Peter and Harley's graduation

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May 19th

"Harley get up, we have school." I shake him awake and he smacks my hand. "Do I really have to show up?" He mumbles and I sigh. "Yes Harley. If you don't then you won't graduate and will have to take your senior year again." He shoots up and climbs out of bed. "Not going to happen. I love sleeping but I don't want to take an extra year of high school because I chose to sleep." He says and I laugh while walking out of his room. I walk to the kitchen to find uncle Wong, Thor, and Loki. We all sit down to eat breakfast and Harley joins us halfway through. He starts to shove pancakes down his throat and ends up choking on a few. When he's done he rushes to finish getting ready. "Thank you for breakfast guys." They nod and look at each other with a glint in their eyes. I decide to ignore it and go brush my teeth.

At school

"Hey losers." MJ says as she walks up to Harley and I. "Hey MJ." Harley says and I give her a kiss on her cheek. Ned walks up and we do our handshake before walking to our classroom. Our teacher drags on about how important today is and about how much she enjoyed having us as students. Harley falls asleep on my shoulder during the speech, MJ buries herself in a book, and Ned looks lost to the world. Finally her speech ends and we all get up and get ready to go into the gym. We get the first 18 rows, while parents get the remaining 15. It's a slow process and we all just end up talking to each other until MJ is called. We all cheer for her quietly and then resume talking. Soon Ned is called to the floor. "You got this Ned. Pretend we're all just lifeless Lego characters." Harley says to him and Ned nods before going down. Harley and I continue our conference before he gets called. "Good thing you got up today." He grins and walks down to the gym floor. I get called next and walk down there and receive my diploma. Again we wait and when they finish handing out the main diplomas, parents and families cheer and clap loudly. Everyone goes back to their seats for the other certificates that they've got to hand out yet. The four of us ended up with about 10 each by the end of it. Eventually we all get to go and talk with families. " Ned and MJ go to find their families while Harley and I look around for Dad or Tony. We haven't really come up with anything to call Tony but we can cross that bridge when he and dad get married. "Peter, Harley." Someone says and we turn. "Alan!" We rush over to him and hug him. "Hey mini engineer." Harley says and ruffles his hair. Alan rolls his eyes and grins. "Come on, everyone is outside." Alan says and we follow him out to the others. When we get there we're bombarded with hugs and congratulations from everyone. Dad and Tony keep grinning and I see a look pass between them and Harley. "So kids what are your plans now that you've graduated?" Greg asks us and I notice an engagement ring on his finger. "I'm going to go back to the farm and get a job out there. I miss being there all the time and I've got people to catch up with." Harley says and they turn to me. "I'm waiting to see if I get accepted into MIT. If not there I can always try somewhere else. Also Greg congratulations on the engagement." He and smiles and dad walks over. "You two have made me incredible proud. I love you both so much, and all I ask is that you visit every so often. He hands both of us letters and hugs us both. I look at Harley but he just stares at the letter in his hands with a confused expression. "Are you going to open it?" He nods and opens the letter. He looks up and hugs dad tightly. I hear him say a muffled "thank you." before pulling away and looking over the letter again. I take a peek at it and see that the farm and everything with it has been paid off and is now is his name. I open my letter and stare at it in disbelief. I look at dad and he shakes his head. "You sure there weren't any strings pulled?" "Kiddo we all know how much you like to do things yourself and prove that you can do something on your own. This was all your doing." Dad says and I read the letter again. "I just can't believe I got in on a full ride scholarship." Everyone seems happy and also seems like they knew.

Back at the tower

Everyone was partying and happy. I'm glad I got to be apart of all of this. They're my family and I wouldn't want it any other way. Tony walks over to me and places a hand on my head. "So you're going back to the farm?" He asks and I nod. "I've got friends there and miss how quiet it is. Don't get me wrong I love it here but it's just so busy and load here." He nods and hugs me. "You'll keep in touch won't you kid? I know I wasn't good about it but I want to know how you're doing." He says and I nod. "I'll keep in touch old man. Don't you worry about that." He smirks and we talk for a while longer until Clint runs past us and Sam chase after him with Red wing. I shake my head and smile.


Everyone heads home or off to bed. I clean up a bit before going to bed and drifting off to sleep.

1:00 am.

I wake up to find Stephen sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "Steph?" He turns to me and smiles before getting up. "Stephen where are you going?" "I just need to check something. I'll back in a moment." He says and walks out. I get out of bed and follow him. He walks to the kitchen and checks everything before moving into the living room and checking things there. He walks towards me and picks me up. He carries me back to our room and leaves again. When he comes back in he doesn't say anything but climbs back into bed and pulls me towards his chest. He kisses the top of my head and falls back asleep. I'm going to have to ask him about it later today. I fall back asleep in his arms.

10:35 am.

I wake up and find Stephen still asleep which is odd because he always gets up early. I kiss him and he opens his eyes. "Morning love." He says and sits up. I sit up with him and see a tinge of red on his hands. "Stephen are you doing alright?" He nods and looks at his hands. "I'm fine, they're just irritated." Is all he says before getting out of bed. The day carries on like any other day with nothing out of the ordinary. I ignore it but still can't help but feel something is going to happen.

10 weeks later

Harley left to go back to the farm and Peter is looking at places to live, close to campus. Stephen and I got married two weeks after my birthday. We decided to adopt a little girl named Morgan and she's been playing with Peter whenever he's not doing anything. I love my odd and very dysfunctional family. Stephen has been off still but it hasn't been to bad. I don't ask about it because it could be another dimension problem that I don't want to try and figure out. He's currently asleep with his head on my lap. I brush some of his hair back into place and kiss his forehead. With a smile I go back to watching Morgan and Peter play. Everything is good and I couldn't ask for more.

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