Side Story - Rings

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I love my life with my boyfriends. We get along well, while also having occasional fights about stupid things. We always make things work in the end. I already feel like we're close enough, and that we'll always be tied to each other, but I've wanted a symbol to show it.

I'm not even sure if we can all get married to each other. It might be a complicated process. But maybe we don't need a big wedding to show how we'll always be together. I want something simple. I look down at my empty ring finger. It feels like something is missing.

I think the boys have noticed that something's off with me. I'm not sure how to bring it up or what their opinion on it would be. I don't want to force them to wear something all the time if they don't like it or it makes them uncomfortable.

One day, we all went out for a date night. We're a big group so it's a bit limited for where we can go and all sit together. It was late but we sat outside of a restaurant, enjoying the night air and the few stars we could see above.

"Akiara, we actually have a surprise for you~" Hisashi said, smiling.

"A surprise? It's not even my birthday." I replied.

"Well, we wanted to do something to cheer you up." Kentaro said.

"What?? You didn't have to! I'm alright."

"Still... We want to make sure you're happy." Gin said.

"I hope you like it...!" Matsu said.

I couldn't say no to that... I bet I'd like whatever they gave me. I know each gift will be filled with love.

Together, they took out a box and put it on the table. They took off the lid to show white cushioned rows with rings wedged between them. There were five in total and they all looked the same. The reflection in them caught the light from the restaurant and they seemed to dazzle.

"They're matching rings~ For all five of us~" Hisashi explained.

Kentaro took my hand and one of the rings. He slipped it on my finger. It was a perfect fit. How'd they get my ring size?

"We wanted to cheer you up by giving you something special. I'm glad it fits." Kentaro said.

"Do you want to put mine on me?" Gin asked.

"Me too...!"

Staring at the ring on my finger, and all of my boyfriends looking at me with loving eyes, I couldn't help but tear up.

"You guys... How'd you know this is what I wanted...?" I asked.

"Lucky guess~" Hisashi said.

I sniffed. "I love you all so much!!"

I hugged Kentaro and Gin who were nearest to me. Then I put on their rings for them. I felt so happy seeing all of our rings. The tears finally spilt out of my eyes.

"Hey, don't cry...!" Kentaro was surprised and didn't know what to do.

Gin hugged me again and let me cry into him. Matsu reached over to pat my head.

"These rings look so magical~ I'm never taking it off~" Hisashi said.

"Well, I don't want to lose mine or break it... I may have to take it off for work."

"As long as you have it on the rest of the time, it'll be fine~"

"Thank you guys!!" I finally got a hold of myself and wiped my eyes.

Every time I see the ring, I'll think of them. They'll always be with me no matter what. I couldn't be happier.

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