Trip problems

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I was getting ready to board the plane when Flash came up behind me and kicked me in the back. Dad had given me 40,000 Quid to have with me if I needed that much for some reason. The first thing I plan on getting is a portable first aid kit. I stand back up and make my way over to the line that's now forming and wait to board. When I get on the plane I take the seat next to the window and look for Ned and MJ. When I spot them they put their carry on bags up and sit down in the two seats next to mine. "Are you guys excited?" Ned asks and MJ gives him a look that says it all before she opens her book up and starts to read. "I'm a bit excited but also worried." "Dude why are you worried? You won't have to do anything but enjoy the time we're here." Ned say and I turn to look at him fully. "Ned I know people in London, and if they catch Flash doing anything to me I fear for what they plan on doing to him. They can be terrifying when they need to be." "Who do you know that lives in London?" MJ asks as she looks up from her book. I get ready to answer but get cut off by the flight attendant's telling us to buckle the straps on our seats, and every other safety measure we need to know. Once they stop talking and we get up into the air a bit I answer MJ's question. "It's my dad's cousins and other people he knows that are close to them." She nod and goes back to reading. Ned is quiet and I see him looking out the window. I lean back in my seat an close my eyes.

When they're about to land

I look outside and see that we're getting closer to the ground so I nudge Ned until he wakes up from his nap. MJ closes her book and we wait until we land. Once we've landed we get off and I see Flash glare at me from across crowd of people. We all grab our things and make our way outside. I hear yelling and we all turn to see where it's coming from. I see what looks like three people in an argument and immediately recognize one of them as uncle Sherlock. "Oh god. Why did we have to run into him so soon?" Ned looks at me with the most confused look on his face and our teacher noticed because she looks to me for an explanation. "Ned mind staying by my things for a second?" He nods and I make my way out of the crowd of students before yelling over to the group. "WOULD YOU ALL STOP ARGUING OUTSIDE? GO DO THIS SOMEWHAT ELSE! ALSO I'D APPRECIATE IF YOU LEFT MY UNCLE ALONE!" They turn in my direction and Sherlock glares at them before running over. "What in hell are you doing near a crime scene?" He asks and I point behind me to my class and the airport. "We just landed." He nods and I turn to Ned and MJ. I wave them over and they bring there bags and Ned hands me mine. "These are my friends Ned and MJ. No saying aloud any deductions you've already made about them. Also where's John?" Sherlock sighs in annoyance before saying "He's with Lestrades. I got stuck with those twats who can't do anything right." I roll my eyes before looking back at me class who looks confused. "Well you should go back to your investigation. See you around." He pats my head before running back to the crime scene. Eventually we all make our way to the hotel that we'll be staying in. Ned and I say bye to MJ and go up to the room we will be sharing. "So Peter what's your plan while being here?" Ned asks and I give him a side glance as we walk in the room. "Well I want to visit the rest of the people that I know from here so f I get the chance. I also want to know more about my dad's past. I over heard a conversation he was having a week ago but he put a stop to it before I could figure out why he never mentions his parents or past." "Why not ask you uncle?" Ned asks and I turn to look at him. "Which one? The high functioning sociopath, one of the gods, or perhaps the British government? Ned be more specific." His jaw drops when I mention what my Uncle Mycroft does. "Did you say one of your uncles is apart of the British government?" He asks and I nod. We put our things down and I check my watch. "We still have 2 hours before everyone goes out for dinner. You want to see if we can get MJ and then go to 221 b Baker St. to visit some people?" "Sure but lets go before Flash sees us." Ned says and I nod before we go to MJ's room and knocked on her door. She opens up and walks out and looks at us. "I take it you want to go somewhere." She says and we both nod before we all go and leave. We pass our teacher so I go over to her to explain where we're going to be at. "If you don't mind MJ, Ned, and I are going to go visit some of my family that lives close by. We'll be back before everyone leaves to go to dinner." "Go ahead Peter but you three be careful." She says and I nod before walking back over to them and we leave. We walk to the apartment and I use the knocker that's tiled sideways. The door opens and Mrs. Hudson is on the other side. "Hello Mrs. Hudson. Do you mind if we come in?" "Oh not at all dear. Come on in, the boys should be upstairs with that investigator. I'll go make some tea for you all." She says and gets ready to walk to the kitchen. I tap her on the arm and hug her. "Thank you Mrs. Hudson." She hugs me back and says"It's not a problem dear. Now you kids go upstairs, I'll be there in a moment." I let her go and we walk upstairs to find John sitting at the table in front of his laptop while Greg and Sherlock talk about a case. I knock on the door and John, an Greg look over at us. "Hey mate it's good to see you here. I see you brought your friends with you." Greg says and John gets up after saving something and walking over to Ned and MJ. He hold out his hand to them and says "My name's John Watson. It's a pleasure to meet you both." They introduce themselves and I walk around them and over to Greg. "Hey Greg. I never really thanked you or Uncle Mycroft for calming me down last week. So thank you." He pats my shoulder and smiles. "It was nothing. Also you can thank Myc when he gets here in 20 minutes." He says and I nod.

Later when Mycroft gets there

I thank Mycroft when I see him and he meets Ned and MJ. Mrs. Hudson makes more tea and brings it to us. Sherlock is talking to MJ about his experiment while Ned listens to Greg talk about what he does. I'm sitting next to Mycroft on the couch looking up more about what I can on our family. I sigh and put my phone back in my pocket as I come to yet another dead end. Uncle Mycroft looks at me and I can see him trying to see what the reason for my sigh is. "I heard the conversation between you, dad, and Mr. Stark last week. I wanted to find out why dad doesn't talk about his past or his parents, but I've got nothing." Mycroft is silent for a while before saying "Well for starters his name wasn't always Stephen Strange, he used to be Patrick Melrose. As for his past with his parents, I say that you leave that alone. It really messed him up and the effects are still evident at times even now." "Wait did you say Melrose? Didn't David Melrose sexually abuse his son?" MJ says from the kitchen and the room goes quiet. " that can't be right, can it?" I look at Mycroft for an answer but he keeps his eyes closed and when I look at Sherlock he stares at the wall with a distant look in his eyes. Greg and John share a confused and worried glance while Ned and MJ look at me waiting for my reaction.

The room is quiet and I can see the sad and lost look in Peter's eyes. John got up and walked over to him to see if Peter would talk to him or even give any indication that he was alright. I don't know what happened but eventually the kids left in a car Myc called over for them. When the car was out of sight John broken the ice. "What the hell happened just now?" He said and Sherlock was the first out of the two Holmes to do anything. He threw a glass container at the wall before walking off to his room. Myc got up and went to follow Sherlock in an attempt to calm him down before inevitably breaking the device Peter made and using drugs again. "John did Peter say anything to you while you were trying to talk to him?" John sighs and nods. "He said that it explains why every time he stops a drug deal while on patrol Stephen would look at him with a pained look and check his arms and legs for injection marks to be safe. He said it also explains why Stephen doesn't ever really wear short sleeves." John says and I nod. Later Sherlock and Mycroft walk back out to join us. It's not long before Myc gets a call and steps away to answer it. "HE WAS WHAT!" We hear Myc yell and Mrs. Hudson runs up the stairs. Myc eventually hangs up and calls for a car. I get up and follow him as he rushes down the stairs. John and Sherlock follow behind us as we leave Mrs. Hudson there confused. We all get in the car and Myc taps his fingers on his knee impatiently as we are taken in the direction of the hospital. I grab his hands and hold it firmly in my own. "Myc what's going on? Why are we going to the hospital?" "That PRAT beat Peter unconscious! I'll call Stephen when we get there and know that he's conscious. I'm going to deal with This Flash kid and his parents." Myc says and I feel the tension from before return. I feel myself getting ready to punch something but can't at the moment.

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