Chapter 35

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(April 2 continued)
Yuuma couldn't stay still after seeing Kentaro punch Hisashi. He immediately grabbed Kentaro. He was going to hit him again. Yuuma held his arms down to stop him.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!!" Kentaro screamed. "I fucking hate you!! We're in this mess because of you!! Don't you even feel a tiny bit sorry!? You bastard!! You fucking bastard with your stupid smile always plastered to your face!! I never know what you're thinking!! I never know if you care about any of us or if it's just a really good act!! But this!? Screwing all of us over like this!? I'm fucking done!! I can't believe you!!"

Kentaro struggled in Yuuma's arms and kept going. "You're the one who caused Akiara to be tied to a tree!! You have no fucking right to get angry!! You're the cause of all of this!! You've screwed Yuuma over even though you know exactly how much he fucking loves this place!! Fuck you!! I regret it all!! Take it all back!! I never want to spend another fucking night with you again!! Take all those emotions back!! I hate them!!"

Hisashi could only stare at the writhing Kentaro. He could only let his words sink into himself without saying anything. There was the metallic taste of blood in his mouth. His cheek hurt. But what hurt more was... his heart. Who knew he could feel like this? He felt similar when anyone would badmouth his mom... but now he felt the same way. Maybe even worse. "Wow. I love him that much, huh?" he thought. But now he's ruined everything.

Blood began to run out of Hisashi's nose. Ana quickly grabbed a cloth and rushed over. She held it to his nose to try and stop the bleeding. The other onlookers were frozen. Until...

"Pfft... Hahahahahaha!!" Takagawa was laughing a somewhat evil laugh. "I like this kid!! He must be the one with the assault charge? I guess we can make that two charges. He definitely deserves to be in prison. How else are you supposed to control that frightening temper of his? Hahaha!!"

Kentaro was starting to calm down after pouring his heart out. He was huffing from all the yelling and trying to break free from Yuuma. He glared daggers at Hisashi while Hisashi stared back, almost empty. Yuuma loosened his grip.

"...Calm down." He said. "Now that you've let it all out, calm down."

Kentaro huffed and puffed some more. "Yuuma... Aren't you angry? That bastard screwed everything up... It's all his fault... Give him a harsh punishment!! He fucking deserves it!!"

"I said calm down." Yuuma's voice had venom to it. That shut Kentaro up.

Yuuma loosened his grip more. Then, when he knew Kentaro wouldn't do anything else, he let go of him. He turned to Takagawa.

"Sir, I don't think you understand." Yuuma said.

"Huh? What do I not understand?" Takagawa replied, irritated.

"You can't send a kid with issues that he doesn't know to deal with into a prison. Especially since prisons aren't run the right way at all. The ideal prison would help this kid with his anger issues. They'd introduce methods of calming down like breathing exercises and meditation. They'd try to help him through whatever trauma that might have caused his anger issues. They'd properly take care of him so he can be better, instead of staying the same or even getting worse.

"Prisons don't do that though. They're run with violence and fear. No one is taken care of properly. No one gets the help they need. And so no one comes out a better person. In fact, they may revert to their old ways and continue committing crimes. I've seen it first hand with my dad. That is why I wanted to make this camp. I may have failed this time, but I want to do better. I want to create a proper correctional facility. One that actually does what it's supposed to."

Takagawa didn't look impressed. "Really? So you think you can help every criminal you come across to get better? What about cold blooded murderers? People who feel no remorse from killing others? In fact, people who get off on the blood that stains their hands? What about murderers who kill men, women, and children?"

Camp Criminal (SFW)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora