You'll be fine now

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I feel bad that I can't help out citizens while I heal. Uncle Thor and Loki have come by to check on me when dad goes to deal with Flash and his parents. Loki brought over his friend Mobius from work one time and we all talked and had fun for a while. Dad's been more tired lately when he comes home and I've noticed he's got a limp now. Uncle Wong's been around more and he keeps looking at dad sadly whenever he sees him. "Uncle Wong, what's going on with dad?" He looks at me while he makes tea and I sit at the counter with a glass of water and a smoothie in front of me. "He's trying to make sure that when you go back to school everyone there will be safe. Along with that he's been dealing with a threat for some time now that he refuses help with. He's just under a lot of stress recently. On top of that all he's worried about you and your condition." He says and I turn to look at dad who's currently sitting in the living room on the phone and in front of his laptop. I get up and walk over to dad as he hangs up the phone and close his laptop. I sit next to him and hug him and he gives me a hug in return. We stay like that for a while before dad falls asleep. I lean into him and close my eyes and wait for sleep.

An hour later

Dad's in the kitchen making food when I wake up and he appears to have a bit more energy than before. "Hey dad, are you okay?" He shuts off the stove and looks at me. "Of course I am. Why would I be?" He says and I see the bags under his eyes. "Dad you look horrible. You need time to relax." He grabs a bowl and pots what I can only assume is a type of soup into it before walking over and handing me the bowl and a spoon. "Eat up. While you were asleep I healed the rest of your injuries. I couldn't stand to watch you not eat that much anymore. As for your statement, I know how I look right now but you'r safety comes first." Dad says and a small smile appears on his face. I eat the soup and then lean into his side. "Dad do you think I could help Mr. Stark tomorrow in the lab?" "We can ask but he may have to leave for a meeting. If that's the case take that time to rest. While I may have healed you but the dizziness and occasional coughing up blood won't stop right away." He says and I hug him. We turn on a movie and have a movie night. Uncle Wong stays with us for the night and about halfway through the movies he goes to his room to sleep for the night. Dad fell asleep during the fifth movie and Levi brought out a blanket for him. I watch two more movies before turning off the TV and laying next dad.

In the morning

I wake up and find dad on the phone while he makes pancakes. After a while the phone call ends and dad walks over with a plate of pancakes and hands it to me. He walks back to grab the syrup and get another plate of pancakes before walking over and sitting down next to me. I take the syrup and pour some over the pancakes before eating. We eat in silence for a bit before dad speaks up. "Tony said that you could come over today. He does have a meeting to go to but he said Bruce would be there if you need anything." "Cool." I finish breakfast and putting everything in the dishwasher before making my way to my room to get changed. I settle on a plain blue t-shirt and put a light weight black jacket over it. I grab a pair of blue jeans and put them on before stumbling a bit as I reach for my shoes. I put them on before carefully standing up and walking out of my room. Dad's on the phone again but he seems angry so I just stand in the living room awkwardly until the call ends. When it does he looks at me and hands me a sling ring. "It's been awhile since you've tried to make your own portal. You up for trying again?" He ask and I put the ring on quickly. I stand next to dad and mimic his motions while thinking about the commons at the tower.

While Peter is focusing on the tower I stop and wait to see how well he does. It keeps sputtering in and out but eventually he gets it to stay. I tap him on the show and he opens his eyes to see the tower on the other side. "I I did it. Dad I actually did it!" He says and turns around and hugs me. "Ya you did. Good job kiddo." I rub his back before he pulls away from the hug and walks through. He gets ready to take the sling ring off but I stop him. "Keep it." I grab another one and hand it to him along with his suit. "See if you can get Anthony to put one of them in your suit." "I will. Bye dad." Peter says before closing the portal and disappearing. I open a portal to Myc's manor and he walks through. I close it behind him before making another to the courthouse. John sent over the documents of Peter's hospital visit, and I have all the documents from Bruce and the other doctors who've taken care of Peter's injuries. The Thompson's already hate me but they sure as hell are going to hate Myc.

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