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It's seven in the morning and I've already cleaned the entire house. Why? You may ask. Well, to cut a long story short, I woke up at five thirty because the babies were giving Christiano Ronaldo a run for his money and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get back to sleep. Hardin was snoring his head off and I was debating smothering him with a pillow so I decided it was time I got up.

I'm at thirty two weeks now and beginning to get awfully uncomfortable. One of the babies have been pushing on my sciatic nerve and the pain has been making me pretty miserable. I'm trying my best to keep active to take my mind off of it. I have five weeks left until I'm induced at thirty seven weeks  and with me not working, I'm forever either cleaning or baking.

"Tessa, come back to bed" my husband groans as he is awaken by my noisy cleaning antics. "No Hardin, I can't get back to sleep, I've started to clean and now I can't stop" I tell him, while spraying our mirror with Surface cleaner and wiping it down. It's true, this house has had more makeovers than Kim kardashian during this pregnancy.

"I hope you're not nesting" he rubs his eyes. "And what is that supposed to mean?" I scoff. I'm not a damn bird. "Remember with Auden when you got the sudden urge to clean our entire house and you even rearranged the furniture in the sitting room.. and that following day you went into labor?" he schemes. Where is he going with this?

"Yes I do, but that was with Auden, this is different. I'm only cleaning because I couldn't sleep. The babies were giving me some gip and I was uncomfortable. Besides, I'm only thirty two weeks! we have weeks yet" I snap. He raises his hands in defence and gestures for me to sit down. I finally give in and climb back into bed, apologising for taking my agitation out on him. Hardin begins to play with my hair and after a while, I drift back off to sleep.

I am awaken by the sound of Hardin rummaging around the room. It's two hours later and he's getting himself dressed. Smith is in town with some friends for a few days and he and Hardin have planned a brotherly day out."Shit.. sorry baby, did I wake you" he stresses, probably afraid that he's woken the beast. "You did, but not to worry as I'm in a much better mood" I snigger. "Did the kid's get off to school okay?" I rub my eyes. "They sure did baby, I dropped them both off this morning with time to spare" he brags.

I take a good glance at him and my heart sings at how hot he looks. "You look very handsome today" I beam and he thanks me silently. He's wearing a grey Levi's sweatshirt with black ripped jeans and his hair is wild, but styled.

"Are you looking forward to seeing Smith?" I ask while letting out a small yawn. Much to my amusement, Smith is taking Hardin to visit the New York Museum of Science. Smith has always been into science and all things similar and apparently, he visits this museum every time he's In New York. Hardin on the other hand, couldn't be any more the opposite. I smirk to myself as I imagine Hardin getting his hair off at the busy crowds and long queues and the 'mind numbingly boring' displays.

"Am I looking forward to seeing Smith? Sure. Am I looking forward to spending my day at a museum about science? That would be no" he remarks. "Speak of the devil" Hardin chimes as he answers the door to his brother.

I get dressed into a pair of sweatpants and a baggy T-shirt, before walking into the sitting room where Smith is sitting. He's as pleased to see me and I am to see him. We begin to catch up until Hardin is ready to go. I learn that Smith has a new girlfriend and that she's an intern at Vance's Seattle office. He met her when he was dropping something off for his dad. I can't help but smile because of how pleased I am for him. It's about time Smith found someone who is willing to treat him like the lovely young man he is.

"God, what's taking him so long?" Smith groans at the hold up. If only he knew how long Hardin takes to get ready on a daily basis. "I'm here, I'm here. Calm your titties" my ever so charming husband remarks. He's finally ready. I chase the pair to the door as they leave. "Don't forget your packed lunch, I made you guys some sandwiches" I tell them, handing over a brown paper bag.

"When did you even get time to make these?" the look on Hardin's face tickles me. "This morning, when I was 'nesting' " I mock, wiggling my fingers in air quotations. "Of course you did" he remarks, shaking his head in disbelief. I wave the guys off and return to the sitting room.

I find myself rubbing my tummy as the earlier discomfort continues. It's back with a vengeance and starting to take my breath away. "You guys are really punishing mommy today, huh?" I talk aloud to the babies as-if they can hear me. I Switch on the TV and throw on an episode of friends, before laying back on the couch and relaxing with Louie. I find myself drifting off, when I'm awaken by the phone ringing.

"Hey baby" my husband says softly. It's only been an hour and Hardin is already calling me. This is what he gets like when it comes to the end of my pregnancies and It's sweet, but highly unnecessary. "Hi sweetie, how are things? are you guys having a good time?" I ask. "Meh, it's not as bad as I thought ..I guess" he sighs. An 'ouch' escapes my lips as an excruciating pain courses through my lower back.

"Gosh babe, these children of yours aren't half giving me some gip today" I tell him. I suddenly wish he was here to give me one of his infamous back massages. "You know baby, that could be Braxton hicks" he emphasises. "Braxton what now?" I scoff. Why does Hardin know more about pregnancy than I do?

"Braxton hicks contractions, you never had them with Emery or Auden but I read in one of the pregnancy books that near to the end of pregnancy, or in your third trimester, your womb can contract then relax, giving you the sensation of a contraction. It's basically false labor" he explains. Wow, I can't help but feel really impressed that he actually took the time out to read the books. Part of me knows that with the pain I'm in, this has to be more than that but I'm too afraid to admit it. I'm only thirty two weeks pregnant and the babies aren't ready. I'm not ready. We had a doctors appointment last week and the babies were only measuring at around three pounds each. They would be so tiny and I'm paralysed with the fear of the unknown.

"So yeah, I wouldn't worry babe" he reassures me. I tell him to enjoy the rest of his time out with Smith and hang up the phone, before closing my eyes once again. I try my best to drift off and take a nap before Hardin gets home, but I can't get comfortable as the dreaded pain returns five minutes later.

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