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Its been a week since I told the Avengers that I would get information about Spider-Man for them. I can't give them anything now that they know who Peter is. I've been worried about letting him go out on patrol at night, but I can't just pull him away from it. I have a gut wrenching feeling that something is seriously wrong with him right now though. I think of his suit and then open a portal and walk through. I see Peter swinging away like normal but he gets knocked out of the air for a second by an arrow. I see him land on the top of a building and I portal up there. "Kiddo where did you get hit?" He turns to look at me and I see his arm in bleeding a lot. "I'll be fine but can you tell me why Hawkeye is shooting at me with his arrows?" Peter says and I take his arm and start to heal it. "They want to know who you are. I didn't say anything because I didn't know how you would react but they said that they would leave it up to me and not come after you." Peter looks at me and stays quiet. "Kiddo you know that you or I will have to tell them eventually or otherwise you're going to get hurt by them." "I know that but I'm not sure how to tell them or how they're going to react." He says and I let his arm go and look at him. "Kiddo can I just tell them your age so they leave you alone for a while? I don't want you to get hurt." Peter nods and I put an arm around him as I have the cloak cover him as I make a portal to the Sanctum and have him go through. I close it and then portal up to where Clint is. I appear behind him and don't make a sound as I wait for him to stop talking to Nat over the comms. "Barton!" He jumps and turns around to face me. "Stephen it's not my doing. I was given an order to catch him and get information since you haven't given us any." He says quickly. "Well then you tell them that I told you to stop going after a 15 year old!" "HE'S 15!" Clint yells and I nod. I open a portal to the tower and Clint walks through with a look of horror on his face. He's taking to long and did attack my son so I kick him square in his back and make him fall on his face before I shut the portal and make another to the Sanctum. "Hey Peter how would you like to go on a trip?" Peter comes running out of the living room and looks at me with excitement. "Where?" He asks and I laugh at his excitement. "Go get changed into your regular clothes and I'll change into something other than my robes and then we can go." Peter jumps up and down before running down the hallway to his room. I walk to my room and change into a white and black striped shirt and blue jeans. I walk out to the living room and see Peter standing there in navy jeans, a red tee shirt and a blue jacket. "You ready to go?" Peter nods and I open a portal to London. I walk through and Peter follows me through. "Dad where are we?" Peter asks and I close the portal. "Welcome to London." I turn to my left and walk up to the door with 221 b on the door and use the knocker. Peter walks over and leans into me a bit and I place an arm around him while I wait for the door to be opened. When the door is we're greeted by Mrs. Hudson. "Stephen oh how are you dear? Come in come in." She says and Peter and I walk in while she shuts the door and locks it. "I'm fine Mrs. Hudson. I came here to let my son Peter meet you, John, Sherlock, Mycroft, and Greg." Peter gives her a small smile and a small wave. "Oh lovely. I'll make you boys some tea. Sherlock and John are upstairs." She says and I nod. I walk up the stairs with Peter behind me and I open the door to the flat that Sherlock and John are in. "John I'm bored." I hear Sherlock say as I walk in and they both turn in my direction. "Hello Stephen. Who's this you have with you?" John asks and I pull Peter forward a bit and have him stand next to me. "This is my son Peter." John stands up and walks over to Peter and holds out his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you Peter. I'm John and Sherlock is sitting in that chair behind me." Peter shakes his hand and smiles. "It's nice to meet you both." Peter says and I walk over to Sherlock and hold out a hand out for him to get up. "Oh come on Sherlock I'm sure Greg will have something for you soon." "Not soon enough." Sherlock complains and Mrs. Hudson walks up with our tea. "Thank you Mrs. Hudson." She nods and sets down the tray of tea on one of the tables before leaving. I take one of the cups and fix it to how I like it before drinking the tea. Peter grabs one and does the same. Like clockwork Greg comes up the street but with Mycroft behind him. I turn and Greg looks at me surprised and Mycroft looks at Peter with confusion. "John, Sherlock why do you two have a random child in your flat?" Mycroft asks and hasn't even looked up in my direction yet. "Seriously Mycroft, that's my son." He looks up at me and gives a slight nod of understanding. "Sherlock we came because we caught news of your older brother, Sherinford." Greg says and Sherlock sighs. "No. That's boring. Having one of them around is enough." Sherlock says and then turns to look at John. He holds out his hand but John doesn't budge. "No Sherlock. You said that you would stop." John says and Sherlock starts to tap his foot anxiously. "Wait dad I can help Mr. Sherlock with his problem depending on what it is if you'll let me." Peter says and everyone turns to look at him confused but I smile. "What do you need?" "Well what's the problem? Also I need a notebook." He says and I open a portal to grab one from my desk and grab a pen as well. I hand them to Peter and he flips to one of the back pages to avoid getting in the middle of my notes. "Sherlock is attempting to quit his drug addiction." "Sherlock do you have a list?" Mycroft asks and Sherlock looks up at him confused and asks "A what?" "A list of all the things you've taken?" Mycroft says and Sherlock reluctantly looks away. Peter hands him the notebook and Sherlock writes everything down before handing it back to Peter. Peter looks over and then turns to me and asks. "Dad do you think you can call Mr. Stark and ask him if I can stop by his lab and work on this for an hour at most?" I nod and pull out my phone and call Tony.

"Wizard, what do you want?"

"No time for formality Stark. I was wondering if Peter could stop by the lab for an hour at most to work on a project for a friend?"


"Thanks. I'm going to drop him off in the lab and keep tabs on things over here."

"No problem Wizard."

"Would you stop calling me that?"

"Why? Thor gets to do it."

"Yes but he can also can also kill be by just the touch of his hammer."

"Whatever. Bye Wizard."

"Ya ya. Bye Tiny."

"Hey I'm no....."

I hang up in the middle of his sentence and open a portal to the lab for Peter. "An hour. That's all I'm giving you. If you get done sooner call me and I'll come get you." "I know dad. I love you." Peter says and gives me a hug. I return his hug and let him go. When I do and Peter walks through Tony is stand in his lab with a cup of coffee in hand. "Tiny, seriously! I'm not that short!" He complains as Peter walks past him to a counter and begins to grab what he needs. "Yes you are Tony. Hell Peter is almost your height." "You and Rhodey, I swear you two enjoy coming up with horrible nicknames for me. Anyway you told Birdbrain that Spider-Man is 15!" Tony says and Peter flinches at the last part and I see that Sherlock, John, Mycroft, and Greg saw that because they look at me with confusion and see to ask the same question with their eyes. I ignore it for now and keep my attention of Tony. "Yes he's 15, now would you stop going after him?" Tony nods and starts to walk off before yelling "See you in an hour Wizard." I roll my eyes and close the portal. "John pull up a news page of the vigilante in Queens New York." He does so and pulls up a new article on Spider-Man. "So who is this guy Stephen?" John asks and I read some of the things people that Peter's saved have to say about him. "It's Peter." I hear the sound of someone coughing and turn to see Greg with a hand on his chest as he coughs. Mycroft looks at him and places an arm in front of Greg as he coughs and looks like he's about to fall forward. "Sorry, but you mean to tell me the kid we just met who just happens to be your son, mind you. Is this Spider-Man fellow and is out saving people from burning buildings and keeping a bridge together!" Greg says and I nod. "How?" Mycroft and Sherlock ask. "When he went on a school trip there was a spider that bit him on the hand. He killed it and then continued down the hallway they were in. They got to a glass container that contained radioactive spiders, but Peter noticed a whole in the glass. By nod his hand was swollen and a bit purple so he hid in in he jacket pocket. They were all suddenly rushed out of the building because they saw the squished spider and another got out and bit somebody, killing them instantly. All the students were looked over an when they saw Peter's hand they rushed him to the hospital and I was called in. When I got there he complained of feeling ill but they let him come home with me due to the past experience of working there and that the swelling was going down quickly. We got home and I sat with him the whole night and called him out of school the next day, and that's when we found out about his ability's. Since then he's been Spider-Man and has gone out to save people since I told him when he turned 14 about what happened to his actual family." Everyone including Sherlock has a look of disbelief on there face. "HE WAS BIT BY A WHAT!" John yells and look at him disapprovingly. "You heard me. Now what was this business involving your brother Sherinford?" "He's on his way hear because he said that he had a feeling something was wrong with Sherlock. I understand where he's coming from with that statement." Mycroft says and I nod. I look at Sherlock but like always his face is black of emotion. He eyes are the same way but his mind says differently. He thoughts have gotten to load for his own good and the thought of ending it all for real this time has crossed his mind more then once in the past minute. "Stop that." He says in a rather sharp tone and he looks me dead in the eye. "Just be great full I don't say anything." The others are looking at us but we stop when we hear Mrs. Hudson yell up the stairs. "Sherlock, Mycroft you have a visitor."

-Yes I did a fucking crossover! What you going to do about it? Nothing I tell you, nothing! I have loved the idea of a crossover without turning Sherlock into Stephen or Stephen into Sherlock. I don't mean to offend any of you but this is how I think.-

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