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"Talk" Logan barks at me. What the fuck does he mean? Talk. He's the one with all the secrets here. "You talk" I snap back. "How do you know the kid?" He bluntly mutters. "The kid? You mean your kid?" I question. "Debatable" he shrugs. Oh... maybe he isn't the father after all.

"My daughter is Dating Charlie. They grew closer and he was staying with us when his parents passed. I allowed him to continue living with us. There's nothing more to tell" I roll my eyes. There is a lot more to tell in reality, but I'm keeping it minimal. I was already enough of a dick to spill the news that I was applying for guardianship. I can't afford to say anything else that will jeopardise our chances.

"So you mean to tell me, that out of the eight million people in New York that your daughter can date, she dates my only son, who Molly put up for adoption ?" Logan huffs. Why is he talking as though it wasn't a mutual decision to give Charlie up?

"Yes! It's fucking insane to me too, and trust me, if I was expecting anyone to be Charlie's parents, it wasn't you fuckers!" I wave my arms in the air to hey my point across. "This is fucked up" Logan sighs. You don't say? Moron.

"What do you mean your only son who Molly put up for adoption?" I quiz and he looks angered by my question. "What? You're not the only one who can ask questions around here!" I scoff. He takes a deep sigh. "I haven't got all day, man" he attempts to wriggle his way out of this. "Neither have I, but you're telling me either way. So get talking" I demand.

"Okay. If you think that Molly and I are some loved up, cute couple, then you're mistaken" he runs a hand through his hair. "I didn't think that for one second mate, anyway, Carry on" I snidely remark.

"We were together for two years, she cheated and we broke up. At first I was distraught, but not surprised. I mean, we both knew Molly at that age and she wasn't exactly little Miss faithful, but we had something good going, you know?" He looks me in the eye. Fuck me, I don't need to know every detail, my subconscious chimes.

"Anyway, months passed and I decided that I was ready to forgive her and I wanted her back, so I called her and told her. She wanted me back too, so we both agreed to start from scratch arranged a date" he explains. "You seriously wanted her back?" I smirk. "Stick to the story!" He snaps.

"We arranged a date, She turned up and I had the shock of my life that night. She was six months pregnant. She told me that the baby wasn't mine and that she'd be putting him up for adoption. She had her reasons and it was probably for the best. I of course wanted nothing to do with this, the whole thing was too messy" he takes a sip of his beer and this whole situation is making me want to down the beverage before me. I continue to stay silent and instead, nod to show that I'm somewhat listening.

"I didn't see her again until after the baby was born. It had been months, but I ran into her one day at blind bobs, I was with Zed, we got drunk and one thing led to another. I took her home that night, spent the night with her and from that day on, we were a thing again" he clears his throat. Poor bastard. And I was the one who needed therapy?

"I'm listening" I nod. "It wasn't until a few months later that she admitted that the baby was in fact mine. She didn't tell me because she knew that I'd talk her out of putting the baby up for adoption" Logan mutters, losing eye contact with me. Fuck, that's heavy. Poor guy.

"I couldn't forgive her for it and I still haven't to this day. Yes, we were young, but I would have been the best dad. It would have shaped me as a person. I have spent my life grieving for someone who's still fucking alive!" His eyes begin to water and I hope to god that he doesn't cry. I don't know how to react to that shit, I'd probably do that nervous laugh of mine.

"It took years, but we are like an addiction to each other. Somehow, no matter what happened, we'd still end up in each others bed" he admits. That's an image I did not need. "Fifteen years later and here we are, still at each other's throats twenty four seven, still borderline alcoholics, what more can I say?" Logan shrugs. At least he's honest.

"That's... fucked man" is all I can muster to say. "I told you" Logan rolls his eyes. "See, this just proves that no good can come of sleeping with Molly" I attempt to make a joke but instead, he gives me the death glare. He clearly didn't see the amusing side.

"I just can't get my head around the fact that my son has been living with Hardin Scott. Hardin Scott!" He repeats. What is this fucker trying to insinuate? "I know, I'm him!" I flip him off and he begins to laugh. "I shouldn't be laughing. This isn't funny, it's far from funny" he rubs his eyes.

"He's just a kid, dude. After his parents died, I felt this overwhelming responsibility. I was once a good kid" I state and Logan spits his drink out in a fit of laughs. "Fuck you, man" I scoff. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Continue" he says. "I was once a good kid, before issues with my parents led me into the evil hands of addiction. I couldn't bare to see the same happen to him" I reveal my truth and notice that Logan is smirking like a Cheshire Cat. "I'm sorry man, I'm not laughing at you, it's just.. I never thought I'd hear Hardin Scott talk like this" he admits. "Will you stop fucking full naming me, I am right here you know!" I spit and he raises his hands in defence.

People always had low expectations for me and it feels pretty damn good to be able to laugh in their faces and say 'I fucking made it'. Smug bastards.

"This whole thing is a mess. What do I actually do?" He buries his head in his hands once more. "There's nothing to do, man. Charlie is sixteen soon, he's old enough to make his own decisions and no offence, but he doesn't seem keen to make amends" I shrug. It might hurt, but it's the truth.

"I thought about Charlie for many years. I thought about what could have been if Molly wasn't so cruel to do that behind my back, but I finally got the courage to put it behind me. Yesterday, I was sleeping off a hangover after a three day binge. Today, I met my son" Logan struggles to come to terms with the fact.

I try to think of an answer for Logan's endless supply of questions, but my thoughts are disrupted when my phone starts to ring. "I have to get this, it's Tessa" I stand from the table and Logan begins to make whipping noises. Some things never change. This motherfucker just had a bombshell dropped on him, yet he's still cracking jokes. I make my way to the entrance of the restaurant but I have already missed the call by the time I get there. "Fuck" I whisper to myself.

"Fuck this, I'm off for a cigarette" I say out loud, though I'm not sure why. I'm pretty sure I'm losing the plot at this point. I pad over to my car and retrieve the secret pack of cigarettes from the glove compartment. I debate sparking one up right here, but instead I follow the sign for the smoking area. Since when have I been one to follow the rules?

"Pick up, pick up" I whisper to myself as I dial Tessa's number but I'm interrupted by the sound of sobbing coming from nearby. I follow the muffled noise and realise that it's coming from the smoking area. I attempt to peak at the distressed female, without getting caught. Like I said, I can't deal with people crying. I'd probably end up laughing in their face. "I can see you, Hardin" a voice mutters. Of course, it's fucking Molly. I forget for a moment that my phone is still at my ear, dialling Tessa's number. "I just came for a smoke" I shrug. "No shit, Sherlock" she chimes. It's safe to say that she's still the same, sarcastic a-hole she was all those years ago.

"You probably think I don't give a shit! Well you're wrong!" Her voice squeaks. "Molly, I don't give a
Shit" I snidely remark and my heart falls out of my backside as I hear my wife's voice echo in the background. Fuck. I didn't hang up the phone.

"Hardin! Hardin!" Tessa screeches down the phone.

"You're with fucking Molly?!" She yells, yet again.


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