It won't make sense yet but it will

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Peter seems to be showing signs of depression, but I can't blame him. With Stephen gone from him for a month already, it has to take a toll on the kid. Without his dad it seems to be making the cheerful boy we all know and love, a sad and emotionally drained kid. Tony seems to be trying to make him happy hugging the kid, watching movies with him, and even comforting him when he needs it.

I wake up and find Mr. Stark laying there with a sad and worried expression. I know he and the others are worried about me and I understand that. I just wish that I could talk with Mr. Stark alone about something, but we're around everyone right now. "Mr. Stark can we talk somewhere in private?" He nods and I go to get up but he picks me up and carries me out of the room. He walks to my room and sets me on the bed. "Fri keep Clint out of the vents." He says and locks the door. "What's going on with you kid?" He asks and I pull my knees up to my face. "I can't keep pretending like everything's fine. I know you know something about my dad. I want to know if he's even alive and if there's any point in pretending like everything is fine. I don't think I can keep pretending if he's gone. I I don't want to pretend if he's gone." I wipe my eyes and try to stop from crying. "Kid.....Okay yes I do know what's going on with your dad, but he's not doing the greatest right now. After your fight a month ago he got into a fight and took a hit for us all. If you remember a guy by the name of Mordo, he's the one that did it and your dad has been in a coma like state for a while. He's been getting better but I don't know how he is right now. I'm sorry." Mr. Stark says and I nod. I lay down and stare out the window. I see Levi outside the window and Mr. Stark gets up and let's it in. Levi rushes over to me and wraps around me in a protective type hug. "Hey Levi, I missed you too buddy." Mr. Stark walks over and pats my head before walking out and I grab my phone to text Ned and MJ.

I walk out of the kids room and tap my nano tech and fly around the city for a few hours. I eventually land back at the tower and stay down in the lab for the rest of the day. As night slowly creeps in I stay in the lab and continue to work while thinking about what Peter said to me. God I wish Stephen was here. He's so much better at parenting. "Tony come up. You've been down here all day." Bruce says and I slam my head on the counter in front of me. "Bruce Pete just said he would rather die then live, if Stephen doesn't pull through his Wizard coma. Fuck I don't know how to help him or what to do! I lose Stephen it's bad enough but if Peter goes because his dad's dead, I don't think I can cope." Bruce walks over to me and pulls me into a hug. "Everything will be fine. You just need to keep faith in Stephen being alright." He says and I nod. "Now come up. Everyone is worried about what this is doing to you. Even Peter's talking with everyone again. It may be the cloak but it's got him talking. We're all worried about you." He says and I nod. We walk to the elevator and go join the others in the commons. When we get there everyone shifts their attention to me and I just walk to the coffee pot to make more coffee. Stephen's cloak detaches from Peter and hovers behind me. It hands me a small note and goes back to Peter.

All will make sense soon. After dinner the cloak will follow you to your room and hand you something else. It won't make any sense right away but in time it will.
Ps don't try and kill Loki for this. This was set up by him and Stephen, in case he was out for over a month.

I look at the note confused and put it in my pocket. I grab a cup and pour my coffee into it and sit next to Peter on the couch. Not long after, Steve calls us for dinner and we all gather around the table. Rhodey and Peter sit next to me. Despite Peter and I not wanting to eat Rhodey and Bruce make us both eat dinner. After wards the cloak pushes me to my room and locks my door. I sit on my bed and wonder what it has to hand me. It left during dinner and came back only a moment ago. It hands me a small box with a button and wraps around me. I hit the button and words pop up out of it with Stephen saying everything that pops up. "Hello Anthony. I'm so sorry my dear that I can't walk you through how to take care of Peter. Loki and I have a plan to help you understand why I try so hard to keep him close and don't get too mad at him. It should also help you with taking care of him when it wears off. Loki will help you through the process and so will Thor if he's around. I will return to you soon. I can promise you that. How soon, I'm not sure but I know that I will be back before Peter graduates, if not before. I love you Anthony and I will be back, but I need more time. If the cloak is staying with you then it's a sign to you that I won't be much longer. I love you and Peter both so much. Stay strong and I will see you both soon." It ends and the cloak holds me tighter. I wipe my eyes and get up to unlock my door. I hear yelling in the living room and run out there to see Loki preforming a spell on Peter. Everyone but Peter is trying to stop him and Loki finishes the spell. I run to Peter and find a small lump in his clothes. I move his shirt and find Peter but a very small version of himself. I wrap his shirt around him. And hold him close to my chest. "Loki what the hell did you do?" He looks at me and then at Peter. "You got Stephen's message. This was our plan that we had come up with if he didn't come out of his coma yet. Thor and I can help you take care of him but he's your responsibility. He likes music at night as well. Wanda do you mind helping Wong move some baby things into Peter's room?" He says and Wanda leaves for a moment. When she comes back she has on a somber face and hands me a small Ironman plush, a spider plush, and a blanket. "Wong said that these were his favorite things as a baby. Stephen let him pick them out the day he went to confirm the adoption I think." She says and I nod while walking out of the room and over to his room. I change him into something that fits, before walking with him to my room and laying in bed with him on my chest. The cloak rests on a chair in my room and I lay there thinking of what Loki had said about this.

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