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"Charlie!" I scold my boyfriend in a fit of giggles, as he chases me up our garden path. "Shit, my dad is gonna kill us for walking home so late at night" my eyes widen at the realisation as we stand here, drenched from the rain. I prepare myself for the 'I'm not mad, I'm disappointed speech' that there's no doubt he will give.

"Emery, where the fock have you been! Why the fock are you both soaked!" Charlie ridiculously mocks my father's British accent, causing me to laugh even Harder. I shush him, hoping that my Dad won't hear, but it's too late when he opens the door and he doesn't look happy. "Where have you been?!" He says through gritted teeth. I stutter for a moment. "Alana's mom dropped us off at the corner of the street" I lie and it's clear that he can sense my bullshit. "Liar, but that isn't important right now. Get inside" he rushes us. What's with him? "Dad What is it?" I grow concerned by his strange manner.

"We have some unwanted guests and they're pissing me the hell off" he reveals, before walking into the sitting room. Unwanted guests? Who? And what are we supposed to do about it? The two of us follow him into the room and I drop my purse as I lay eyes on the guests. Charlie's parents. What the heck are they doing here?!

"Wow, homecoming king? That's my boy" Molly winks at her son and I can't help but cringe. Charlie automatically removes the crown from his head, his eyes widening at the sight of his biological parents before him. "Why are you here?" He breaks his silence. Molly goes to speak, but hesitates when she clocks everybody staring in her direction. "Do you mind?" She scoffs at my mother and I instantly feel the need to defend her. "Don't you have some milk to pump or something?!" The bitch adds.

"Oh grow up Molly. For a woman who is almost forty years of age, you're a fucking child. Charlie, if you need us.. we'll be in the kitchen" my mother adds before standing from the couch and gesturing for us all to follow her. "I want Emery here" Charlie demands, so I oblige and take a seat beside him. "Sort your woman out" I hear my father threaten down Logan's ear as he passes him. He stays silent as my mom and dad enter the kitchen. I smirk to myself as I just know that they'll find a way to listen in.

"I'll ask again, what are you doing here?!" Charlie's voice is staggered from the alcohol. "God, kid. You could act a little happier to see us" Molly shrugs. Why would he be happy? I don't know what she said to him the last time, as he wouldn't tell me, but she upset him bad. "The last time I saw you, you told me that you have always been a shit mom and you didn't even want to try to be a good one. You told me that you didn't want to see me again" Charlie spits. That bitch.

"Yeah I did, but you dropped a bombshell on me! I didn't mean what I said, I was just in shock. You showed up out of nowhere!" Molly runs a hand through her hair. "That's no excuse!" Charlie rages and I put my arm around his shoulder as a comfort. "I know it's no excuse. But what I said wasn't true. I do want to be in your life. I want to start making it up to you" her eyes melt and I'm in dire shock at her change of emotion. Charlie glances at Logan who still hasn't said a word.

"It's true" Logan breaks his silence. "She's not asking that you start calling us mommy and daddy right away or for you move in with us. she's asking that we start seeing each other more. Have days out, spend occasions together, things like that" Logan adds. How would that even work? They live in Pullman, we live in Brooklyn.

"Just for the record, I will never, ever call you mommy and daddy" Charlie smirks. "As for the Rest of that... I don't know. I'm just going to look like a dick when you let me down, again" he tells his honest truth. "That won't happen" Molly's eyes are soft and her voice hollow. I find it hard to believe that these people wouldn't ditch Charlie to get drunk in some bar.

"Please dude. Just give us a second chance" Logan whispers. Charlie hesitates for a moment, before nodding in agreement. "You have no idea how much this means to us" Logan takes a deep sigh. "You're going to have to give me time. Too much as happened in such a small space of time and I don't want anything to jeopardise the court case" Charlie demands and both Molly and Logan nod vigorously.

"We'll do anything and we will wait as long as it takes. But what court case?" Mollys eyes are hooded. "The court case for the Scott's to be granted guardianship of me" my boyfriend admits and I can tell that he automatically regrets it. If these guys do anything to jeopardise the case, my father will not be responsible for his actions. "Nothing will jeopardise that" Molly and Logan glare at each other and I instantly lose any ounce of trust for them.

Within seconds, my father is charging through the double doors and into the sitting room. "Okay, that's enough now. You've had enough time to bullshit, So if you'd kindly fuck off, that would be great. It's past bedtime in this house" he announces and the smirk on Molly's face grows as she stands from the couch. "Never change, Scott" she says, whilst heading towards the door. Logan follows her with his eyes glued to the ground. My father follows the two of them, closing the door behind him. It's clear that he is going to have some kind of talk with them.

"I'm far too intoxicated to deal with that right now" Charlie whispers, a chuckle escaping his lips. I'm instantly reminded that he's pissed. "Do you want to talk about it?" I badger, I know what he's like for keeping things bottled up. "I couldn't think of anything worse than talking about this right now. Let's just get back to where we were, please. I need you" his eyes are desperate and I instantly need him too. He takes my hand and we are frantic to get up the stairs. I glance at my mother through the kitchen door and I'm thankful that she is seeing to the twins. "I love you Charlie" I tell my beau as he chases me up the stairs. "I love you too, Miley" he mocks and he's lucky that I let it slide due to the fact that he's highly intoxicated. He really thinks he's hilarious. "Do you have a death wish?" I scoff as we thrash into my bedroom.


"I hope you know what the consequences will be if you let Charlie down, again" I threaten under my breath. Molly and Logan stand before me, rain pelting onto them. "Ooh I'm quaking in my Dr. Martens" the pink haired witch mocks. "I'm not laughing. Now don't come back here. If Charlie wants to see you, we will arrange it, but after the court case. Now fuck off back to Washington" I spit. "Fuck you, Hardin" Molly flips me off before making her way back to her burnt out Ford. Her rather pathetic shadow follows her without saying a word. Like, grow a pair of balls, Logan!

Our Time Will Come - An After StoryWhere stories live. Discover now