Chapter 23//Embracing Insanity

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•What the hell's going on?! Can someone tell me please-- Why, I'm switching faster than the channels on TV! I'm black, then I'm white! No!!! Something isn't right!! My enemy's invisible, I don't know how to fight! ~ GUMI - Echo(English)•

Devins Pov

I grabbed onto the last shred of sanity I had left. I held onto it tightly.

Then... I slipped. My sanity broke into tiny pieces. I watched as it dissolved into nothingness.

I fell into a pool of black fluid. I slowly sunk into it, I saw someone. They looked familiar but I could've sworn I've never seen them in my life. It was a woman.

She had big black bat wings and long blood red hair with her little horns the same color as her hair. She reached out to me, I reached out to her, she almost had a hold of me... but the black fluid had grabbed me and pulled me down, drowning me.

I felt like I couldn't breath. I felt like I was falling. I felt helpless, weak, and trapped.

I wanted to stay awake, but I was just... so.... tired....
So I closed my eyes and felt a warming sensation around me. It embraced me.

Kyles Pov

"OH MY GOD!! DEVIN STOP!" I screamed in terror as he grabbed two knives and pounced on Ova. He had his arm up, ready to stab her.

Her black and red leopard prints disappeared. A little tiger attacked Devin, knocking him off of her. I noticed it was Tora.

She had black tiger stripes all over her body and her eyes were glowing yellow.

"A-Are you okay?" She asked as she helped her sister get up. "I'm fine.." Ova murmured back, "I just.... I lost some of my attack marks."

"Y-You still h-have your d-defense o-ones, though, r-right?" Tora asked. "Yeah. Don't worry about me, you need to worry about yourself right now. Remember training. That man out there was good for one thing, he did make us stronger people." She replied.


I looked over to where Devin was knocked over and he wasn't there anymore, "Guys..? Where's-" I started.

"Watch out!!" Ova shouted.

Devin had pounced on me from behind so I fell forward. He sat on top of my back, I couldn't breath right.

"Oh dear... You seem scared. Let me fix that." Devin said as he pressed his lips against mine.

Instantly I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. It grew larger and larger until Devin had finally pulled away. "Shit.." I heard Ova mutter.

But it wasn't until now that I heard white static playing in my ears.

Devins Pov

I smirked and got off of Kyle. He started screaming to himself, overwhelmed by the immense pain happening.

Justice walked in, cuts and bruises all over her body. She gasped as she saw Kyle, "What happened?!" She asked frantically.

"I've poisoned him with my love, I didn't want him to be scared, so I put the poison in him too." I shrugged, listening to my lovers screams of agony.

"Shit shit shit shit shit!!" Justice was panicking, trying to heal him and snap him out of it. "It's not gonna work.." I said.

"...I know how to fix this...." She muttered and ran back outside. Her two sisters looked at each other and ran after her.

Kyle had stopped screaming, I knew he wouldn't be able to hold on for long. I gave him one of my knives and we walked outside together.

Kyles Pov

I couldn't do it. I wasn't strong enough. So... I let go. I accepted the darkness and insanity. I let the madness embrace me, comfort me, heal me. See, it loves me, I just now realized that.

I walked outside and smiled. I saw Ryan there, he's my new father since I have his poison running through my veins.

He was being ambushed by the three siblings, though he was dogging their attacks like nothing.

I was the first to let my wings show themselves. They had been painted with the darkness. My halo was cracked and my heavenly aura was now gloomy and black.

I flew up into the sky and watched the fight. Devin joined me soon enough. I saw my father smirk, out cue to drop in.

We did as told and attacked them, I took hold of Ova while Devin took hold of Justice. Tora wasn't much of a threat.

We both held our knives up to their necks. "Good work." Ryan praised us. "J-Justice O-Ova! Why a-are you s-so obsessed w-with us?!" Tora screeched at Ryan. "Because you three have power that I want to explore." He replied and pushed her down.

Devins Pov

I could feel the insanity slowly melting away and I know Justice felt it.

I started to fight the darkness surrounding me, it attacked me back, leaving cuts, bruises, and burns on my body.

My waking body took the knife away from Justices neck. I dropped the knife completely and my hands flew to my head.

I raked through my hair and fell on my knees, "ANATA GA KATSU KOTO WA ARIMASEN! DU KOMMER INTE ATT VINNA! DANGSIN-EUN IGIL GEOS IBNIDA!" I screamed to myself if three different languages, 'You will not win!'(Japanese, Swedish, and Korean).

"What the hell?!" Ova shouted.

The static returned but it didn't stay long. I felt my power go back to where it should be.

I collapsed on the ground, tired, weak, frustrated.

Toras Pov

Now's my chance! I thought to myself. I ran up to Kyle and took the knife from his hand. I scratched his stomach with my sharp claws.

I watched as the black fluid poured out from his stomach. I kept scratching him everywhere.

The black fluid formed a puddle on the ground. The fluid pouring from his sounds turned into regular blood and he collapsed on the ground.

"Damn you... filthy children...." Ryan growled at us.

He disappeared into the shadow on the ground and reappeared behind Justice. He punched her back and she fell forward.

She was on her hands and knees now, Ryan kicked her down. He kept kicking her. Then he disappeared into the shadows again and reappeared behind Ova.

He tried to punch her but she turned around and grabbed his wrist. She used her sharp fangs to bite into his shoulder.

Drops of black fluid fell onto the floor before he disappeared. Ova's fangs had his black fluid on them.

Though the fluid is poison to others, he used to feed us this fluid everyday. We have it in our blood, we can control it.


We all spent an hour on fighting Ryan and then a bright light appeared in front of us, blocking us from attacking Ryan.

Out came a small girl, Dina. "Dina?! What're you doing here? How'd you do that?" Kyle asked.

"I'll tell you later." She said.

The light disappeared and Ryan had attacked her, stabbing right through her. Though, Dina wasn't phased by the huge blade sticking out from her stomach. "Dina!!" We all shouted.

Uhh.. Dina? You... okay there? O.o"
Hope you enjoyed XD

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