Chapter 41

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(May 18)


Since the boys were continuing to sleep around, Matsu especially wanted to join in on that. He wanted to do it with Kentaro. They haven't done it one-on-one yet. Matsu wanted to experience it at least once while they're still in the camp.

"K-Kentaro... would you... l-like to... do it w-with me tonight...?" Matsu asked, blushing.

Kentaro found the blush cute. "Yeah, let's do it."

"Ugh, I have to leave my cabin again?" Nikushimi chimed in at dinner. "All of you are way too horny."

"It's not just being horny, it's also loving the other person!!" Akiara said.

"Whatever." Nikushimi didn't want to hear any more.

Now that that was settled, night fell and Kentaro met Matsu in his cabin alone.

// NSFW omitted. //

Then they laid together, talking. Matsu shared some stories from the orphanage and living with his homeless buddies. Kentaro shared some stories from his own life. They talked into the night until they curled up together to sleep.


The days passed as usual. When it got closer to the end of most of our sentences, I began to feel excited. I don't want to be stuck here forever, that's for sure. But it wasn't all bad staying here. I just want my freedom back. It'll be so nice to be able to go wherever I want, talk to whoever I want, drink and eat whatever I want, and sleep with those I love whenever I want.

But I will miss Yuuma and the others.

"So you're just going to let other criminals come here once we leave?" I ask Yuuma one day.

"Not yet. We have to make sure the camp is in better shape before we let others in. I can even hire a few new people to help out now that I own the camp. Once that's all done, then I'll allow more people to come in."

"That sounds great! I'd like to see the new and improved camp once it's finished!"

"I'd be happy if you visited."

I beam at him. No offense to him, but I may want to stay away for a while. But I will visit eventually. I even kind of like the idea of helping new criminals out. I wonder if maybe I can volunteer here in the future?

"I think my parents are coming to pick me up once my sentence is finished..." Kentaro said, looking a little worried.

"Really?" I ask. "I'll get to meet them!"

"Will your parents be coming?" Nikushimi asks me.

I hesitate. "Well... I doubt they would... It'd be a shock if they were waiting for me when I leave."

"Where do I go after I leave...?" Gin asked, looking anxious.

"Don't worry!!" I exclaim. "You can stay with me!! I'm not just going to let you fend for yourself, all alone!"

"Yeah, we'll help you out." Kentaro said.

"I-I may need s-some help too at f-first..." Matsu scratched his cheek, looking awkward.

"I will watch over all of you until you're ready to leave the nest!!" I say.

"So reliable~" Hisashi commented. "May I call you Momma Akiara from now on~?"

"If that's what you want. I'll be your sugar momma." I grin.

"You guys are stupid." Kentaro said.

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