Back on his feet and prepping for christmas

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When Peter got home

I walked inside while looking at the photos I took of all the Christmas lights on peoples houses. I shut the door and take off my shoes before walking over to the couch. Mr. Stark is asleep in dad's arms and uncle Mycroft, Greg, and Rosie are asleep on the other side of the couch. I wave to dad and he waves back before moving Mr. Stark and walking over to be and giving me a hug. "How was it?" Dad asks as we walk into the kitchen and he makes two cups of tea. "It was fun. We went to dinner and looked at Christmas lights." I take a few sips of tea before setting the cup down and walking over to Rosie when I hear her starting to whine a bit. I pick her up and Greg acknowledges me as he closes his eyes again to go back to sleep. I walk over to dad and he gives her a teething toy before pointing to the library. "John and Sherlock are in there. Stay out of frame the best you can because they're talking to your grandparents. I really don't need them knowing I'm still alive just yet." Dad says and I nod. "And what do I do if they see me?" "You we're babysitting Rosie for a while." He says and I nod before walking into the library with Rosie. John and Sherlock look over at me and I walk over and hand Rosie to them. I walk back out and go finish my cup of tea. Mr. Stark is up now but still looks really tired. "Kiddo do you mind if we do the DNA change right now?" Dad asks and I nod. "Sure, but shouldn't Mr. Stark wake up a bit?" "I'm fine kid." Mr. Stark says and pulls out a chair for me to sit in. I sit down and and Mr. Stark sits in another chair next to mine. Dad has us enter the mirror dimension before beginning to start the spell. This red line stretches from dad to me and other one stretches from Mr. Stark to me. I start to feel week and dizzy while my cells feel like they're ripping apart. My vision starts to blur and I can just barely make out dad's figure before I close my eyes.

When Stephen finishes the spell he takes us out of the mirror dimension and I stand up. He holds out an arm to me to keep me from falling while I gain balance. I walk over to Peter and pick him up while Stephen sends the message that the procedure has been done. I walk to Peter's room and the cloak opens the door for me. I walk in and place Peter on his bed to rest for the night, and the cloak flies past me an rests on Peter. I walk out of the room and shut the door before walking to the living room and kissing Stephen on the cheek. He opens a portal to the tower for me and I walk through. "Anthony get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow:" Stephen says and I nod before the portal closes. I walk into the living room and Bruce looks at me and gives me a look that basically asks how it was. Sam is there and looks between us. "Am I missing something here? He asks and I shake my head. "No you're not." "So Tony how was your day?" Bruce asks and continues to look at me with this stupid smirk on his face. "My day was fine. And Bruce I swear to god if you don't wipe the smirk off your face I will expose to everyone here what you said to me a week ago." He stands up and puts his hands up in defeat. "Look the smirk is gone, but just know that you're the only one making this weird." He says and walks to his room. Sam sits there confused and Nat clears her throat behind me and I turn to face her. "Shut it." I walk off to my room and slam the door behind me before taking a shower and changing into a new pair of boxers and a pair of sweatpants. I jump onto my bed and curl up in the sheets. "Sir it's good to have you back." Fir says and I grumble into my pillow. She's quiet and I try to sleep but fail miserably. I grab my phone off of my nightstand and read some random things on the internet. I get bored after an hour of doing that and try to sleep again.

A few weeks later

I get a call from Peter while he's out on patrol and answer him.

"What's up kiddo?"

"I got a call from Uncle Sherlock, asking for help on a case. He said that he needs you to communicate with a kid that's been missing for a while. The kid is really smart and builds machines, but a guy with a name I can't pronounce has him. He was forced to build traps to stop anyone that tries to get to him. I know that you're getting everything ready for our trip to your aunt and uncles, but Uncle Mycroft was worried. I'm on my way home, but they said that they needed you right away."

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