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"Tessa! Why have you packed so many things! We are going for five days not five weeks!" I scold my wife. We leave for Amsterdam tonight and this suitcase weighs a tonne. I lay it down on the floor and unzip it to prove my point. "See, why have you packed me twenty five pairs of boxers?! We are going for five days! I'm not going to piss myself five times a day while we're there!" I mock her. "You have no idea how thin the ice is that you're on right now. If you touch any of the packing, you're a dead man, Scott" Tessa teases me, whilst rushing to zip the case back up. I raise my hands in defence, before tottering off into the sitting room.

My mom and Mike are on the couch, entertaining the twins with some good old British nursery rhymes. Thankfully, the PG version and not the rather inappropriate one's that she'd sing to me as a child. Miller is laughing away, doing the cutest baby chuckle, but little miss Saffron does not look one bit impressed.

After seeing my Mum and the twins form a bond over the last couple of days, my mind has been put at ease knowing that the twins will be fine while we are away. That's not to say that I'm not still on edge knowing that some fucker in this house has read my letter and possibly still has it. I have been the most paranoid for the last few days, wondering if Emery's tone has been off or if Auden has been acting differently. Every little thing that they say or do makes me wonder if they're aware. Though I'm sure that's not the case and fuck, I hope it isn't.

There is every much of a chance that it's Charlie who has my note. He has been acting fucking weird. Emery says it's because of the whole Molly, baby news and him not knowing how to react, but I fear that it's more than that.

I'm brought out of my trance when I spot Charlie and Auden throwing a football indoors, rather fucking high, too. "Hey!" I yell at the pair. "Do you two have a death wish? Because Tessa will kill you" I chime, through gritted teeth. "Sorry, Dad" Auden yells whilst throwing the ball to Charlie one last time. "Why don't you go and help your Nana and Mike with the babies?" I ask him and he does just that. "Good man" I tell him as he sprints off towards them. I make eye contact with Charlie, telling him to wait until Auden is out of sight. He is left glaring at me, wondering what I'm about to say. I know that he knows something.

"Sit" I tell him, whilst doing so myself. I take a seat the counter, across from him. "Now spill" I tell him. I won't mention the letter if he doesn't. "Spill what?!" He scoffs. "You're snappy, you're not yourself. What's going on?" I interrogate him. "Nothings going on, okay? It's just.. Molly and the whole baby thing. She put me up for adoption.. but Will probably have this baby and act like the worlds best mom! It makes me wish I had never been born. I wasn't wanted then and I'm not wanted now" he shrugs. Damn. It has to be hard for him, to be fair to the kid. He deserves more. I'm unsure of what so say so I just continue to listen.

"And to top it all off.. today I made a stupid ass decision during the game and now everybody hates me. I told Mcdowall to go long In the last minute and a big guy off the opposing team tackled him and scored a touchdown" he buries his head in his hands. "I'm the worst captain ever" he shakes his head. Oh for fucks sake, the Molly thing, I can get my head around but this, really?

"Don't be a sore loser! You'll win next time" I shrug, though I'm probably not helping. It's just.. I don't do sports, never have and never will. I don't know how it feels when some wanker In a jersey drops the ball and ruins it for the whole team.

"Thanks, buddy. I already feel a lot better" he smirks, before shifting in his chair. "Anyway. How are you?" He asks. Why is he asking me that? This is fucking suspicious. He has lived with us for months now and never once asked me how I am. He knows something. "I'm fine" I scoff, my frown as prominent as ever. "Good" he hesitates before smiling. He stands from his chair and attempts to walk away from me. "Charlie" I grab him by the shirt .

"Look after Emery while Tessa and I are away" I tell him. "And do not. I repeat, do not! Sleep in the same room as her" I huff, before letting go of his shirt. He rolls his eyes before sauntering off, presumably to find my daughter.



"Hardin, Paul's here to take us to the airport. Hurry!" I tell my husband. He's said goodbye to the children seven times already and now, he's doing it for an eighth. What is with him lately? The tables have turned as usually, it's me with the separation anxiety. "Well, he'll have to wait, won't he!" Hardin scoffs.

I'm glad when Emery and Auden shoe the two of us out of the house. "We love you! Have the best time" they shout in synchronisation. I tell them that I love them a final time and that I'll keep in touch. Trish and Mike stand behind them, waving us off. I greet Paul as I climb into the backseats of his Mini Cooper, whilst Hardin throws the suitcase in the boot. I get a laugh, when our dog Louie escapes the house and Hardin argues with him to "get the fock inside".

Emery eventually retrieves Louie, scooping him up in her arms and she joins the family back inside, closing the door behind her. That's when Hardin gets into the car. He takes his emotional mood out on Paul, as per usual and I scold him, forcing him to cheer up before we arrive at the airport. Amsterdam has been one of my dreams since I was a teen, especially In the winter and Hardin has always wanted to be the one to take me there. We finally have the opportunity and nobody is going to ruin it.

Just a short one to lead up to the Amsterdam chapters🥰 hope y'all are well x

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