Chapter 17//Sisters

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•I don't know what I was thinking, leaving my child behind. Now I suffer the curse and now I am blind. ~ It's been so long - FNaF 2•

Dina's Pov

Me and Kiari walked back to the main warehouse with the cat woman who said her name was Justice. "Well, Justice, you look a lot like my friend Ova." I said.

"That's because she's my sister. But we were separated when we were one." She explained.

"Oh. I see. Well that explains that. But your little demon buddy told me that he ran into her, you were there with him. Why didn't you guys get back together?" I asked curiously.

"That's a good question...." She muttered sadly, "I wish I knew the answer to that."

We reached the warehouse and I pushed both of them through then proceeded to walk through myself. "Ova, please, show them where demon boy and Kyle are." I asked politely.

"Of course." She obeyed and led them back to the house.

Devins Pov

Kyle and I were clothed finally. I was wearing my black skinny jeans with no shirt, it's too hot for that. Kyle was wearing his white sweater and some light blue jeans. He was looking down at his hands regretfully and I don't blame him.

I'm guessing he didn't know what happened. I sure as hell didn't. I wouldn't even imagined him doing that on his own. "Devin..?" He asked sadly.

"Hmm?" I hummed.

"That wasn't my first time was it? Because, it sure didn't feel like it." He mumbled.

"H-How would I know?" I asked trying my best not to let my voice shake.

"Devin.... that time you were at my house, I was in pain, we did something.... didn't we?" He asked.

I stayed silent. "Devin.. you put something in my food or drink and then took advantage of me, didn't you?" He raised his voice and looked at me with an angered look.

"W-Well... I....." I sighed, "I-I didn't want to....."

"Then why did you do it?" He asked and raised his voice a bit more.

"Because if I didn't then my father would've abandoned me! I would've been a disgrace to my family. I didn't want that to happen..." I explained honestly.

Kyle grunted and walked outside in a newfound rage. I heard a familiar voice call out to him before the door closed.

In curiosity I went to check by as soon as I was two inches from the door Justice walked through with one hand on her hip, "Explain." She demanded.

"I told him the truth and I was going to apologize but he ran out." I said

She sighed, "What did you tell him?"

"That I took advantage of him that one day..." I murmured.

"WHAT?!" She exclaimed, "Devin!! You're not supposed to tell him! Unless........ No..... You don't.. do you?"

I nodded knowing what she meant, "Yes..... I love him...."

"Devin....." She sighed heavily, "Come on... let's go find him." She grabbed my wrist and started to run the way Kyle ran.

We stopped for a moment, "What's wrong?" I asked. "We'll go faster if you just ride me..." She said.

At first I was confused but then she turned into a horse sized cat. "Woah!" I exclaimed as I climbed on top of her. She began running and it was amazing. It felt like I was really on a horse!


After hours of screaming Kyles name and running around. We finally found him deep in the woods, sitting by a lake. "What do you guys want?" He asked sadly.

"Kyle..." I sighed, "Kyle... I'm... Im sorry...... I never meant to hurt you." I apologized.

He looked up at me shocked, "I never knew you knew what sympathy was. Because you've got the look of regret in your eyes." He joked.

"I'll let you off the hook just this once. But only because it seems like you really meant this." Kyle said as he got up and hugged me.


Kyle and I rode Justice back to the house. We were greeted by Kyles parents with warm hugs. Everyone looked happy, except for Kyle.

Kyle took me into the other room and we sat down next to each other, "I have some bad news...." He said sadly and looked down at his hands.

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