Chapter 19

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Kentaro needed more time to think. He could offer a simple answer to help Hisashi with his reply to his mom, but he wanted to think it over a little more. The more he thought, the more he wondered why he even wanted to help. Why should he care at all about the one he hates? Shouldn't he have gotten annoyed when Hisashi went on about himself and his family? Why did he actually like hearing more...?

(October 4)
The next day came around. Hisashi still didn't find a solution by himself. Should Kentaro help him? Or should he let him be? If he helps, will it allow them to get closer...? Does he want to be close to the one he supposedly hates...? Why do his feelings already seem to be changing? Because Hisashi has feelings after all? Or that there could be some similarities between them...? He didn't know what to do...

When the day went on and it became nighttime, Kentaro didn't want to let Hisashi go and continue to struggle. He slowly reached out. He gently grabbed Hisashi's hand. Hisashi stopped. He turned around, surprised. Kentaro stared at him.

"...hey... I want to help..." Kentaro says.

"You want to... help...?" Hisashi couldn't say anything else. He was too distracted by Kentaro's hand holding his. Shouldn't Kentaro hate touching him? Why is his touch more gentle than last time...?

"Yeah... Will you hear me out?"

Hisashi slowly nods. "Alright... I'll hear you out..."

Kentaro doesn't let go of Hisashi's hand. He almost forgot he was holding his hand. He just didn't want him to run away, saying a brick wall can't talk or something like that. Hisashi definitely doesn't want to run right now.

When they sit, Kentaro finally realizes. He quickly pulls his hand back. He looks away, blushing a little. Hisashi smiles, thinking it's cute.

"Basically..." Kentaro starts. "I think I have an idea for how you could reply to your mom... Not that you have to listen to a brick wall though..."

"Right, I'd be crazy to listen to a brick wall~ They can't talk, after all~" Hisashi teases.

"If you think I'm crazy, then just ignore me, bastard!!"

"No, no, go on~ It's amazing to find a brick wall that can talk~"

"I hate you..."

Hisashi only beams.

Kentaro scratches his head, ruffling his hair. "Well... if you want to try and convince her that everything is alright... then why don't you share what you think about her outlook...? Maybe you have already, but... Remind her. She inspired you because of her outlook. You believe in the same thing. You admire her because of everything you said to me earlier... Maybe she'll finally understand, or start to..."

"...yes... I think you're right. I just need to tell her what's on my mind. I think I've tried to complicate things more than necessary. Perhaps if I keep trying to convince her, she'll see how I really mean what I say. She'll come around eventually." Hisashi smiles. "Thank you, Kentaro. I should appreciate your meddling. I think you've really helped me, even though I didn't think you or anyone could."

Kentaro stares at him and his bright smile. That's a better fit for him than the gloomy look. He looks away. "Talk to others about your problems, dumbass. Don't keep it to yourself to build up and cause more problems."

"Yes sir~ I promise~ Can I come to you if I'm facing another problem~?" Hisashi moves closer.

Kentaro glances back at him. " long as it's not annoying."

Hisashi beams. "I'll try not to be annoying~"

"So you gonna reply to your mom or what?"

"Oh, yes, I'll get paper and a pencil."

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