Chapter 46

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(July 28)
Shusaku was trying to act nonchalant despite yesterday's events. Okui was sitting next to him, eating quietly. He couldn't help but smile at him. Then he caught Hisashi staring. He quickly dropped his smile and tried to look everywhere else.

Of course Hisashi caught on that Shusaku liked Okui, but he also knew what event took place last night. It was entertaining to see Shusaku's reaction. From Hisashi's smile and focus on Shusaku and Okui, Nikushimi managed to catch on that something happened. He didn't want any part of it so he sighed and looked away.

"Are you better today, Shusaku?" Kutsuna asked.

"Huh?? What do you mean??" Shusaku was startled.

"Well I heard that you hurt your shoulder and you sat alone for the rest of yesterday." She looked confused as to why he was so startled.

"Oh... That... I'm alright now! I wasn't upset at you guys or anything..." He just needed time to think by himself.

"That's good."

There's no way for Kutsuna to know what happened between him and Okui... He should stay calm. But Hisashi was too entertained and wanted to tease him.

"How was last night~?" Hisashi bluntly asked.

Shusaku was shocked. "Last night...!? What... What do you mean...??" How does Hisashi know!?

"So was it not very good~?"

"What!? Of course it was good!! But how...!?"

"I'm glad~" Hisashi beamed.

"He's like a dog." Nikushimi said. "I don't know what he can smell, but he smells something."

"Smell??" Shusaku was very concerned. He began smelling himself to see if he could smell anything strange.

"You smell good." Okui chimed in.

"I showered so I should smell fine..."

"The smell doesn't go all the way away~ I can still smell it~" Hisashi explained.

"Well, stop smelling it!!" Shusaku exclaimed, flustered.

"Smell what...?" Kutsuna was utterly confused.

"Nothing!! It's nothing!! He's just crazy!!"

"O...kay..." She was disturbed by his desperation.

Shusaku put his head in his hands. He wants to disappear. Hisashi somehow knows what happened last night... And Nikushimi is acting like him smelling something is a regular occurrence so he probably knows too... At least Kutsuna still seems clueless... Is Hisashi trying to give him a heart attack!?

Despite Hisashi's awareness of what's going on, Shusaku and Okui still hooked up each night. Each time was passionate as if they were both craving it for a long time. Shusaku was satisfied with this. Although, he felt like he might be taking advantage of Okui.

"Is it alright to do this every time?" Shusaku asked after another nightly session.

"Yeah. Do you not want to?" Okui asked.

"That's not...! I just... You want to be naked so you're comfortable... but I get turned on each time... maybe you don't like that..." He couldn't meet Okui's eyes.

"If I didn't like it, we wouldn't be doing this every time. I really don't mind. I enjoy doing it with you."

Shusaku met his eyes. He was smiling sweetly. He's handsome...

"I'm glad then..." Shusaku smiled too.

Yes, Shusaku was satisfied with just this. As long as they both want to do it, then they would. It's just sex. There are no other feelings involved. If there were... Shusaku is afraid he might get his heart broken again...

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