood next to her and lightly stroked her head, telling her it was okay. But that still doesn't mean she's off the hook. I have a scar on my stomach from her...

After a while, things started to calm down and my wings dissolved into beautiful white feathers. My golden glow sunk back into my skin and my hair was back to it's normal shade of purple. I smiled at my mom who was quietly sleeping on the couch. I kissed her forehead and walked back to my room. After a small talk with Jesus, I went to bed.

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