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TW - Drugs & Alcohol


Shit, I'm angry. I'm angry and I'm not in control of my own actions. After the emotional rollercoaster of finding out that Charlie is leaving me in less than six months, and feeling so deflated from the whole pregnancy scare, I confided in Addy. She listened, she hugged me and she told me to stop being so stubborn and to go and talk things through with my man. I realised that she was right, if he has to move away in such a short time, we should be indulging every last second together, not spending it at war with each other. So I stood from my chair and did just that. Well, I tried. I headed to the patio, where I left him less than twenty minutes before, only to find that he wasn't there.

My anger only grew, and with that, I was reminded that my parents have known about this whole 'scholarship' thing, for over a month and didn't even think to tell me. Before I knew it, my fingers were dialling the house number, ready to give them a piece of my mind. I needed to take my anger out on somebody. It rang, it rang and it rang, but there was still no answer. I found myself pacing back and forth, along the patio, when loud, thumping music, sounded from the pool house. That's when I knew that there was only one place that Charlie could be, the shittiest spring break party known to man.

With that, I stormed on over there, ready to drag Abby out of the damn room by her hair, for influencing my fiancé to be someone he's not. My Charlie would never leave me to go and get wasted, knowing that I was in such an emotional state. I rushed through the door, my eyes scouring the room for a sign of either Charlie, or that bitch of an Aunt of mine. Only, I was distracted, for the first thing I saw was some college bimbo, who had her hands all over my man. She was almost straddling his lap and he wasn't even doing anything to stop her. In fairness, he did look pretty out of it, but that's no excuse. Without even realising that I still had the phone at my ear, I rampaged. I charged at the bitch, heading straight for her pretty red hair.


"You bitch!" I take a swipe at the skank, tackling her to the ground in the process. The room full of tipsy college kids are getting the biggest kick out of this, Cheering us on like we're professional wrestlers. I hear Addy calling my name from behind me, but I'm so determined to kick this bitches ass that I ignore her. "Abby, aren't you going to tell this freak to get off of me?!" the girls who's name I didn't care enough to catch, squeals as I continue to pin her down. Abby appears as-if from nowhere, obnoxiously chewing a piece of gum. "I told you blonde boy was taken" my fathers obnoxious little sister shrugs. Is this her standing up for me? Or just her standing back and enjoying the drama, yet again? Isn't she going to break the fight up?

"Emery, for the love of god, would you just listen to me?!" Addy grabs my arm in an attempt to pull me back and with that, I spring to my feet. "What?!" I turn to face her and practically scream in her face. She shakes her head at my fury and I'm suddenly consumed with guilt. This isn't her fault, she's on my side. The red headed bitch is quick to scurry off, back to the group of freshmen that she came with. I try not to focus on the way she's mumbling some kind of pathetic insult under her breath.

"You forgot to end the call! I'm pretty sure that your parents heard everything that just happened" Addy flashes my phone in front of my face and my heart skips a beat. Not only did they hear all those profanities come out of my mouth, but they heard me going off at Charlie. They now know exact what's happening .. and are probably freaking the hell out back home.

"I need to get back in there, I left Ava alone" Addy leaves the pool house and I find myself following her. "Come back inside when you have calmed down" my best friend scolds me, before stalking off back into the house. My eyes fill with tears of regret, and I suddenly feel so lost. Too much has happened tonight for my brain to comprehend. I use the fresh air to focus on my breathing, and I take a moment to think.

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