Truth or dare and being exposed

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"Guy's! Fucking hell!" Clint says as he runs in the commons and trips over Nat's foot. "What do you want bird brain?" He sits up and glares at Nat before turning his attention back to the rest of us. "We should play truth or dare!" He says but the grin on his face hides something more. "Truth or dare? What is this Midgardian game?" Thor asks and both Steve and Bucky look confused. Loki and Möbius show up from the TVA. "It's a game kids play with friends. Teens and adults play as well but they typically play a different version of the game." Möbius says and everyone seems to nod. "Hey if we play then Tony should call Stephen and Peter to come over. I can call Wanda and Vision." Bruce says and I send him a glare. "Sure." Nat says and I reach into my pocket and call Stephen.


"Hey Wizard."

"The others are around you aren't they?"


"What do you need?"

"Clint wants us to truth or dare and Bruce and Nat are making me ask if you and Peter want to come over."

"Peter currently has his friends over at the moment."

"I,ll tell them you can't come."

Nat looks at me and takes the phone from me. "Nat!" She shoves me away and basically yells at Stephen to come over and bring the kids. She hangs up and hands me back my phone. The elevator opens and out step T'Challa, and Shuri. Seconds later Peter, Ned, MJ, and Stephen walk out of a portal. The kids walk off to the room I have set up here for Peter and that leaves the rest of us. "So bird brain, why exactly do you want us to play this game?" He ignores me and hops onto one of the couches. We all walk over and sit on a couch, in a chair, or on the floor. "Who wants to start?" He asks eagerly and Bruce raises his hand. "I'll go. So Loki truth or dare?" Bruce asks and Loki looks at Bruce and says "Must you really ask that question? The answer is obviously Dare." Bruce grins and has Loki eat Thor's pop tarts in front of him. Wanda and Vision show up a moment later and join the game.

A few rounds later

Clint gets bored of the stupid ones and declares that we go into the other version of the game. It's Tony's turn and he picks Bruce. With Bruce knowing about us, this game can go in many different directions and I'm not liking the outcome. "Dare." Bruce says and Tony grins at him with a glint in his eye and Bruce's face reddens. "Can I skip this dare?" He asks and Tony won't let him. "I hate you Tony." Bruce mumbles before leaning over to Thor and kissing his cheek. Thor looks confused and it takes him a moment to realize what just happened. Bruce looks directly at Tony and I see just how this is going to end. "Tony truth or dare?" He asks and Tony calmly says "Dare." Bruce laughs and everyone glance between him and Tony for a moment before eventually landing on Tony as Bruce says "Go make out with Stephen in the hallway for five minutes." Everyone gasps as Bruce says this because it's so unlike him. I too have to say I was a bit shocked at him being this bold about it. I stand up and so does Tony as we walk away from the group. I hear them ask for F.R.I.D.A.Y. to pull up the security of the hallway to make sure we actually go through with the dare. The cloak fly's off my shoulders as I push Tony back against the wall and kiss him. He wraps his arms around my neck and pulls me closer to him. I slip and arm around his waist as he wraps a leg around my waist at the same time. A timer dings after a while and I set him down before the cloak lands back on my shoulders and we walk back to the others. To say they looked shocked was an understatement. Those that knew about us already also seem a bit surprised but Tony ignores them and continues the game. I take my place back in one of the chairs and watch as the game continues. Suddenly my name is called and I look at Loki. "Truth or Dare Stephen?" He asks "Dare." He grins and says "I dare you to tell us who you're dating." Clint nearly dies and glances around the group. Everyone either has on an actual shocked expression or a fake one. I sigh and glare at Loki before taping the cloak. It fly's over to Tony and brings him over next to me. Tony is sat next to me in the chair and I wrap an arm around him. "I don't think I need anymore of an answer." Bucky, Sam, Nat, Rhodey, Loki, Vision, and Wanda all hold out their hands while the others hand over money. Tony reaches in and says "I'm going to guess Pep was on the side that won, so she's going to need her money." The Money Pepper won is placed in his hand and I open a small portal to her desk and take it from him. I set it down and leave a note on top of it before closing the portal. "F.R.I.D.A.Y. how are the kids doing?" "They're currently asleep in Peter's room with a movie playing in the background." She say and it brings a smile to my face. "Thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y." I check my phone and see that it's already 1:00 am. "It's time to call quits on the game. It's 1:00 am and I know for a fact that not all of you have a proper sleep schedule." Everyone seems to agree and they get up and head to their rooms. The lights in the room dim and Tony stands up before walking to the couch. The cloak goes to Peter's room and I stand up and walk over to Tony. "Anthony come on. You can't just not sleep tonight." He pulls me into the couch and I barely stop myself from landing directly on top of him.

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