Chapter 23

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(November 10 continued)
"It's really you...?" Nikushimi asks.

I look away. "Yes..."

"Why didn't you say anything...?"

"You didn't recognize me, so... I thought I'd keep it that way... How'd you finally realize it was me?"

"Wait, wait... Let me wrap my head around this... You must have recognized me sooner than I did you, right...? But you didn't want me to know it was you..."

"Yeah, I recognized you immediately..."

"You really should have said something...! Akiara, it's really good to see you... I'm so surprised I didn't recognize you until you smiled... You have the same smile, you know that?"

I glance at him. What's with that look... He has a fond look in his eyes... Why is he looking at me like that?? I look away again.

"Why are you here, Nikushimi...?" I ask.

He pauses. "That's kind of a long story... Can I tell you about it from when we parted ways when we were younger?"

Parted ways? That's what he's calling it? Does he not remember that he left me?? Does he not realize how badly he hurt me??

I look at him and glare. "No. I don't want to hear it."

Nikushimi looks taken back. "Akiara, did I... Did I do something wrong...?"

"You don't even know? Whatever, it doesn't matter. Just forget about it. It's in the past and I guess it's not even important anymore." I fold my arms and look away.

The others quietly watch the spectacle. They're probably dying of curiosity... But I don't even want to have this conversation with Nikushimi. I thought the day he arrived would be a good day, but then he ruined it. I thought today would be a good day too, but he ruined it again. Is he just here to bring up bad memories and ruin my good days? I don't want to see him. I don't want him here at all. Why did he have to come here??

"...please tell me." Nikushimi says. "I want to know what I did wrong... I want to make it right, if I can..."

"What you did wrong, huh? I can't believe you don't even realize how you hurt me. I thought we were friends, Nikushimi. How could you hurt me like that?"

"I... I don't know...! It was so long ago, I can't remember everything very well... I remember how we spent our days, happily playing together. But they're blurry memories. Your smile has always been the clearest thing."

"So you just easily forgot the most important part... How you left me, after saying I was a bad person. That you didn't want to associate with me anymore. I was actually trying to change because of you. I wanted to change and be someone you'd be proud of hanging out with. But you found out the worst part of myself before I could try to change... Then you just up and left... I was crushed. It still hurts me to this day. I didn't want to see you again. Why are you here...??"

Nikushimi looks hurt from my words. Why should I care? He hurt me too. All these memories from the past that are coming back to me are painful. I don't want them. Why can't I just forget about it all?? Why can't I forget Nikushimi??

"I think..." Nikushimi says. "I think I remember something like that... The day I left... I left because my parents forced me. I was a kid, it's not like I could stay there by myself as my parents moved away. I had to go with them, whether I wanted to or not. And in my little kid brain... I thought that whatever my parents told me was right... They told me about how you were a thief and your parents let you run wild. They said you were a bad person and that I shouldn't be involved with you. They didn't want me neglecting my studies and becoming wild like you were. It was all my parents. I figured what they said was right and maybe you were a bad person, even if I knew otherwise since I was always with you.

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