Chapter 9 | Meeting Remus

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"COOL REMUS IS ALSO THERE!" Harry cheered as Andromeda informed both him and Amelia that Remus was inside playing with Teddy. Amelia's throat went dry, her godfather was inside and she didnt feel the same rush of excitement and bliss of seeing her godfather like she used to have when younger. 

    Her limbs didnt act like they used to do back then running towards him squealing 'Moony' happily bringing him in a tight bear hug. She just felt her feet glued to that spot. She didnt like the change of reaction within her over the years.

     But she told herself it was not her fault that everything changed.

     Or was it?

     "Come Amelia" Andromeda said softly holding her hand pulling her in, Amelia gave the woman a small smile moving along with a heavy heart.

    Stepping in her eyes fell on the tall figure in the room who was tossing a blue haired baby in air happily while laughing. Amelia felt heavier with each forwarding step aimed in her godfather's direcrion. Andromeda smiled before chiming "Look Teddy bear who is here!?"

    Remus turned around after catching Teddy again, as his eyes fell on who was standing there an unreadable look striked his face. He halted seeing his goddaughter standing there not noticing two other people beside her. He didnt realise when his steps started moving in her direction.

    Amelia's jaw was starting hurt she didnt know why she was applying so pressure on it, maybe controlling herself from showing any emotion. She didnt know what to do, how to react seeing her godfather after almost six months. She hated the way that it didnt feel as good when she used to meet him in past with big bright smiles on their faces.

    A moment later, Remus was standing in front of her with a large smile on his face, Teddy in his arms, he stepped forward for what he always did whenever meeting her, hug, but she backed away not meeting his eyes. A startled look striking all their faces. Why would she do that? She herself didnt know the answer.

    "Uh– y-you're having Teddy, you'll drop him" She said looking in his eyes while stuttering. This was the first time she was not liking meeting her godfather, and it hurt.

     "Oh sorry" Remus let out a small chuckle handing Teddy to Andromeda and reaching forward to bring Amelia in a warm hug, wrapping his arms around her while her face was buried in his chest.

    She inhaled sharply closing her eyes, trying to stay stiff, she felt as if she was going weak with every passing second while he held the hug. None of them noticed that she didnt hug back. He held the hug for what felt like hours to her, while a big overwhelmed smile played on his lips.

    "How are you?" Remus breathed pulling away looking down at her but still holding her, she looked up with a pursed forced smile and nodded, words denied to come out. The question felt so foreign from his mouth, because once there was a time when he always knew how his goddaughter was, she never felt the need to tell him how she felt, because he always knew. 

    "Am good, you?" She finally managed to croak. Behaving like strangers to the man who once used to be her whole world wrenched her heart.

    "You look so different and grown up" Remus let out a partially teary laugh before pulling her in a hug again. His words caused a tinge of pain even though they shouldnt. She could now sense he was feeling overwhelmed.

    "And you look old as usual" She mumbled against him gaining a laugh again, he didnt feel like letting her go today. Both didnt even realise that Harry and Andromeda already left giving them their time.

    "I missed you so much, Am" He whispered while caressing her hair, she just nodded against him, ignoring the blood boil within her.

    "Its been six months, I cant believe it, I really missed you" He said now pulling away completely just holding her hands. It was getting more difficult for her with each passing second.

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