Gin's Birthday

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(April 12)

Akiara immediately hugged Gin after everyone exclaimed "happy birthday."

The birthday boy sat in front of a large three-tiered cake, ordered from a cake shop. There's no way any of them could make a cake as good as he can, and Ana is busy with the camp. Hopefully this cake would be alright. It was green and looked like a field with flowers. It was very Spring-like.

Gin's eyes were wide at seeing the cake. "Thank you...!"

"Of course, you deserve the best on your birthday!!" Akiara exclaimed, squeezing Gin.

"Don't squeeze him too tight~" Hisashi said with a smile.

Just then, Gin got a text. He picked up his phone to read it. Akiara could see it too.

"Nikushimi sent you a happy birthday message??" Akiara asked, surprised. "Sure, he came over after my party last month to give me a present, but I didn't know that he would wish someone else a happy birthday too. Just how close are you two!?"

"We're friends." Gin answered. "Aren't friends supposed to do this at least?"

"That piece of shit doesn't consider the rest of us his friends..." Kentaro said. "Not like I want to be friends with that asshole!!"

"It's really too bad~ But if he only wants to wish Gin a happy birthday, then that's fine with me~" Hisashi shrugged.

"M-Maybe he'll come a-around eventually...!" Matsu said.

"Well... Anyway... Should we cut the cake??" Akiara finally let go of Gin to grab a knife big enough to cut the cake.

Akiara did his best to cut equal slices of the top tier. He handed out the slices on plates. Everyone tried the cake together.

"It's good." Gin said.

"I'm glad!!" Akiara said.

"I should try making a cake like this..." Gin analyzed the cake for future reference.

Once they had their fill of cake, they moved to the living room to open presents. Akiara gave him his present. Gin opened it. It was a new sketchbook and a bundle of pens.

"Thank you, Akiara. I needed a new sketchbook." Gin said.

"I knew you were running out of blank pages! And I thought those pens looked cool so I got them for you." Akiara replied.

"I'll have to try them out." Gin said, turning one of the pens around to look at it closer.

"H-Here is mine...!" Matsu said.

Gin opened it and it was an album. It even included some of Gin's drawings.

"Thank you, Matsu." Gin flipped through all the pages to admire it. Matsu beamed.

"Open mine next~" Hisashi said.

Gin took it and opened it. It was a vibrating dildo. Gin blinked at the sight of it. He picked it up and analyzed it from every angle.

Akiara snatched it out of Gin's hands. "What are you giving him!?!?"

"What~? He's not innocent anymore~ He should be able to try a dildo for fun~" Hisashi said.

"He's still new to this stuff!!"

"I want to try it." Gin said.

Akiara went quiet. He sadly handed the present back over to him. Hisashi beamed victoriously.

Gin carefully put the present back in the box. Kentaro's present was the only one left. Kentaro handed it over and Gin opened it.

It was a large box full of everything you'd need for baking. There was an array of piping tips, circular pans of different sizes, and utensils to stir batter with. Gin's eyes lit up.

"Thank you very much, Kentaro. I want to use everything right away."

"I'm glad you like it, but you seem a little too eager..." Kentaro replied.

"We can try the dildo if you want to too~" Hisashi winked.

"Don't turn him into a big pervert like you!!" Akiara exclaimed.

Matsu smiled at the commotion. He took a picture to remember the moment. This is definitely going into his personal album.

(Yay, happy birthday, Gin!! ╰(*'︶'*)╯♡ I feel like I'm running out of ideas for these events though. It's the same thing every time. Perhaps the next birthday will be a little different... It's next month, can you guess whose it might be??)

(Hisashi has a song for Kentaro!! Here it is.)

I look over
I see you staring
I wonder
What's going through your head
I wonder
If you'd accept me
No matter what I said

I wonder
What's going through your head
I wonder
If you think I'm better off dead

I said I liked you
But was it merely attraction?
I wanted to have you
But was it because
I knew you hated me?

Then you reached out your hand
I felt something different
I wonder
If I can fall in love too

I wonder
What's going through your head
I wonder
Could we be connected by a thread?
I wonder
Can I be connected to your thread?

I look over
I see you staring
You smile
And I know
That I

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