The date

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-I owe you guys some good old Strangeiron/Ironstrange romance.-

I wake up and move Tony from my lap. I get up and check on Peter to find him fast asleep still. My cloak flies over to me and pats my head before flying out of the room. I shut Peter's door again and walk to the kitchen. I make breakfast for everyone and make coffee for Greg and Tony. Shockingly Greg hasn't gotten up yet to come get coffee. I make a cup of tea and grab a book as I wait.

An hour later

Greg walks out of the room he and Myc were sharing looking disheveled. "So how long were you and Myc up shagging last night?" He nearly drops his cup of coffee and looks at me. "You look like a tomato Greg. Now you know I appreciate that you got him to open up to you and all, but if things are how I believe them to be then I want you two to clean the room and sheets." "I.....what....Stephen!" Greg sputters and I slowly set my book down. Twenty minutes later Myc come out dressed in one of his regular suits. "Good morning Stephen, Gregory." He says and then looks up at Greg and gets confused. "My dearest Gregory why are you so red in the face? Are you sick?" He asks and Greg sets down his cup and looks at him. "I hate your cousin." Greg mumbles and I sit my tea just to annoy Myc. He glared at me and then it all clicks in his brain. "Mycroft Siger Holmes or as your parents called you when you were born Alexander Mycroft Siger Holmes. Why did you expect me not to do that to you when you decide to do things like you did in my home." Now I have two human tomatoes in my kitchen at the moment. John walks out and gives us a small acknowledgment. "Sherlock's in his mind palace. Why are you two so red in the face?" He ask when he sees Greg and Myc standing there each with a cup in hand but not drink from them. "I called them out on a thing when they came out for breakfast. Speaking of which. I have it done if you would like to eat." They all sit down and start to eat so I get up and walk to Peter's room to check on him again. I open his door and find him sitting up with his blanket that I bought him as a baby around his shoulders. "Peter, you feeling alright there son?" He looks at me a yawns before nodding. "When you're ready there's breakfast in the kitchen. Are you sure you're okay?" He has a small smirk on his face and says "I'm fine dad, just a little dizzy. I'll be alright." "Alright. But let someone know if it gets worse." He nods and I walk out of his room shutting the door behind me. The cloak is next to me and motions towards the door. I open it back and and get shoved through before the door shuts in my face. "Did Levi just shove you into my room?" Peter asks and I look back at him. "Yes it did." I reach for the handle and go to turn it but it stops. "Oh you have got to be kidding me." "What?" I hear Peter say from behind me and I look at him again and open a portal. "My cloak is being a pain in the ass again. If you're ready to go eat them head through the portal or you can wait until I get it away from the door." He gets up and walks through the portal and I walk through after him before closing the portal. I pass the others and still see that Tony is asleep on the couch. Sherlock is up now drinking a cup of tea and talking with Peter. I walk to Peter's door and grab the cloak. It lets go of the door handle and I let it go. I flies past me and goes to rest on Tony. I walk back out to the living room and shake Tony to see if I can wake him and and get him anything. He's out like a light still, which tells me he hasn't been sleeping well for a while now. I grab a cup and pour some coffee in it and keep it hot while I wait next to Tony. When he wakes up the cloak gets on my shoulders and I hand him the cup of coffee once he sits up. He takes it and drinks it before setting the cup on the table and pulling me onto the couch to sit with him. I kiss his temple and he smiles a tiered smile. I hear the sound of a phone ding and Tony takes it out of his pocket and hands it to me. "I never handed you your phone back last night." He says and I take it from him to read the text.

Before you go on your date today, open a portal up for John and Sherlock so they can get Rosie from Molly. We can watch Peter while your out -MH

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