What the hell did you do!

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When I finish I call dad because I still have 10 minutes before I have to be back. A portal opens as I finish clearing up the area I used. Mr. Stark left halfway through my time here so he didn't disrupt me as I worked. "Hey Fri can you tell Mr. Stark that I'm leaving?" "Yes Peter." Fri says and I grab the device I made and walk through the portal. It closes behind me and I notice another person standing in the room now. I ignore him and walk of to Sherlock and hold out my free hand. "I need to see your arms sir." He looks at me suspiciously and doesn't move his arms. "Please." He finally moves his arms out to me and I pull up his sleeves and see nicotine patches on his arm. I quickly take them off despite his complaints about it, and put one half of the device on his arm. I do the same thing to the other arm and then place my finger over a button on each of the pieces before they blend in to look like the color of his skin. They're small and flat so it won't be noticeable under a shirt, so I pull down his sleeve again and step back to give him his personal space again. "Those will send small dose and of a chemical that will give the feeling of having nicotine or any other drug he uses without him ever needing it. The chemical will only be released through when he's having severe withdrawal symptoms or becomes overly stressed. It's also completely harmless." I feel a bunch of eyes on me and I step back by my dad and wait for someone or something to distract them from me. Suddenly the guy I haven't met says something "Mycroft why did a child have to attach a device to our little brother?" I see Mycroft sigh in annoyance and look at the new guy. "Sherinford he did it to help with his addition to drugs. Is that what you wanted to hear?" Mycroft says and leans on his umbrella a bit and waits for an answer. Mycroft's hand is turning white as he grips the handle of his umbrella tightly. Greg walks over and places a hand is Mycroft's before using the other to release his fingers from the tight hold they have. John gets a phone call and walking into the kitchen to answer it. I see the posture change in Sherlock, and then after the phone call ends John walks back in and looks at Sherlock confused and asks. "Sherlock are you alright?" "I'm fine John." Sherlock says flatly and I see him picking at the hem of his sleeves. Then he stops and his eyes go wide and he looks over at me. "Peter how did you manage to make these?" He says and I go through the process of explaining it all before stopping and realize I'm probably rambling so I turn away from them all. I sense someone walk over to me and before they place and hand on me I grab their wrist tightly and then pull their arm behind their back and then stop when I see that it's just Greg. "Sorry." I step back a bit and put my hands in my pockets.

An hour later

Sherlock seems off and I notice Greg pick up on this. John left 30 minutes ago to go on a date an since then Sherlock has been acting weird. Dad when with Mrs. Hudson to get dinner so I'm just sitting here while Sherinford reads a book and Mycroft sits on the couch next to Greg with a cup of tea in hand. Just then Sherlock runs out of the flat and we all stand up to go after him. It's dark outside so I open one of the windows and step half way on it before being pulled back inside by Greg. "What the hell do you think you're doing? You're going to fall and die that way!" He says and I shrug him off before climbing through the window and falling for a bit and then catching myself on the wall and climbing back up to the window. "Remember that I'm Spider-Man?" I wink before looking down and seeing Sherlock running down the street. Swing away and follow him as he continues running. I see him run into an alleyway and find John there unconscious and bleeding from his head severely. I jump down and land next to them and remove some wrap from one of my coat pockets. I also find a needle and some things to use for stitches in there and begin to use them on John's head. When I finish I put what's left back in my pocket and stand up. Sherlock grabs John and hold him close as he looks over him for anymore injuries. I added my AI Karen to my watch so I tap my watch twice and then have her scan over John. "He has two broken ribs and his left wrist is broken." Karen says and I tap my watch again for her to shut off. "Sherlock how tightly can you hold onto him?" "Extremely. Why do you ask instead of calling 999?" He says and I web his arms around John to be safe before picking them up and holding onto them as I swing with them to the nearest hospital. When we get close I land in an alleyway and remove the webbing from them before helping them inside the hospital. They take John away and I sit with Sherlock after I had called dad to get the others and meet us here. When they show up dad glances over me for any injuries before pulling me into a hug. We all stay there and Mycroft an Sherinford sit with Sherlock to comfort him. Eventually they let John out and he leans into Sherlock for support so he doesn't fall due to the head injury. We get outside and back in the alleyway before dad opens a portal for them to all get into the flat. "We've got to get you back home kiddo." Dad says and I nod. We wave to everyone before dad closes the portal and opens one to the Sanctum. When we walk through I turn and look at dad. "Can I go out on patrol?" "Sure but I want you to call me if they're after you again." Dad says and I nod before hugging him and changing into my suit and leaving. I swing around for a while and help stop a few muggings before I see the Iron man suit in front of me. I go to swing away but see a metal tentacle slip into a wear house. I swing past Iron man and he tries to grab me but I move out of the way and into the wear house. I fight with a guy who calls himself Dr. Octopus but he gets away. I go to stand but find that difficult. I web out of there despite the pain I'm in and lay of a rooftop for a bit. I don't call dad because I don't want to worry him but the pain is getting to be unbearable. I see Black Widow coming in my direction and I stand up and wobble on my feet for a bit. I dodge her attacks and move out of the way when I see Captain Americans shield in my peripheral vision. It hits the Black Widow and I take this as my chance to escape. I evade a few more attacks from some of the others there Avengers before I have to rest on the top or a building. I don't know what building I'm on but I just sit there. I hear the sound of metal hitting the roof and I turn to see Iron man there. "Sir please not now. You've all been after me tonight but not now." The suit opens and Mr. Stark walks out and comes over to the ledge and sits with me. "We have our orders kid. We have to know who you are." He says and I let out a breathy laugh. "I know." It's quite between us for a while and I see my vision start to blur a bit from the blood loss. I lean on Mr. Starks shoulder and try to stay awake but I feel myself loosing consciousness. "Call Mr. Strange."

I just barely hear what Spider-Man has to say before he passes out. I pull out my phone and call Stephen quickly. It rings twice before he answers.


"Stephen I need to know if you can meet me in Med-bay at the tower."

"Yes. What do you need me for though?"

"Spider-Man passed out and there's blood seeping through his suit."


"On the top of some building but I'm going to take him to Med-bay. Fury made us go after him since he can't allow him to continue working without knowing his identity"

"Get him to Med-bay but under no circumstance do you take off his mask!"

I hang up and pick the kid up the best I can before getting in my suit and picking him up that way and flying quickly to the tower. When I get there everyone is prying web off of themselves but I lean Spider-Man against the suit and get out of it before looking at Thor and he picks up Spider-Man for me. We rush to the elevator and quickly make our way to Med-bay where we meet Bruce and Stephen. Thor sets Spider-Man down and looks at Stephen fearful as Stephen pushes Bruce and I out of the room.

I let Thor stay as he calls Loki to tell him what happened. I start removing the suit from Peter before I yell at Fri. "Turn of the cameras in this room and the speakers! I don't need them spying at a time like this to try and figure out who Spider-Man is!" "Yes Dr. Strange." Fri says and I go back to removing the suit from Peter. An hour goes by before I finish up with health Peter. By now Loki and Thor are sitting in chairs anxiously waiting for Peter to wake up. I sit on the bed holding his hand just hoping I got to him in time. It gets late into the night and Peter still hasn't woken up yet. I send Thor and Loki away so they can get some sleep but I don't move from Peter's side. I had put his mask back on him but left it up around his mouth so he could still breathe. "Fri can you alert me when he wakes up?" "Sure Dr. Strange. Do you want me to call him Spider-Man when I alert you?" She asks and I hesitate with my answer for a moment. "No." I lean over and kiss Peter on his forehead before getting up and walking out of Med-bay. I walk into the elevator and then go up before walking out to the commons and see everyone that interacted with Peter still covered in webs from t in Tony's case his blood. I look at everyone even Fury and loose it. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE! I TOLD YOU HE WAS 15 AND YOU STILL WENT AFTER HIM! GOD DAMN IT IF YOU KNEW WHO HE ACTUALLY WAS I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THE LOOK ON YOUR FACES AS YOU CONTINUE TO RE THINK ABOUT EVERYTHING YOU DID!" By now I have tears streaming down my face and sparks coming from my hands. I see Loki and Thor get ready to grab me and stop my ability to use magic until I calm down. "Dr. Strange Peter has woken up." Fri says and I open a portal to Med-bay and see Peter laying there blinking repeatedly. "Fri can you dim the lights a bit?" The lights dim and I run to Peter's side. I help him sit up and I wrap my arms around him and hug him with tears streaming down my face. He's shaking like a leaf and apologizing for not calling while he hugs me and cries into my chest. The only thing I can do is sit there with him and rub his back while I wait for him to stop crying. "Peter It's okay. I'm just glad that you're alive." "But I told you I would call and I didn't. I could have died and you wouldn't have ever known. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry dad." Peter says as he continues to cry and I hug him tighter. "It's okay Peter. You had me worried there for a few hours though kiddo." "They know don't they?" He says and I nod. It's quiet for a while and I notice that he's asleep. I decide to move us around a bit and have him lean into my side as I rest with my back against the wall and one of my arms around him. He stirs a bit but only to hug me again and rest with his head on my chest again. I faintly hear him mumble out "I love you dad." I smile a bit and wipe of any residual tears from his face before wrapping my others arm around him and falling slowly into sleep.

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