How are things

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/For some context Peter is now in high school. Stephen knows he's Spider-Man, and the only people who know on the Avengers side of things that Peter is Stephen son are Loki and Thor. I do apologize for the large time skip but I wanted to get into the fun stuff now. Yes little Peter is fun to write about but the best part of this story is when he's in high school. So with that I bring you to the new chapter./

Today we had a test that none of us had been expecting and it was over things we have never done. The test its self wasn't all that hard but it confused me as to why we had it. At lunch Ned, MJ, and I had talked about how odd the test was but we just blew it off as some new thing the school was trying. It still bugs me though as to why we never got a heads up about it. I walk up to the doors of the Sanctum and open them. When I walk in and shut the door I hear the sound of a violin from inside dad's room. I take off my bag and shoes before walking down the hallway that leads to his room. I see that his door is open and he's standing in the middle of his room playing the violin. I see a man I've never meet before sitting in one of dad's chairs. I gently knock on the door and they turn to look at me. "Welcome home kiddo. Congratulations on the test by the way." Dad says and I look at him confused. "What? Dad I didn't even know about the test. And what do you mean by congratulation? Did you know? Also who is this?" "Slow down son. Yes I knew about the test. You will understand why I'm congratulating you tomorrow when you get to school. And this is my friend from a few years back." Dad says and the man stands up. He's a bit short than me but not by much. " I'm agent Everett Ross. I work with S.H.I.E.L.D. It's a pleasure to meet you Peter." He says and I look at him in awe. "You work for S.H.I.E.L.D.! That's so cool!" He laughs a bit before turning to my dad and patting him on the shoulder and saying "I hope to see you again Stephen. An Peter I hope to see you around more often." Everett says and starts to walk out of the room but stops and looks at me and says "Also good job out there Spiderling. Your work is impressive." He walks out and leaves the Sanctum. I turn to dad but he smirks before putting his violin up. I roll my eyes and walk to my room to work on homework. I get done quickly and then walk out to the living room texting Ned. "Hey dad can Ned come over tonight?" "If his mom says it's alright then we can go get him." He yells back and I smile.

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