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Washington here we come. It's eleven twenty five at night, we are forty five minutes into the flight and will be landing shortly, thank fuck. Yes, I barfed In the taxi to the airport and Landon has terrorised me for this whole flight, for being a forty year old man who is afraid of flying. I'm not afraid of flying god damn it. I'm dying to tell him that I was actually vomiting into a paper bag because I've just found out I'm going to be a father to twins and I'm sick with shock. I decide on telling him to piss off instead.

Tessa has managed to fall asleep on my shoulder, despite the flight only being one hour long. Fuck, she looks so cute in my hoodie, she insisted on wearing something baggy in case anyone suspects something before the announcement tomorrow. She must be worn out, bless her. It's been a big day for her.

When we collected the kids from Landon, we just came right out with it and told them in the car. "So, How's the baby?" Emery clapped her hands together in excitement. "You mean baby's?" I kept my eyes on the road. "What?" My kids screeched in harmony. "Tell me about it" I took one hand off the wheel to massage my temples. If I haven't got a headache from the shock, then I've definitely got one from the high pitched scream the two did when we confirmed we're having twins.

I've lost count of the amount of times Auden has almost told Landon and Nora about the babies tonight. The little dude can't contain his excitement. I'm just glad his big sisters here to stop him from spilling.

I'm deep in thought when the pilot makes an announcement. "Flight attendants, prepare for landing please". I wake up Tessa and make sure the kids have folded up their trays. Tessa takes In her surroundings, then looks me in the eye and my heart sings at the beautiful smile on her face. She's happy, she's genuinely happy for the first time in forever.

It's the children's first time on a nighttime flight and Seeing their beautiful faces light up at the glowing city below us as we land in Pullman, is up there with one of the best feelings in the world. To think that soon, we'll have two more beautiful babies, who we can watch experience everything for the first time, makes my heart throb. Like their first time seeing snow or their first time going on an aeroplane. God, I'm a soppy bastard.

We go through airport security and do all of the usual, boring airport shit that I usually let Tessa take care of. She has a face of thunder as Landon and I stand talking. She shoots me a deep glare as if to tell me to shape myself and help her with the kids, even though they're perfectly fine. My little stress head.

I grab two of the suitcases and we make our way to the exit, where we find my father holding a huge sign that reads 'welcome New Yorkers'. Ken, Ken, Ken. Could you be any more awkward. The kids exchange hugs with their grandfather and we follow him to the his Audi SUV, which has just enough room for all of us. I swear this man has a new car each time I see him.

We arrive at my fathers house after a thirty minute drive from the airport. Thirty whole minutes of my dad and Landon, waffling about the football. Hence why I left them to bring in all the bags.

I smell peanut butter the minute I walk through the door, why is she baking? God damn it Karen, it's one in the morning, go to sleep woman. "Hardin" she wails, wrapping her arms around me. "Yayy Karen" the sarcasm is obvious as I return the cuddle. The rest of the clan enters the house seconds later. "Landon, baby!" She repeats the process with her son.

Tessa and Nora Clear their throat. I just know Tessa is thinking "excuse me? Where's my cuddle".
"Oh and how could I forget the two daughters I never had" she hugs each of them, clearly not thinking about what she's saying. "Oh, so what's my baby sister then? A potato" I remark. Her cheeks turn a rosey pink and it's pretty amusing. "Poor Abby, it's a good job she's in bed" my father smirks, joining in on my wind up session. "You know what I mean!!" Karen points her finger at the two of us, stifling the giggle that's escaping her mouth.

Auden cuddles his Nana Karen then retreats straight to his room, clearly exhausted, while Addelyn and Emery reunite with her. God, those girls can gossip. Tessa and I take a seat at the marble counter. "Hey, it's past midnight. Happy anniversary baby" I place a kiss into her hair. "Aww happy anniversary sweetie" her glossy eyes look into mine.

I grab a peanut butter cookie from the plate in front of us. I'd never admit it but god, I've missed Karen's baking. "Mmm" I do that silly ass noise that people tend to do instead of just saying, 'this is nice'.
"Good, huh?" Tessa grabs one and takes a bite into it. "Oh no" she drops the cookie onto the counter, and runs frantically to the downstairs bathroom. "What's with her? she loves peanut butter" Karen grows suspicious. "I don't know. I guess it's probably just all the travelling" I think on the spot. I cringe at the awkwardness as everyone hears Tessa vomiting her guts up . Just you wait Til tomorrow guys, just you wait.

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