We're sorry

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I woke up to find Peter still asleep next to me. I fear for how long he's going to be stuck like this because his enhanced healing and my healing magic can only help so much. I get up and lay Peter down before walking out of Med-bay and into the elevator. I go up to the commons and walk out of the elevator and to the kitchen for some tea. I make a cup and then checked my phone after it vibrated in my pocket from a new text message.

/Side note I'm not doing the photos of the text anymore because I'm 1.lazy and 2.I don't have enough time to make them./

Tell your son that I'm thankful for his help with getting John to the hospital - SH

I will when he wakes up

Why isn't he up yet? Isn't it a school day - SH

Yes but last night on patrol he was severely injured. Also thanks to his internship at Stark Industry's he does go on Monday or Friday

Oh. When do you think he'll be up - SH

I don't know

Well hope it's before we all get there. Mycroft just pushed us all in a plane. He read the texts and became worried for some reason - SH

Have they not told you yet

Told me what - SH

Never mind

I have to go check on Peter. We're at the big tower with a large A on the side of the building

Okay - SH

I turn off my phone and finish my tea before just making a portal into Med-bay to check on Peter but he's still asleep. "Would you like me to alert you when he wakes up?" Fri ask me. "Would you please? Thanks Fri." "Your welcome Dr. Strange." She says and I walk back through the portal and close it. I walk back into the kitchen and hear a quiet whimper from on of the couches in the living room. I walk over and see Tony thrashing around in his sleep. I place on of my hands on his forehead and get a glimpse of what's bothering him so much before I manage to bring forward an old happy memory from his past. He calms for a bit before another bout of PTSD makes an appearance. I grab his wrists to keep him from smacking me in the face and he suddenly sits up wide awake and shaking. "Tony I need you to look at me. You're safe here. Nobody is going to hurt you." He looks over at me and I let go of his wrists. "I'm sorry." Tony says and it's just barely above a whisper. "Tony it's okay. The nightmares can't be fought off on your own." "Not the nightmares Stephen, I'm talking Peter. We should have ignored the order." He says and I look to see his face still stained with tears from his nightmares. "Tony if you weren't with him like you were before he passed out he would have died from blood loss. I'm pissed about you all going after him sure, but you never attacked and it made him trust you enough to call me and ruin the plan we had of telling you all. Believe it or not but your being there is what kept him alive." I wipe away the tears from Tony's face and his cheeks turn a light shade of pink. I stand up and hold out a hand for Tony to take but he's reluctant. I decide to just pick him up and open a portal to Med-bay to let him see Peter. I've since removed his mask and set it next to the rest of his suit. Tony walks over and traces one of the scars on Peter's face with his thumb. "Sir there is a group of people trying to get into the tower." Fri says and security feed shows up with who it is. I try but fail and not laughing at watching Sherlock go and attempt to climb the tower. I see Mycroft pull out his phone and I get a text.

Would you let us in before Sherlock gets himself killed while climbing this building - MH

I open a portal behind them and have the cloak fly out and grab Sherlock before pulling him inside. The others walk in and grumble a bit before they look at the bed and see Peter laying there. I close the portal and walk over to Tony before pulling him back a bit. Sherinford looks at Tony and gets ready to push me out of the way so he can beat the shit out of Tony. "Sherinford calm down." Sherinford runs at us and I put a shield around us. "Seriously Sherinford? Mycroft control your brother." "Your our cousin Stephen he's not just my problem." Mycroft says and I roll my eyes before dropping the shield. I look over at Peter and see him crying in his sleep. I walk over and kiss his forehead. I wipe off the tears from his face and place a hand on his arm to wake him up. He sits up and backs away from me for a second before hugging me. His grip around me is tight but not unbearable. "Peter, kiddo what's wrong?" "I thought you left me." He mumbles into my shoulder through all the tears and I sit with him while rubbing his back. "Ummmm Stephen why is your cousin looking at me like he's about to murder me the second I turn my back on him?" I hear Tony say and Peter pulls away to look at everyone in the room. "Wait your related to the Holmes family?" Peter asks and I nod my head. John and Greg suddenly burst out in laughter and I turn to see Sherlock confused as all hell. "Sorry Sherly. We never told you because I left when you were just a baby." "Did you call me Sherly?" Sherlock says offendedly and I grin at him before turning back to Peter. "Are you hungry?" Peter nods and I stand up before I grab his hand and help him out of the bed. He stumbles and I turn around and lean down a bit. "Hop on, I'll carry you to the kitchen." Peter hops onto my back and I hang onto his legs while he grips around my ribs tightly. I open a portal to the kitchen and set him at the table before walking over to the stove and making him lunch.

A week later

Peter has his friends over and they're in the living room watching movies. I make them snacks and set them on the table in the living room. I sit at the dining table with a cup of tea in hand when I hear a knock at the door. I get up to see who it is and see Tony standing outside all bloody and pale as hell. I open the door and he falls into my arms. I catch him and hold him up. I pick him up bridal style and carry him to one of the spare room past the living room. "Dad why is Mr. Stark here, and what happened to him?" I hear Peter ask and I turn to look at them. "I don't know but he passed out so I'm going to lay him in the spare room and heal him." I turn back to the hallway and walk to the spare room and lay Tony down while I check him over for injuries. I feel a bit awkward pulling up his shirt once I found the cause. I just do it quickly and heal the scars around the place where his reactor used to be in his chest. In the middle of healing him Tony wakes up and his face goes a deep shade of red when he see me over him while he's shirtless. I feel my face heating up and I just finish the job in uncomfortable silence. When I finish I stand up and walk to the door before turning back to face Tony. "Get some sleep. Peter and his friends are in the living room so they shouldn't bother you. If you need anything my room as at the end of the hallway. If I'm not there I'll be in the library. So try and sleep and if you wake up from a nightmare let me know so I can help." I see Tony nod before I walk out of the room and shut the door behind me. I get a text and look at it.

Hey Stephen it's Bruce. I wanted to ask if Tony was with you because he didn't say what was wrong with him, but he was clutching his chest before he left. I just want to make sure he made it to you

He's fine Bruce. He passed out when I opened my door so I have him resting in the spare room of the Sanctum. The scars on his chest had opened so I healed them while he was sleeping. He should be back home tomorrow if things go well

Okay thank you

I put my phone up and walk out to the living room and see the kids asleep. I place a blanket over them and then walk to the kitchen to make another cup of tea for the night.

The Sorcerer's sonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon