Chapter 34

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(April 2)
It seemed like today was the same as any other. But I noticed that Yuuma and Ana seemed on edge. They were so distracted with talking quietly to each other, that it seemed like Yuuma couldn't focus on the daily schedule.

The boys and I shared a confused look. If those two keep at it like this, nothing will get done today.

"Counselor Yuuma, what's wrong?" I finally ask.

He looks at me and pauses. He shares a look with Ana. Then he walks towards us. "It's nothing you all need to worry about. Sorry that I've been distracted. Let's continue—"

Just then, the cafeteria doors are thrown open. A frazzled Tamiyo stands there. She rushes over to Yuuma.

"Is it true?? Is he coming here!?" She's shaking like a leaf.

I quickly stand up. "Is it that guy who you guys keep mentioning?? Did something?? Is the camp okay??"

"Please, calm down." Yuuma's voice and facial expression were the same as usual. Even if he doesn't look flustered, I can tell he has been since he's been talking with Ana this whole time. How can he tell us to calm down when he probably isn't calm himself??

Ana steps in. "We don't know why he's suddenly coming to visit the camp, but let's stay calm before we jump to conclusions. I was telling Yuuma this, but maybe he's finally interested and wanted to see how things were going."

"Yes, that would be good if he was interested. I may have a better chance of keeping the camp if that's the case." Yuuma said.

Tamiyo doesn't look convinced. She looks terrified at this news. I can't help but feel nervous too. I try to think back on all my actions. Nothing I did should have put this camp in jeopardy. I don't think anyone else did anything wrong either. If we act as normal as the mysterious man checks up on the camp, maybe everything will be alright. But what's this ominous feeling like I'm missing something?

"Where did you hear about this news, Tamiyo?" Yuuma asks her.

"Huh? Um... I heard some of the officers talking about it... Apparently he summoned an officer named Hida and said he would visit the camp..."

Hida? That officer that was rude to Gin? Where did I see him last?

Yuuma is a bit quiet after hearing that. Then he speaks again. "I hope nothing happened with Hida."

"When will he be arriving...?" Tamiyo asks, looking afraid of the answer.

"He called the camp phone and said he was on his way as I made breakfast." Ana explained.

Tamiyo jumped. "He could be here soon then!! What do we do!? Will everything really be alright!? My duties... I'm always supposed to be focused on my duties... I'll make sure everything is clean before he even steps foot inside the camp!!"

With that, Tamiyo scurried off in a frenzy. She's a bit too riled up... I'm also worried about meeting this guy though. I look to Yuuma for instruction. Should we start cleaning up too? Or should we try to act normal as we go through the day as usual?

Yuuma seems to have read my mind. "Let's continue the day for now. We shouldn't stop the activities, especially if he wants to see them in action. If that happens, you'll take care of him, alright, Ana?"

Ana nods. "Yes, I can take care of him and show him around."

"Alright. Let's begin our workout."

As we do our workout outside, we all can't help but stare at the entrance to the camp. We wait to see the guest who will soon be arriving. I hope we don't meet him while we're all sweaty like this... But I'm almost more worried about what kind of news he'll bring.

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