coming home

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As Percy woke up, she noticed a figure beside her. The girl looked up and saw someone she didn't expected. "Dad?" Poseidon turned to face his daughter smiling softly. "Good morning, Percy. How are you?"

She sighed. "I'm fine, or as fine as I can be with no memories of the last three months and dried out skin. But the Saltwater surrounding me, helped very much." The god nodded. "Uh... could Amphitrite maybe restore my memories? I think it would be better if she is the one who does that, rather than someone who doesn't know about my other life."

Percy looked down. "I can ask her. If she says no, I will do it. Until I come back, please rest and stay in bed. If you don't do it, I will make the water push you to bed." With that, he vanished and let the girl alone with her thoughts. Kaldur came five minutes later in. "Good morning, Princess. How are you?" Percy rolled her eyes. "Hey Kaldur, I'm fine. And I assume a guard stands in front of my door?"

The blonde nodded and tried to hide a smile at her annoyed face. Key word: tried. She noticed it anyway. "So, how long was I out?"

"About 18 hours. I hope you rested well. Would you mind, telling me why you had many major and minor injuries?" The girl looked down. "I assume my memories used their force to open my injuries I had at the time of my last memory. This is the only way I can explain it. Could you maybe bring me some food? I feel like I'm starving. But dad visited me and forced me to stay in bed." Kaldur smiled. "Of course, princess. I will be back soon." And he left.

Like he said, Kaldur came back ten minutes later with a tray of blue pancakes, cookies, and scrambled eggs. The princesses eyes lit up at the sight of food. "Thanks, Kal, you are a lifesaver. How are you? Sorry for not asking earlier."

The boy smiled. "No problem. And I'm fine don't worry. I was just a bit low on water, as the team found me." Percy nodded. Both sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes until a knock was heard. "Come in." The princess called out and in came Poseidon and Amphitrite.

Kaldur bowed in front of them and stood beside the door. "Hello Percy. How are you? I would like to restore your memories." The queen of the ocean asked her stepdaughter who smiled at her. "I'm fine. And thanks for wanting to help me with my memories. But be warned: I don't think it will be very good." The older woman smiled at the girl but nothing less started restore the memories.

The males stood aside and watched at the girls as their expressions changed from fear, to terror, to shock, to grief, to relief, to happy, and sadness. This went on for a few minutes until a change came. Amphitrite showed a soft smile. More moments passed and on Percy's face appeared a simple happy and calm smile while Amphitrite showed a smile like a mother who sees her daughter happy. This was the end of them.

The queen of the oceans stood up and hugged the princess. "I'm happy you are happy with your life now. But if ever something changes, I will have an ear for you. I don't care if I am in a meeting. You and your life are more important than a bit of politic. If you need to talk to someone other than your male relatives about your life outside or in our world, I will be happy to hear your words. I know I was a bit harsh in the beginning. But you managed to become like a daughter to me. Percy, you are my daughter, if not by blood but by choice."

Percy had tears in her eyes but hugged back. "Thanks. But if it's okay for you, I should head back to my home." They all chuckled. "Okay, you can go, but you have to visit us in a few days, or at least Iris message." Poseidon told his daughter who replied. "Yes dad, I will do either one or the other. Bye." Kaldur bowed while Percy hugged Poseidon, and both swam out of the room. "Thanks." Percy told Kaldur as they made their way to the Zeta-tubes, Percy now again in her costume. "For what? I did nothing special."

She laughed. "Yes, you did and do. You are standing at my side. Even if I am in the palace and you have to be formal. Whenever I need you, you are there and helps me as much as you can. I just wanted to thank you for this. And for being my friend." They stepped through the Zeta-tubes and after stepping out her replied. "It's really no problem. And honestly, I am happy you are the person I serve. I don't think I would like it as much if the person above me would be like a snob."

Family of secrets (Fem!PercyXDC)Where stories live. Discover now