Chapter 1

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(June 2)
I wake up to the sound of a shrill whistle. I still feel groggy and tired. What time is it...? Oh, wait, Yuuma said that the day starts at 7 am... That's not too bad, but I'm more used to sleeping in. I'm not the best with mornings, but who is? If you claim you're a morning person, you have to be an alien.

I slip down the ladder attached to the bunk bed. It looks like Kentaro refuses to get up. He's still in bed and even has his pillow over his head. Hey, won't he get punished if he's late...? Well... Not my problem! Yuuma may be lenient since it's our first day anyway.

I head to the bathroom and open the door. Gin and I startle each other. He's standing at the mirror, putting his mask back on. Could I have seen him without the mask!? Gin quickly pushes past me, out of the bathroom. He's too on edge, I'll never see what's under the mask... I thought for a moment it was a fashion choice, but seeing him hurriedly cover his face with it, that can't be the case. If he's so secretive, I can't help but want to make him take the mask off.

I go to the mirror and wash my face in the sink. I look up at the mirror. I have dark black hair, pink eyes, and black studs in my ears. Water drips from my chin and from the ends of my bangs. I look a little tired. If you asked if I cared about my appearance, I'd say I care about it to some degree. I care more about my actions than the way I look though. I've got to act like a good boy during my sentence so I can finish when the year is up. I can't let anything keep me here longer than necessary.

I finish up in the bathroom. My clothes are just a casual black t-shirt and pajama shorts. It's summer so I don't want to wear anything that'll make me die from the heat. Yuuma didn't say if we had to wear anything specific. I'll be lazy and just go to the cafeteria like this.

I leave Kentaro as he's still in bed and I don't see Gin anywhere. He probably already went ahead to the cafeteria. I head there myself. When I get there, I see Yuuma is passing out clothes.

Gin receives them as if he's a statue frozen in place. Matsu stares at the clothes and tries to look at the pile from different angles even though it's in his arms. Hisashi looks excited about receiving new clothes and compliments the color.

"Good morning, Akiara." Yuuma greets me. He starts handing me outfits and I have to put my arms out to hold all of it. "This is your spring and summer uniform, this is your fall and winter uniform, there are extra pairs of each, and you can have your pick of tennis shoes on the counter."

I'm a bit surprised about being bombarded like this as soon as I walk in. But I walk over to the counter to look at the shoes. They're basically the same shoes but in different colors. I take a dark pink pair. Then Yuuma tells me to go change into the summer uniform so I go back to my cabin.

Kentaro is finally getting up and looks confused at the pile of clothes in my arms. I smile to reply. "Counselor Yuuma is giving us our uniforms. You should hurry over to the cafeteria now."

He stands up and scratches his head. "Alright..." is all he says. He enters the bathroom for a moment before leaving. I wait until he leaves.

I change into the summer uniform. It's a navy blue collared shirt with brown shorts. We provide our own socks and mine our black. I put on the pink shoes too. It's a decent and comfortable uniform. But huh? What's this sewn onto the left side of the shirt? I look closer in the mirror. It's a pink badge, like a badge you'd get as a boy scout. And in the circular badge is an animal. It's a...

I freeze. How does Yuuma know about this animal...? It's such a bizarre animal that you wouldn't even think to make a badge of it for someone. Unless he knew my supposed favorite animal... You can barely tell what it is since it's just a pink outline, but I know all too well. It's the world's happiest animal, the quokka.

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