The problem

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I knew he would show up. I've slowly added protection spells to everyone. I put a hundred on Harley before he left six months ago. Each person I come across has a hundred. This comes down to my family and my home, so I plan to fight till my last breath. Peter is at MIT and I made sure he was protected. As much as I wish I could keep him and Harley from visiting us this weekend, I can't. I've got one more fight as the Sorcerer Supreme and this is it.


I greet the kids as they walk in the house and Morgan runs to them both. Tony walks up and hugs them. The day goes by slowly as time gets closer and closer. "How about we get takeout today?" Anthony asks and everyone agrees. We ask everyone else in the tower what they want and place the order. "I'll go get it." I leave and make sure everyone is inside. "Fri put the place on lockdown." "Right away Stephen. Be careful." She says and I smile. The AI is so human and understanding. She knows what's going on because I've had her help me monitor how things are going. I step outside and place a protection spell on the tower before going to get our food. After I get the food I stop at a park in the middle of New York and cast a protection spell everywhere. I send the food to the tower as Thanos steps into earth. People run and hid in any place they can. "Make this easy and hand over the stone." He says but I stand my ground. "You've come to my home, I'm not going to hand it over. You'll have to take it from my dead body." Thanos sighs and I think of my family before dodging the first attack.

The food makes it back but Stephen still isn't here. "Baby girl turn on the news will you." She does and I see Stephen and some purple alien thing fighting in the middle of New York. Everyone stands up and quickly gets into their suits if they have one. We all go to leave but get stopped by Fri. "Let us outside!" "I can't do that sir." She says and I try the override code but it fails. "Damn it!" We can all do nothing but watch on T.V. as Stephen and this thing fight. Stephen gets thrown like a rag doll and doesn't move. I feel the world stop as he continues to lay there. "Stephen...." This bastard that posibly just killed my husband walks over to him and goes to grab the Eye of Agamotto from him. Stephen grabs the gold thing on his hand and cloaky pulls on it as hard as he can. It comes off and Stephen opens a portal and throws it through. I see Loki and Möbius on the other side and break the thing before the portal closes. With little to no strength visible in his body Stephen cast a spell and the head of the purple guy comes off. Suddenly everything is lifted and I fly out of the tower with Peter swing not to far behind me. We land and I pull Stephen up. He looks so pale and I hold him close. Loki and Möbius show up with these stone things and I recognize them as the thing powering Vision and what's inside the Eye. Not long after everyone shows up and Stephen smiles at us all. Mycroft, Greg, Alan, Sherlock, John, Rosie, Eurus, Violet, and Siger join us there as well. "Thank you guys for everything." Stephen says and my heart breaks.

Everyone is their and the order will be here soon. Wong is among everyone here and his emotionless facade is gone. I can't help but smile at my family. I hold out my arms to my kids and they all hug me. Alan has tears in his eyes and I wave him over along with Rosie who's begun preschool already. They join in our hug and I see the pain in everyone's faces. They all back away as Tony retracts his suit. He takes their place and cries into my chest. "Shhh love, it's going to be okay." "No how can you say it's going to be okay? You're dying and unless you can cheat death again, I'm going to lose you." He says and my heart breaks at this. He's right about what's happening. My chances of survival are 1%. "Anthony I need you to stay strong for me and the kids. Please don't let this determine what happens in the future." His crying intensify and Morgan hides her head in Harley's chest. He looks so pained and is trying to hold it together for her but isn't doing so well at that. "Dad please." Peter says and cries. "I love you all so much. You guys are the best thing to ever happen to me, don't you ever forget that." The order shows up before I die and I get confused. "You've given more to save us then anyone else has. You took this responsibility from Tony and took it upon yourself, for that we can't let you die at this time." The oldest member says and they all join their power together and point it at me. I don't have much time left even with all of them trying to keep me alive. Wong steps over to them and joins in, along with Peter. I as each inch of my body that shut down starts to function again. My ribs go back into place and everything heals. My body aches from it all after they finish but I'm thankful for the turn of events. Everyone huddles around us for a group hug. Anthony kisses me with tears still running down his face. I smile to myself as I dwell in this moment with my family. We're all in this together and will always be that way.

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