Are you alright

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6 month later

I was finishing my homework at the kitchen counter in the Avengers tower when I got a text. I pull my phone out of my pocket and check to see who it's from.

Ask if you can stay in one of the spare rooms at the tower tonight

I can but why can't I come back home tonight

Because I won't have you being here while I'm dealing with something

Will you be safe


Okay. But what do I do if I can't stay

I'll send you to Uncle Mycroft's


I put my phone back in my pocket and put my homework up once I finished the last problem before getting up to find Mr. Stark. When I find him he's with Dr. Banner in the lab working on another project. I knock on one of the counters to get their attention. "What do you need kid?" Mr. Stark asks. "My dad was wondering if I could stay here for at least tonight. Somethings going on that he doesn't want me at home for. If I can't stay here it's fine and my Uncle Mycroft can take me in for the night." "We have an extra room you can stay in. Do you need to get anything from your room at your house for in the morning?" Dr. Banner asks and a bag of clothes drops from a portal next to me. "I guess not." "Then follow me." Dr. Banner says and I follow him to the elevator and with the bag of clothes in hand. When we get in the ride is quiet and then it stops near the hallway with all the bedrooms. I follow him down the hallway until we get to a room on the right side of the hallway near the back. "Thank you Dr. Banner." "It's not a problem Peter, and please call me Bruce. Dr. Banner is to formal." He says and I nod before walking into the room and setting my things down. I pull my phone out and text dad that I'm staying here before sitting on the bed. I lean down and take off my shoes before laying on the bed. A small nap couldn't hurt.

2 hours later

Sam and T'Challa are sitting on the couch watching a movie while everyone else is out on a run or in the training room. The elevator dings and I turn to see who it is when Wanda and J/Vision walk through. "Hey guys. What brings you back here?" "We got bored so we decided to drop by." Vision says and I nod a bit before calling out to Fri. "Hey Fri, how's Peter doing?" "He's currently asleep sir. Dr. Strange has tired calling him three times though. Would you like me to wake him or do you want to call Dr. Strange yourself?" Fri says and I grab my phone and look for Stephen's number.


"God you sound horrible. What the hell happened to you?"



"I guy who used to help me with my training at Kamar-Taj. He turned against us and has a goal to try and kill me to take my place as the Sorcerer Supreme."

"Holy shit. Are you okay?"

"I need you to get me to a hospital. The ambiance will take to long and I don't have enough energy to cast a portal."

"Ya I can get you there just stay on the line:"

"Sure. Just don't tell Peter. I tried to call him but he must be tired. I just wanted to call and let him know that I was alive. God I feel like an idiot."

"That's fine, I'm on my way. And you're not an idiot. I wouldn't be with you if you were an idiot and no idiot fights to save his son and hold up a promise he made to stay alive."

I tap my nano tech plate on my chest and the suit forms around me as I open a window and leave through it. I keep listing to Stephen ramble on about how he doesn't want to break his promise to Peter. I land outside the Sanctum and see the Cloak open the door for me. I run in and hang up the call as I see Stephen laying agains a bookshelf with one of his legs caught under glass case. I move it off his leg and lift him up in my arms before taking off towards the hospital. When we get there I open the suit and step out before adjusting my grip on Stephen and carrying him in. I see doctors rushing around and desperately try to get there attention but can't. "Christine!" I hear Stephen yell out at one of the doctors that rushes past but turns to look at as and shoves a patient file into the hands of another member of staff. She runs over and calls for a few more people over before they take Stephen away and I sit anxiously in the waiting room. Thirty minutes have gone by before Christine walks over to me and sits down next to me. "Thank you for bringing him in when you did. He would have died if you didn't." She says and I nod. "I want him to be able to keep the promise he made to his son Peter." We sit in silence for a few moments before she gets up and holds out a hand to me. "Come on. I'm not technically supposed to do this but I can see that you care for him. Plus he never told me he had a son so I'm going to do this for Peter and for you. You look like you need some time with him." She says and I take her hand and stand up before she leads me to Stephen's room. When we get there she opens the door for me before leaving. I walk over to him and place a hand on the side of his face. Despite our attempts to hide our relationship from the public, I could care less about all of that right now and push the hair out of his face. I plant a kiss oh his forehead before pulling a chair up and resting my head on the bed as I wait for him to wake up. I hold onto one of his gloved hands and feel myself starting to fall asleep like that.

An hour later

I hear the sound of someone yawning so I sit up and find Stephen blinking a few times at how bright the room is. I get up and dim the lights before walking back over to Stephen. "Hey Stephy, how are you?" "In a lot of fucking pain. Is Peter here with you?" Stephen asks as he lets his eyes adjust to room around him. "No I left him at the tower as he slept." Stephen nods and attempts to sit up. "Fuck this hurts." I hear him mumble and then the door opens to reveal Christine. "Stephen lay down. We're not repeating what happened the last time you were here." She says and Stephen rolls his eyes. "Yes well last time I was here it cost me my job. This time I get to keep my job." He says and then turns to look at me. "I should probably explain. Christine and I used to work together. I had preformed your surgery when you got back. About a year later there was a party up in the mountains in the estate that was built up there, so I was in the car making my way there. I got a call about some patients so I was glancing at them from time to time as they showed on my car computer system. A had drifted over a bit but got back in the right lane an nothing happened at the time. Not long after that I got hit and went tumbling or the side of the mountain. I was lucky to survive the fall but I lost what I needed most for this job." Stephen says and hold up his hands and removes his gloves. I sit there and stare at his hands and look over each and every scar. Though the most notable thing is the shaking in his hands. "Stephen....." "It's okay Tony. I get it, I can't even look at them without hate anymore because of how they look. It's why I keep the gloves on." He says and I sit there shocked.

I think I broke Tony because he hasn't moved since his attempt to comment on my hands. "Anthony, are you alright?" He in one quick motion stands up and hugs me. I return his hug and rub his back. After a bit he lets me go and I start healing myself. "I can stay for as you need me to Christine but I'm not going to stay broken the entire time." She nods and gets ready to walk out before saying "You have to let me meet your son soon though." I nod and she walks out. When I finish healing myself I scoot over and see the cloak fly out from the corner of the room. It comes to rest over me and Tony after he climes into the hospital bed with me. He wraps his arms around me and I return the action as we sit there in silence until he gets a text. He ignores it and falls asleep next to me. Christine checks on me from time to time and pokes fun at me for this but I brush it off.

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