Sorry for the scare

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After Peter got off the phone with his dad he just kinda froze in place. Myc has gone to try and snap him out of it but can't. I'm sitting next to Tony he looks like he's about to throw Myc out of a window. "Peter why don't you come sit down with us and tell us what happened." Peter walks over and sits next to me and Myc sits on the other side of him. "Dad answered and said he was being followed." Peter says and I see Myc pull Peter into a hug. It makes sense because Sherinford said the same thing before he went missing not to long ago and then he was found dead. "Peter your dad is a strong man and will be home in no time. There is no need for you to worry." Myc says to him and Peter nods a bit before burying his face into Myc's chest. I hear quiet sobs and see that Myc is trying to calm Peter down. I look at Tony and see a tear slip down his face. "Tony he's going to be okay." Ten minutes pass with us all sitting on the couch and then the front door opens. We all turn and Stephen walks through and brushes snow off of himself. He shuts the door and locks it behind him and he looks up at us all and gives us a smile like nothing happened. "Sorry it took so long. I kept the food warm though." He says and sets the bag of food on the counter. "Dad!" Peter yells as he rushes out of Myc's arms and over to Stephen. Stephen hugs him tightly and rubs Peter's back. Tony, Myc, and I stand up and stare at them. Stephen looks over and gives us a small apologetic smile. "Let's eat dinner guys. I got extra in case and it turns out it was a good call to make." He says and we all walk over to eat. I sit down next to Myc and we all begin to eat. The cloak moves off of Tony and into a different room only to return with a blanket and places it over Stephen who looks almost completely frozen. "So why didn't you answer Sherlock or I when we tried to get ahold of you?" Myc asks after a while and Stephen sets his glass of water on the table before responding. "I didn't want to draw to much attention to myself. I put my phone on silent and hooked up an ear piece to tell me who was calling. I knew that after a while Peter would call so I took my phone off of silent when I returned my wallet to my pocket. I also took the small gusts of wind an used them to my advantage when I took out the ear piece. I kept walking when I noticed them start to follow me back to the Sanctum. I decided to walk to the station and get on for a while. When Peter called I said I was a block away and they left. From there I made a portal outside of the door and then came inside. If I had lead them here I would have put Peter in danger of being captured by them and killed." "What do you mean by that?" "Peter's family was killed by members of Hydra. Thanks to Bucky I found out that they recently found out that the Parker's had a son an that he lives around here. They're monitoring any parent of sons that have similar features to the Parker's. I just happen to be the next parent on the list." Stephen says and I look at him confused. "How would they know that Peter is actually the Parker's kid?" "When they shot at him and his aunt the first time the bullet hit his left arm. I found this out after I got him that night and saw a bit of blood on his arm. I didn't say anything to Wong about the injury and healed it for him. Now he has a scar on his left arm from it. That would be the identifying mark." Stephen says and I see Peter shift uncomfortably.

After dinner

"Hey Stephen do you have any extra rooms for Mycroft and I to stay in? It's snowing to hard out there and it's to late to get back." "Sure but we only have in extra room." He says and I feel my face starting to heat up. "That will do for the time being. Thank you Stephen." Myc says and I glance at him with a worried side glance. We stand up and clean up our dishes before walking to the spare room.

I have many extra rooms here but I wanted to see if I would get a reaction if I said I only had one. It turns out my suspicions of them were correct. I clean everything up and Peter hugs me before heading to bed. The cloak goes with him and I wrap the blanket I have around Tony. "Hey Stephen, is there a way you could mess with Peter's DNA if they started to get close to finding out who he actually is?" Tony says from behind me. I turn around to look at him. "Yes I technically could change it to my DNA without altering his appearance but to be safe I would still need another person's DNA to work with, in order for him to be completely safe." My phone buzzes in my pocket and I take it out to see what it is.

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