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"Good morning my girls" I chime as I enter the kitchen. Tessa, is cooking breakfast and looking as radiant as ever in that cute little apron of hers. Emery is seated at the kitchen counter with baby Saffron on her knee. "Morning daddy" Emery smiles, whilst waving Saffron's little arm around. "Hi beautiful girl" I coo as I take her from Emery, placing a kiss onto her head. "Where are your brothers and Charlie?" My baby voice is as prominent as ever.

"They're still sleeping like the lazy boys they are. Could you do me a favour and go wake them up?" Tessa asks whilst placing some kind of croissants onto the table. "I most certainly can" I chime, whilst heading to the cupboard to retrieve some pots and pans. "Not that way, Hardin. Just kindly knock on their doors and ask for them to join us in breakfast" she scolds me. "Fine" I sigh whilst placing Saffron back into her sisters arms.

First, I go into the nursery to collect Miller. He's wide awake and wriggling around in his crib. "Good morning little man, good morning" I coo, whilst lifting him out. He laughs when I pull an amusing face and it's like music to my ears. The babies are starting to get their very own, tiny personalities and fuck, it's cute. Every time I set my eyes on them I'm reminded of how insanely lucky I am. I place him on my hip whilst heading to Auden's room. I knock on the door and he doesn't answer, so I enter his room and he's still fast asleep, his mouth wide open. He groans when I wake him but springs to life when he hears the word 'breakfast'. I then head to Charlie's room and knock vigorously on his door. "Charlie. You've over slept for school. Get up, quick" I lie, getting a kick out the way he scurries around the room. "I'm kidding. Breakfast is ready" I laugh and I know that he's mentally flipping me off.

It has been three weeks now since Tessa and I got legal custody of Charlie and the last few weeks have been blissful to say the least. Just me, Tess and the kids going about life. No drama, just life. Over in Washington, I believe that Austin has finished his rehab programme and has spent the past week making up for his wrong doings. Charlie received a football signed by Tom Brady and a huge apology letter for what Austin did to him all those years ago. Emery received a suitcase of makeup with a similar letter and I received a fuck load of candy, only with a thankyou letter instead of an apology one. As refreshing as it is to know that he is trying, money and gifts do not say thank you, changing as a person does. It will take a lot more than that for me to truly forgive him and I hope he knows that.

We enjoy breakfast as a family, before I shoe the kids out of the house. "Have a good day" I yell as they stroll down the garden path. "Well, Mills... I'm passing you to mommy because Daddy has to get ready for a meeting now" I tell my baby boy while handing him over to Tessa. I place a kiss into her hair before venturing towards the stairs. "Baby" Tessa stops me in my tracks. "Yeah?" I hum. "Today could be the start of something new, something great" she smiles and I smile back before heading up.

She's right. Today's the day that I make an investment. Something that I've wanted to do for years. The recent events in my life have tested me, but they've pushed me to do this. Today is the day I meet with Harry Loweswater, the big boss of Loweswater Constructions of Brooklyn. Today, I want to persuade him, to ... wait for it....build a rehabilitation centre for me. Call me a sop, but taking Charlie in and getting Austin into rehabilitation has inspired me to follow suit, for the thousands of other young men who are struggling out there.

I want to set up a foundation where young men don't have to give up on life because they fell into the hands of addiction. I want to give every kid a second chance. I don't want to see any young man on the streets because he was abandoned by his family because of his actions. I want to hire the best, most talented professionals and provide facilities that nobody else can. I want to remove the stigma around addiction and those who simply get in with the wrong crowd. I want to help the parents who don't know where to turn because their kid has gone off the rails. And I will do that. Today is Going to be the day that the Hardin Scott Foundation is born. Don't worry, I won't call it that.

I return to the kitchen minutes later, I'm wearing my all black suit that Tessa loves so dearly. I get a kick out of the way she drools when I enter the room. "Hello Mr Businessman" she purrs, Whilst wrapping her arms around my waist. "Hello Mrs businessman" I chime, while claiming her mouth. "Okay. You need to do a trial run" she ruins the moment. "A trial run? A trial run of what?" I raise my eyebrows. "Of your speech, silly" she bats my chest. I don't know what she thinks this is. "Tessa, I'm just meeting with the construction company. I'm not making no speech just yet" I smirk and she rolls her eyes.

I drink the coffee that Tessa made me, before kissing her and the babies on the head. "Hardin" Tessa calls my name as I leave the house and I turn to face her. "I love you so much" she adds, pride is evident on her face.

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