Chapter 16

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(September 9)
I was right. Things are different and weird. Kentaro won't sit with us. I still sat with Hisashi despite everything that happened yesterday. Matsu sat with me. Gin seemed unsure, but because I was sitting here, he sat with me too. Kentaro seems angry at my decision but doesn't voice it.

Hisashi was surprised that I still sat with him. His smile is strained. But grateful. Even though I'm sitting here, I still don't know what to say to him... There's just awkward silence. Ana seems surprised at how quiet it is when she gives us our meals. Yuuma quietly watches over us but doesn't force any reconciliation.

When a few days go by, the silence and Kentaro's icy glares get to be too much. I can tell Gin feels uncomfortable sitting with Hisashi but he still wants to be with me. This can't go on... I can't take it... At least Matsu seems fine with sitting with Hisashi. He shares a cabin with him, so he kinda has to be fine... But he also slept with him, just like I have. I feel like we have to know him a bit better than the others.

(September 13)
One day, I get Matsu alone.

"Matsu... Do you hate Hisashi?" I ask.

Matsu blinks at my sudden question. "I... I don't t-think I can hate h-him... He f-feels bad about his c-crime... And I k-know he wouldn't f-force anyone into s-sex... My first t-time with him m-may have started out a-awkward... but he g-got my consent b-before we did a-anything..."

"I agree with you. I'm glad we're on the same page. Since he feels bad about his crime and he'll never do it again, can't we all be on good terms again?"

"T-That would be ideal..."

"We should talk to Gin and see what he thinks, especially when we tell him about our own experiences with Hisashi."

"Y-Yes, maybe Gin w-will feel more c-comfortable once we do..."

With that, I tell Matsu to meet me later when it's just before bedtime. Kentaro goes to bed early and I snag Gin. I ask Yuuma if we can talk in the cafeteria and he says we still have time before we have to be in bed. Once we're all sitting, me across from Matsu and Gin, I start our meeting.

"Sorry to grab you without explanation, Gin." I say.

"It's alright... What are we here for...?" He replies.

"I wanted to know what you think of Hisashi."

"Hisashi...?" Gin averts his eyes. "I don't know him that well..."

"Yeah, I figured you'd say that..." I sigh.

"What Hisashi did..." Gin says. "Was very wrong... You don't seem that uncomfortable around him though..."

"I don't think he's that bad of a person. Matsu agrees with me, right?"

"Y-Yes...! B-Before we ever do a-anything with each o-other, he always g-gets my consent." Matsu smiles.

I nod. "And... Thinking back, I remember how he acted when you ran away because you didn't want to face your dad, Gin. He stopped me from going after you. He knew I was going to mess up and say something wrong... So he tried to stop me and put my head on straight. I don't know what would have happened if he didn't prevent me from making a big mistake."

"He did that...?" Gin's eyes are wide as he stares at me. Then he looks away as he's in thought.

// TW: Rape //

"I wanted to talk to you because I don't think he's a bad person." I say. "His crime is definitely awful and rape is never justified. But hasn't he looked like he regrets it? I'm sure he'd never intentionally hurt someone because I believe he cares about others a lot..."

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