Birthday and a gala

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Alfred woke up most of the Wayne's beside the only female, to let them help to prepare her Birthday breakfast. It became a family tradition, every year on Percy's birthday, Alfred would wake up the males and together they would make blue food and a birthday-desk for the girl. Later, they would wake her up and bring her to the kitchen and celebrate while eating. 

After they ate breakfast they once again changed into their swimsuits and trunks and walked back to the beach where Percy dashed right into the waves and jumped around. Dick soon joined her while laughing.

Around 12:00pm Bruce called Percy back on the sand. "Percy! Please come short over, I have something to give you, a present." Said girls smile widened and she ran over, as he handed her a big present. She opened it and inside was a surfboard with wave look.

The birthday girl jumped up and down, as she squealed happily. "Thanks! I love it, let's see, how many attempts I need until I will be able to surf!" She yelled as she ran toward the waves, who look like they got higher but at the same time gentler than before. As Percy prepared herself to really surf, Dick sat down next to Alfred and Bruce to watch her. 

Much to the surprise of everyone, Percy managed to surf perfectly at her first try and her brother ran towards her to greet her. "Perce! This was amazing! How did you do that? I thought you never did this before." Dick rambled.

"Uh, I don't really know how I did this, I only know, that I waited for a wave and then stood up and hold my balance." She explained and asked again. "Is it okay, if I go back and surf again?" The boy nodded and she race away again, but this time the fell off from the top of the wave.

And to Dick it looked like the wave self-stopped short to bring her to fall. As Percy came back to the surface again and swam to her board Dick noted a boy-like figure next to her, which became more detailed as they came closer.

In the water, Percy sat on her board and softly drifted back to land, while she chatted with her friend, who decided to pay her a short visit. 

"So, why are you here exactly. Please tell me before we reach my family. I didn't tell them about my 'problems' with dads' family. If they ask why, you are here you can simply say, you swam by as you were on your way to a friend and decided to make a short stop." Kaldur nodded and answered her.

"Of course, princess, your father, my king, and my queen asked me to give you a short visit and to give you this present while I wanted to wish you a happy birthday." 

She smiled as she took the packet out of his hands. "Thanks, Kal, but how many times have I told you not to call me princess?" 

"Too many times, but I have to, you are the princess after all. Now, open the package." Kaldur told her and she gave in.

In the package was one trident-necklace, on its handle stood αστερίας. Beside the necklace, in the box was also a box with contact lenses.

At her confused face, Kaldur explained. "If you say sea-star in Greek, the necklace will turn into a real trident. And the contacts help you to read English." Percy smiled wide at him. "Thank you, and could you please tell father, Orin and Mera 'Thank you' as well?" The blond nodded.

Both of them kept talking for a some time, until Kaldur had to go, and Bruce called Percy back to the coast.

While the whole conversation went on, the rest of the family sat on the beach and wondered, who this mysterious person was, that spoke to their little mermaid. They shared a look and agreed to ask her later about this.

At dinner once again, everyone sat together and joked around until Bruce decided to speak about some of the events. "Percy, who was this person, you spoke to earlier and what did her or she want? And most importantly, where did they go?"

Said girl sighed. "Dad, this was just Kal. He goes to my camp, and he is Atlantean, so I think he swam back home after we talked. Also, he and another friend of mine wanted to wish me happy birthday, apparently some fish told them, I was at the beach." 

Dick smirked mischievous. "Percy has a Boyfriend!" Former mentioned girl just looked annoyed.

"Why can't I ever just be friends with a boy? Honestly, first everyone in my camp thinks I like Andrew and now you think I like Kaldur! We are just friends! Besides, I'm only eleven for the god's sake! Please just stop with that."

They looked all surprised, it is very rare for Percy to shout or get annoyed, so they assumed, what she said was real. Dick apologized to Percy, and she simply waved it off. 

"Don't worry, I just had to let some steam go. I'm sorry I was rude." A few minutes later everything was back to normal, and Bruce decided to make another announcement.

"As you know, we will host a charity gala, where we will collect money for scholarships for Gotham academy. And Percy, this year you are old enough to be there too, but you will have to leave at one point and don't complain, understood?" Said girl just smiled brightly and nodded. 

"Okay, then you will go to the city tomorrow with Alfred to buy you each something to wear. And Percy, you will have to wear a dress. Don't worry you can wear leggings under it if you want." Percy now pouted but agreed, seeing, that she has to wear this dress at least only for a few hours instead of only dresses for days, if she doesn't train. On the end of the day, the Kids once again sat with Bruce in Percy's room and on her bed, while reading a story.

The next time they had to buy their clothes for the gala, or in Bruce's case, to organize the rest of it. Percy and Dick were allowed to eat later in a restaurant or something with Alfred instead of now when they aren't hungry.

Four hours later, the two males sat in chairs as Percy looked for a dress that she liked. Dick was bored because his suit was already ready and he was told to keep his mouth shut, because of all the annoying comments.

After another thirty minutes, Percy found a dress she liked, and they only had to adjust the measurements and were told they were free to go. Dick practically ran out while yelling "Freedom!" With a laughing Percy and smiling Alfred on his tail.

The following day's went by fast, while many different people wandered through Wayne manor. As the day of the gala was, Percy was pulled aside four hours before the gala started, to get ready.

At first Percy thought, this much time wouldn't necessary, but in the end, it showed handy, because she spends at least two hours to argue about her accessories'. In the end Percy got to wear the necklace of her father, earrings and hair accessories from her mother and the dress she chooses in the shop.

In the begin of the gala, the kids had the simple task to greet the guests, while they walk in.

Most of the time, Percy and Dick just stood in one corner and talked. Every now and then, some boys around thirteen age asked Percy for a dance, and she had to accept, so her brother kept standing there until she came back.

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