Don't fuck with people in power

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Tony is currently laying with his head on my lap while he text Fury about some meeting he has to attend. I see the cloak rush out from one of the hallways and Bruce stumbles a bit before being steadied by the cloak. The cloak has my phone and hands it to me and I just barely miss a phone call from Myc but I answer it and the first thing I hear in the background is people yelling.

"Stephen I need you to get here to be with you son when he wakes up."

"What do you mean? Myc what happened to Peter?"

In the background I can here John and Sherlock yelling at someone.

"Bloody hell! Let me go and do my bloody job! He's my friends kid that's internally bleeding!"

I hear John yell that as Myc tries to tell me what happened.

"Stephen are you there? Stephen?"

Tony puts his phone down and looks at me and says "Steph, what's going on?"

"Patrick are you still there? You need to get here so that Peter has a friendly and comforting face."

"I'm on my way and tell them, no hell demand that they let John help Peter! Also never call me that again. You know why I changed that years ago for a reason."

I hang up and move Tony off my lap. He sits up and stands next to me an grabs my arm. "Steph what's going on?" He asks but I shake his hand off and open a portal to Molly's work space. I see her standing there working on something. I tap her shoulder and frighten her a bit by this action. "Molly where is John's boss at? I need to speak with him." I see Tony standing there confused and a bit of jealousy is in his face at how close Molly and I are. I turn around and walk over to him and pull him through. Before closing the portal. I turn back to Molly and she leads the way to John's boss. When we get to his office Molly knocks on the door and goes back in the direction of her office. "Molly, thank you." She smiles and says "Your welcome. Though I didn't do much." She walks back to her office and the door in front of us opens. The man there gets ready to speak but I shove him back so the he lands in a seat before Tony shuts the door behind himself. "Let John Watson work on Peter B. Strange. I don't care about who you have working on him at this moment, because they're all shit at their jobs. If you don't send John Watson to go in there and make sure my son gets out of this alive I will make sure that your life spirals down to a pit of living hell. Do I make myself clear?" The man nods and I move out of the way and hand him his phone to call John. Tony and I walk out of his office and down to the waiting room where we find the others. John looks at me after he gets done with his phone call and gives me a sympathetic smile before rushing off to go get ready and help. Sherlock looks up me with worry etched in his eyes. Ever since he's become the second father for John's daughter Rosie, he's been more careful about the safety of children. Myc never understand why but the kids have grown to melt a bit of the iceman's icy heart. This now shows why he sounded so panicked on the phone. Greg has him pulled into a hug for a moment and we all wait. Tony leans into me and I wrap my arms around him. I stand there with him and quietly talk to him until John walks out and looks over at us. "Stephen do you want to got sit with him? He's is room 362." He says and I nod. He walks away to remove the scrubs he has on and I take Tony's hand and we start to walk to Peter's room before I stop and look at the others "Thank you for getting here when you did." They all nod and wave us on to go and see Peter. When we get to the room Peter's in I notice that we've made it to the intensive care unit. I take a moment before opening the door and seeing Peter still laying there passed out. Tony lets go of my hand and walks over to Peter. The care that he has with Peter warms my heart and it makes it better knowing that he's agreed to be the second set of DNA I need to keep Peter off of Hydra's list as a regular kid. The government has already been informed of the plan and has everything ready to be changed whenever we go through with this. The only thing is that I want Peter to agree to this before we go through with it. I walk in and shut the door before walking over and planting a kiss on Peter's forehead before sitting down in one of the chairs. We wait there with Peter for an hour until he wakes up. I dim the lights and he looks around the room. By now Myc, Greg, Sherly, John, and Mrs. Hudson are in the room with us. Athena has been watching Rosie for Sherlock and John whenever Sherlock has one of his episodes. She's on her way with Rosie and I have a feeling Sherlock is going to hold her in a gentle but tight grip. It takes Peter a moment to register where he is but the second he does he starts to panic and his anxiety kicks in. My heart breaks at this because it's been so long since he's had an anxiety or panic attack. "Kiddo can you look at me?" He looks over at me and I move to sit on the bed next to him. "Son can you try and follow my breathing?" I move his away from his chest hand hold in in my own. "In for 3......out for 5." We do this a few more times before Peter's breathing is normal. Athena had walked in and handed Rosie over to John. Peter sits up and bit and leans into my side due to a wave of dizziness. Rosie tries to climb out of John's arms so she gets handed off to Sherlock who's no better. Peter looks at her and holds out a hand in her direction. "I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you all. And I'm sorry dad and Mr. Stark that you had to come all the way here because of this." Peter says and his voice breaks a few times indicating he's about to cry. Rosie grabs on to his hand and messes with his fingers. "Peter you have nothing to apologize for. We're all just glad that you're okay." Athena says and pats Rosie on her head. Rosie starts to wiggle out of Sherlock's grip and I use a small spell to keep her from falling and move her back in Sherlock's arms. She starts to fuss and Mrs. Hudson looks through the bag that Athena brought with her. She grabs a soft little plush and hands it to Rosie. Rosie takes it but continues to fuss. "Can I see her for a moment?" Peter asks and I look at John and Sherlock for an answer. Sherlock hands her to Peter and he runs a finger over her bottom gum. "Her first tooth seems to be coming. She's going to be fussy a lot more if you don't keep it numbed." Peter says and I ruffle his hair a bit. "Look at you looking out for your little cousin." Greg says and Peter looks at him confused. "Wouldn't we be second cousins?" He asks and we all nod. "Yes you would but it's easier to just say that you're cousins." Tony says and I look at him and he has a soft smile on his face as Rosie messes with one of his hands. "Stephen I apologize for what happened on the phone earlier. I just needed you to snap back into reality for a moment. But is there anyway way you could open one of your portal things and let me speak with the Thompson kids parents?" Myc says and I look up at him. "Myc I understand why you did it. There really is no need to apologize for that." I open a portal to the tower for him and he nods a bit. Tony stands up and ruffles Peter's hair and pats Rosie on the head before looking at me and silently telling me he's going back. I nod and he walks through the portal with Myc following behind him. I close the portal behind them and Rosie starts to fuss again. "John mind if I use a spell on your daughter to numb her gum so it doesn't hurt her to much?" "Sure. If it makes her gum feel better than be my guest." John says and I cast the spell. In seconds she's asleep in Peter's arms. "Dad." Peter says and he keeps his gaze on Rosie. "Ya kiddo. Is there something you need?" I look around the room and everyone gets the hint to step out for a moment. I go to pick up Rosie and hand her back to John or Sherlock but she grips onto Peter's hospital gown. "She'll be okay with you here." John says before walking out with everyone following behind him. Greg shuts the door behind himself and I turn back to Peter and Rosie. "Dad are you ashamed of me for not being able to protect myself against Flash?" Peter asks and the question catches me off guard. "Kiddo why on earth would I be ashamed of you for that? You've explained to me you've never fight back every time her hurts you. Knowing that you have that much control even when things get tough makes me proud. Yes it makes me upset that you get hurt to badly like this, but I know you to well to know that you won't severely hurt him in retaliation because of what happens to you. You make me proud to be you dad ever day, never forget that kiddo." I wrap and arm around him and give him a side hug. Not long after he's asleep so I text the other's to come back in. Athena and Mrs. Hudson went home so Sherlock, John, and Greg walk back in.

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