Chapter 22//New Companion

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•Come on! Shoot faster! Just a little bit of energy, yeah! I wanna try something fun right now - I guess some people call it ANARCHY!! ~ Get Jinxed - LoL•

Devins Pov

I sat alone outside, thinking. Why would those women want me?.. I don't understand..

A little girl with purple hair walked up to me. She had a black beanie on and a white sweater with some regular shorts, black cat tights, and black flats. "Umm... A-Are you D-Devin?" She asked nervously, "I-I heard m-my sisters w-were with you..."

I nodded, "Yeah. Who're your sisters?"

"Th-Their names are Justice a-and Ova.." She said.

I led her to them. She squealed their names and ran into their arms. "Tora?! What're you doing here? How did you find us?" Ova asked with tears in her eyes.

"I-I followed y-your s-scent." She said, "I m-missed you guys.... s-so much."

"What's with the beanie?" Justice asked.

"P-People wouldn't s-stop m-making fun o-of me. S-So I put o-on a beanie a-and a hoodie t-to hide my e-ears and t-tail." She replied and took off her beanie and hoodie.

On top of her head was one purple tiger like ear, the other one was black but halfway ripped off. And she had a long purple and black stripped tail. "How's your ear?..." Justice asked sadly. "I-It still h-hurts f-from when h-he ripped i-it off..." She replied.

"Oh... from when.. I ripped it off?" I heard a familiar voice behind me ask. I turned around and saw him.

"Ryan?! What the fuck?!" I shouted.

Justice and Ova put Tora behind them protectively. "I just wanted to see my daughters... Is that so wrong?" He asked innocently. "Stay AWAY from us!" Ova shouted at him. Little leopard spots were barely visible on her skin.

"Well, you've gotten feisty... When did that happen?" He asked.

"None of your business damn it." The leopard prints were starting to show more, it was clear to see she was fighting it.

"C'mon, stop fighting the gift you have. Just let it embrace you." Ryan said, annoyed with how much she was fighting it.

"NO! Cause then.... I'd be... like you...." She said.

I saw Tora hug her from behind and the leopard prints faded slightly, "I-It's ok, s-sis. It w-won't take o-over, just b-believe that it won't t-take over, a-and it w-won't." She said.

Ryan's Pov

I shot a look over at Devin and muttered, "Activate." Low enough for only me to hear.

He gave me a questioning look before clenching his stomach and falling to his knees in pain. Justice gave me a death glare before rushing over to him.

"Fight it." She told him

"Fight.. what?" He asked

"Fight the pain! The demon is trying to crawl out of you!" She replied frantically.

Devins Pov

I felt it... My power was increasing with incredible speed.... I felt like it was going to explode, my stomach... it hurts... so badly. It's unbearable...

I felt the pain travel up through my chest and neck. It's in my head now, I can't hear anything but static.

I put my hands to my head. "MAKE IT STOP!!!" I scream to no one.

I feel someone trying to shake me, I can't hear them. My vision is blurry as I turn to them. It's Justice.

Kyle walked out of the door just a minute ago, he's also here.

A warm liquid fills my eyes and all I can see is beautiful crimson. It falls from my eyes and I get a quick look at everyone's worried faces.

I'm trying to fight this pain I feel, but it's not working and I can slowly feel myself losing my sanity.

The pretty crimson slips from my eyes again and I see that Justice is gone and it's just Kyle here. His eyes are filled with worry, I think. I couldn't see, my eyes just filled with more pretty crimson.

Kyles Pov

What's happening? Why can't he hear me? Why is he crying blood?

"Devin! Please!" I beg.

More blood drops from his eyes as a smile slowly creeps onto his face.

"Why can't he hear me?!" I asked panicked. "His magic source is in his head. He's unable to get it out." Ova explained.

"Th-The power i-is spitting white s-static, th-that's all h-he can hear." Tora says, "I k-know what i-it's like... D-Daddy did th-that to m-me once... I-It was like a-a n-nightmare..."

"Well... how did you stop it?" I asked desperately.

"I f-fought a-as hard a-as I c-could. But I-I almost d-died..." She explained, "H-He's already s-smiling, though, I-I'm n-not sure if h-he can do i-it..."

I looked back at Devin and the blood had changed to a black fluid. "What the hell is going on?" I whimpered.

Devins Pov

The static got louder and my eyes were coated with black. I tried getting it out by rubbing my eye, but my eye started to hurt so I stopped.

I had an itch on my neck, so I started to scratch it hard. My neck became really hot and a hand grabbed my wrist.

The black stuff went away from my eyes and I could see Kyle and the others.

I still couldn't hear over the static. Kyle looked at me with fear, I was confused.

Kyles Pov

I stared at Devins eyes. They were like TV static, the entire eye was just TV static. "Oh my god..." I whispered and backed away.

"BASTARD!!" I heard Ova's voice scream.

I looked up and her leopard spots were clear, they were multicolored. Black, Red, Pink, White, and Blue leopard spots covered her entire body. A dark aura surrounded her as her claws grew longer and sharper.

Her eyes turned red and started to glow, leaving behind a little light trail whenever her head moved.

Tora sighed sadly beside me. "What.. what's wrong?" I asked.

"Sh-She let i-it control h-her.. I-I h-hope no o-one dies th-this t-time.." She said sadly.

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