Chapter 26

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(December 31)
When I ask if Yuuma has anything planned for New Years, he says that he'll set off fireworks once it's midnight. Of course fireworks are great and we definitely should set them off for New Years, but we should do more than just that. I ask if we can host a dance when it's evening. Yuuma doesn't have any objections to my idea and says he will help set it up.

"Will you dance with us? Maybe with Ana??" I ask.

"No. I don't dance." Yuuma immediately replies.

I want to say "party pooper" but I hold my tongue. He doesn't seem like the type to dance, but it was worth a try. Ana seems excited about the dance and helps decorate the cafeteria. She also provides the music. I request a few songs and she adds them to her playlist.

We all find our most formal clothes that we brought with us to the camp and get ready for the dance. Yuuma let us wrap up the schedule early today so we would have time. When we all arrive at the cafeteria, everyone looks so dapper. I might fall in love with all of them again...

The dim lighting sets the mood and the music that Ana plays fits well. It's sorta like a prom in high school. I grab Gin's hands so we dance together first. I see Hisashi pull Kentaro onto the dance floor (which is just the middle of the cafeteria with the tables pushed against the walls). I'm curious as I watch Matsu walk over to Nikushimi, asking to dance. It seems like he gets shut down and he ends up just standing next to Nikushimi as they both watch the rest of us. I'll have to dance with Matsu next.


"I don't know how to dance." Kentaro said as Hisashi pulled him along.

"Don't worry about that~ We aren't doing anything complicated~ We can just sway~"

Hisashi pulled him close and put his arms around his neck. Kentaro put his hands on Hisashi's waist. They swayed to the music.

"I guess this isn't bad." Kentaro commented.

"Of course~ I like having you so close to me~" Hisashi smiled.

"Seems like you always want to be inside me, rather than just close like this..."

"We don't need to talk about that~ I'll want to do you later~"

"Right, I'll keep my mouth shut."

The couples continued to dance together until the song ended. Then they rotated. Matsu danced with Akiara, Gin danced with Hisashi, and Kentaro stood next to Nikushimi. Kentaro made sure there was a lot of space between them so they didn't have to talk. He knew that if he talked with Nikushimi, he'd just be insulted.

Nikushimi wasn't in the mood to talk anyway. In fact, he sat on the floor because he was tired of standing. He didn't care about this dance party. He'd just wait until it ended. Sadly, it seemed like it would go on for a while.

They rotated again at the next song. Akiara danced with Kentaro, Matsu danced with Gin, and Hisashi stood next to Nikushimi.

"You don't want to dance~?" Hisashi decided to ask.

"No." Nikushimi replied.

"Not even with your favorite Akiara~?"

"Why do you even care? I thought you hated me."

"Hate is a strong word~ I just don't think we'll ever get along~"

"Then let's not talk in the first place."

Hisashi closed his mouth. If he didn't want to talk, then there's no reason to force it.

The next song came and they rotated again. Akiara danced with Hisashi, Kentaro danced with Matsu, and Gin stood next to Nikushimi. There was silence between Gin and Nikushimi for a moment. Then Gin decided to speak.

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