Chapter 10

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For the rest of the week, I get to have fun with everyone since we're all sitting together during mealtime. Kentaro has shown his hatred for Hisashi, but Hisashi doesn't seem fazed. Gin is quiet as usual but likes to stick by my side when he can. It's like he's a puppy following me around. I find it cute. Also since this week I have bonding activities with Matsu, I can spend even more time with him. I'm really happy right now. It seems like I can live peacefully like this from now on.

I still haven't done it with Hisashi, or Matsu again... I still don't know how to do it... There is one option. I sneak into their cabin and have one of them go to my cabin for the night so I can be alone with the other one. But then the others in my cabin will be confused, or maybe catch on to what's happening. Kentaro wouldn't accept Hisashi coming over again especially. I don't know what to do... I don't know if I want Gin and Kentaro to catch on... Maybe they at least know I have some kind of relationship with Matsu? They haven't reacted much to it. They seem to be minding their own business. I don't know though.

So I've been at a standstill for a week. Matsu says it's alright and I'm not sure if he means that, or he's just getting help from Hisashi to wait for me and that's why it's fine. Dammit... They get to have all the fun... I guess another option would be a threesome... I'm not completely opposed I guess... But if I do either option, I have to leave my cabin for a night and I'm still worried about the others wondering what I'm doing. Why does it seem like I'm making it so complicated...?

(July 29)
It's Monday. It's the same as ever. But then Yuuma says something to Gin.

"Gin, you got a letter." Yuuma hands it to him.

Gin slowly takes it, confused. A letter? We can get letters here? How come no one sends me letters?? Boohoo... I don't have true friends who'd send me one... And obviously my parents wouldn't send me one either... Who is Gin's letter from?

Before I can see, Gin hides the letter in his coat pocket. It must be a secret... A secret girlfriend? Or boyfriend? I see how it is, Gin... You've got someone outside the camp... I guess I don't need to be sad though, I have Matsu. And kind of Hisashi too...?

I didn't realize then how horrified Gin was to receive that letter. And I didn't realize that this would drastically change our current relationship.

The day went on as usual. The bonding activities are with Hisashi now. He keeps smiling at me and inviting me over to his cabin. Since I'm still conflicted with how it'll work out, I keep turning him down. He won't stop saying it though. Maybe I should stop thinking about what Gin and Kentaro will think and just do it...

I mull over it again today. When the day ends and we can go to our cabins, I bite my nails, wondering what to do. Everyone goes on ahead of me. Then I notice Gin is acting strange. Right... He got a letter, didn't he? He didn't read it at all yet. If I got a letter, I'd immediately open it. I'm really curious about his actions. I follow Gin from a distance and use the cover of night to help stay hidden.

The security around the camp was pretty heavy for the first few days. It's lessened a lot now, like a sign of trust from Yuuma. Even if I did try to escape, I'd be running into the woods. How would I know my way around them? I'd get lost for days and then die. I'd rather not die. But because of the lack of security now, Gin easily slips into the forest without anyone seeing except me. Is he actually trying to escape!? He's gonna die like me!! I have to stop him!!

I hurry into the forest. The moonlight is blocked by the trees, making it even darker than it already was. I'm going to get lost... But I have to find Gin. He definitely went this way. I'll find him if I keep going.

I step through bushes and push away branches in my way, getting small cuts on my hands and almost getting whacked by the branches. Did Gin really come this way?? How far did he go in?? I'm totally dead.

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