Plan in action

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I walk to Peter's room and knock on his door. He opens up and looks at me confused. "What's up dad?" He asks and I move a piece of hair out of his eyes. "Are you down for going on a little trip?" He smiles and nods quickly. "Ya just let me tell Mr. Stark." He says and I stop him. "Actually it's supposed to be a surprise to him. Well part of it anyway. Also go back to calling him Tony." "Okay? But what's the surprise? You're not breaking up with them are you? Please don't say that, I want you both to be my parents. Sorry I didn't mean to say that, it's your choice if you guys don't stay together but I just thought....." he says and looks down. "Hey now look at me. We're not breaking up, in fact I do plan on trying to move our relationship forward if he'll let me." He looks up at me and smiles again. I open a portal to a small house and we walk through. The portal closes and I go knock on the door. It opens and Harley Keener opens the door. "Who are you two?" He asks and Peter looks at me confused. "Dad who's this?" He asks and I sigh. "Harley meet Peter, Peter meet Harley. I used to know your mother from years ago when she lived in Nebraska for a few years. Speaking of which, how is she?" He looks at me confused. "Who are you?" He asks again and I sigh. "Stephen Strange." He nods and opens the door. "Alright come in." He say and we walk inside. He shuts the door and looks at us. "My mom died about a year ago. My siblings are gone and I'm about to loose the farm and the house, so unless you came to help out or something I recommend going back to where you came from." Harley says and Peter looks at him sadly. "I don't know why we came here but I can give you money if you really need it." Peter says and Harley shakes his head. "Peter you seem to have a heart of gold and are just a walking bit of human sunshine. But as much as I need the money to keep this place, I would need more than you have. I'm just going to finish the school year off and then try and get another job. So sunshine keep your money, but thank you for the offer." Harley says and Peter pulls a twenty out of his pocket and shoves it into Harley's chest. "I'm not taking it back." Peter says and Harley sighs and nods. "Harley I came to see if you would like to help me surprise Tony later this week but I think you're in need of a surprise yourself if you want to accept. You can finish your school off and I can keep this place for you to live in until you get enough money to pay for it yourself. He nods and smiles. Harley looks around the house a moment and we all walk outside. He locks the house and and I open a portal back to Peter's room. The cloak comes flying at me and pats Peter on the head before stopping in front of Harley. "Levi he's friendly." Peter says and the cloak turns to me. "Go ahead cloaky. He won't hurt you." They turn back to Harley and pats him on the head. It then lands on my shoulders and pats my face. Harley looks at the cloak in shock. "So boys, you want to help me with setting up a surprise?" Peter does a flip and then jumps up to the ceiling and hangs upside down. Harley looks confused and shocked. "So wait you can do magic and Peter is Spider-Man? And why are planing a surprise?" He asks. "Yes Peter is Spider-Man and I'm the sorcerer supreme. I practice the mystic arts. An I'm doing this to make it up to Tony, after the pain I put him through recently." He nods and looks around. "We're in the Avengers tower. We're currently in Peters room here." He nods and I open a portal to my family home. "I'll be back. You two go through and the cloak will go with you." Under my breath I leave a message with the cloak and then they all go through. I close it and walk to find everyone in the commons. Tony is down in his lab again and I open another portal to my old house and they all walk through. "Fri, if Tony asks where we are before we get back, can you tell him that Furry had to speak with us?" "Of course Wizard." She says and I smile. "Thank you dear." I walk through the portal and find everyone in the main room. "So what do you need us to do for you Stephen?" Sam asks and I move us all to the dining room and everyone sits down. "So....."


I walk to the elevator and go up to the commons. When I get there I see everyone talking quietly and when they see me they stop. "Did something happen? Did something happen to Stephen?" I look around and don't see Peter or Stephen in the room. "Sir calm down. Nothing bad happened." Vision says and I nod. A portal opens and out steps Peter, Harley, the cloak, and Stephen. "Hey kid, hey cloaky, good to see you again Harley, you alright babe?" They all look at me and wave. "Hey Tony, hey Mr. Stark." Peter and Harley say. "I'm fine love." Stephen says and holds up his hand and counts down from three. When he gets to zero it clicks. "Harley! Oh my god, you're actually here!" I walk over to him and hug him. Since I left him I've thought about him but I never reached out and didn't think I would see him again. He hugs me and I see Peter and Stephen side hug with a smile on their faces. I hear Stephen's phone ding and he checks it. Peter looks at the message and looks at Harley. I pull away and Peter and Harley high-five. "What's going on." They all laugh and smile before the kids walk off. Stephen kisses me and walks to the kitchen to make tea. "Why is everyone being so weird and why is Harley here?" "Be ready by 5:00 pm on Saturday. I'll pick you up and you'll find out." Stephen says and winks at me. "Damn it Stephen, stop winking at me!" I feel heat rising to my face and turn to go back to my lab. I get dragged back and sat next to Stephen at the table. He wraps an arm around me and I slam my head on the table. " I hate you." I feel a kiss on my right temple as he says "No you don't. I'll be getting you by 5:15 pm on Saturday." I groan and he laughs. "I love you douchebag." He says and I try and fight the smile that's making its way onto my face. "I love you too asshole." Stephen let's go and stands up. He sets his tea next to me and calls for the kids before leaving. I look at his tea cup and still see steam rising from it. I grab it and drink what's left. I smile and put the cup in the dishwasher.

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