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It's our third day here, staying at my fathers house in Washington. Why does it feel like our thirtieth? It's been two days since Tessa and I had a scare that I wish to never experience again. Grateful isn't the word to express how relieved I am that our little twinnies are healthy and thriving. It has also been two days since my mother turned up at my fathers and caused World War Three. I am yet to speak to her about the whole thing.

I have spent the last couple of days grovelling, trying to make it up to Tessa for my pathetic behaviour. I don't know what possessed me to drink when I try my best to be an advocate for healthy coping mechanisms. At least I know that it was just a wobble and it Won't be happening again. I'm stronger now and I will not allow one little slip up to pull me back under the waves of addiction.

Thankfully, I am much calmer now and Tessa, the children and I have ventured out to the mall. Tessa is eager to buy my father and Karen a gift for being so great the other day and standing by her during the worst time. "How about we split up. You and Auden chose your fathers gift and Emery and I will find something for Karen .. then we meet in the food court in an hour?" My wife suggests. "Sounds good to me babe" I place a peck on her lips. "Ew, not my parents making out in public" I hear my teenage daughter scoff as we part ways. God, girls are dramatic.

Auden and I have circled the entire mall three times now, without entering a single store. The only thing we have purchased so far is a smoothie and we have twenty minutes left to find something. Why did I agree to this again? Tessa is much better at this than I am. What do I even buy a man who has everything? We eventually head into 'Nordstrom' and decide on getting my father a new robe and pair of slippers.

Auden jokes about the slippers, apparently they were so designed for his grandpa Ken. The child has a point, they're brown, suede and resemble a pair of loafers in the form of a slipper. If Ken was a pair of slippers, he would more than likely be these ones. Auden picks out the robe, claiming that his grandpa has worn the same robe for one hundred years. It's navy blue, with a burgundy belt. I smirk to myself, amused at my shitty idea of a gift. The thing is, for Ken, something as small this will mean the world to him. It's the little things in life for that man.

Auden and I join the never ending queue to purchase our gift. I keep my boy occupied by telling an endless supply of dad jokes. I cringe when I accidentally tell one that's a little too crude. "Don't tell your mum" I warn as he laughs uncontrollably. We are disturbed when my phone rings. "Speak of the devil, this is probably her now". Oh shit, it's mum alright. I glare at the screen. My own mum. We still haven't spoken since whatever the hell happened a few days ago. I recall her giving me an earful for not answering the phone for over a month. I better get this.

"Mum?" I mutter as I answer the call. "Bloody hell, he has thumbs!" She mocks, clearly surprised that I've picked up. Is she calling me for a reason or just to stir the pot? "Mum, is this important? because I'm kind of busy right now" I splutter. "Listen Hardin, I'm still in the states and I leave tomorrow. All I'm asking is that you spare your old mum a couple of hours before I leave. I'll explain everything" I sense the desperation in her voice.

I stay silent for a few seconds before putting her out of her misery. "Fine, time and place?" I sigh. I suppose I better listen to what my mum has to say. Plus, I want to know more about why her marriage ended and I need to talk to her about the twins. "You could meet me at my hotel at say.. four thirty? it's only about a twenty minute drive from your fathers place" she suggests. "Fine" I answer bluntly. "I'll text you the address okay babes? See you then" she gushes before hanging up the phone. I cringe at the use of the word 'babes'. I Guess I'm seeing my mother this afternoon then..

Auden and I pay for my father's gifts and still have a few minutes to spare when we leave the store. Much to his horror, I take his hand as we barge our way through the busy mall and to the food court. My feet stop as a particular store catches my eye. It has strollers in the window and the sign reads 'All things small'. Before I know it, Auden and I are browsing the isles of the baby themed store. The clue really is in the name, everything in here is fucking tiny. I find it hard to believe that Emery and Auden were once, that small.

I swallow the frog in my throat as two white little vests in the size 'tiny baby' catch my eye, they're obviously intended for twins. One reads 'sometimes, you wish for a miracle' and the other reads 'then you get two'. This is some soppy shit but Tessa would absolutely love these because of how personal they are. I can't leave them. Before I know it I have purchased the two vests.

"Daddy" My son taps my arm as we step on the escalator. "Yes buddy?" I nod, giving him the go ahead to ask one of his random ass questions like why is the sky blue? Why is grass green. "I'm going to be the best big brother ever" he boasts. That took me by surprise, bless him. "I have no doubt that you will be little man" I give him my proudest smile, keeping it on my face as we approach Tessa and Emery.

"There my favourite girls are" I charm as I take a seat at the table they've picked out. "Can we get McDonalds?" is Tessa's response. "Oh, lovely. I've missed you too Hardin" I mock. "I have missed you, now please. Go and get me some nuggets" she demands. I can't help but snigger to myself as I make my way to the McDonald's, is this going to be her thing throughout the pregnancy? nuggets?

I return ten minutes later with our food and Tessa honestly looks happier now, nibbling on a chicken nugget than she did on our wedding day. Something that tickles me about Tessa is the little victory dance she does when she finally gets fed after being cranky as shit ..because she's hungry.

The kids chat amongst themselves as we finish our food and I inform Tess of my plans to see my mum later today. "Hardin, that's great. I'm proud of you" she squeezes my thigh under the table. Oh Tessa, don't turn me on when there's fuck all we can do about it.

We make our way to the parking lot, agreeing to show each other the gifts we bought for my father and Karen when we arrive back at the house.

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