It Has Finally Happened

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I finished braiding my hair into a twisted bun. I wore a red dress with sort of lace straps. I wore black ballet flats with lace pattern. I smiled at my gold diamond engagement ring. I smiled at the mirror, Fred had walked into the room and he smiled at me. I knew what he wanted to say but I had forbidden those words on that day. Today is all about my uncle. He helped me up and I gave him a quick peck in the cheek before I applied some light red gloss. Fred watched me in aww. I giggled at him as I often did.

"What are you thinking Rosanna?" He asked me as I turned around grinning. I looked to the ground and then back up again. I had been thinking of the same thing all morning. Remus and Tonks. It seemed I had waited longer then I could even remember my uncle for him to find someone to love. It seemed as if it would never happen for a long time. I know I was not the only one who thought that, me and Mrs Weasley had spent long evenings discussing it. She told me that she knew it would eventually happen, she just worried she wouldn't live to see the day.

"You know already Fred. You know I am thinking about my uncle and Tonks. I know they love each other, I just thought it would never... well I thought they would never get together." I said laughing, Fred grinned and nodded passing me my purse. I walked down the stairs behind Fred and put on my light brown coat. It was supposed to be chilly this evening, and I didn't want to be cold at the wedding.

We apparated to Tonks' parents house. Andy (Andromeda, Tonks' mother) lead me into the house and towards Tonks room. I was the maid of honor as apparently she knew me the best out of my sisters. Even if I was in a coma for two years.

I entered what must have been Tonks' childhood bedroom. There were dolls on the dresser and other childhood memories. I walked in and Tonks was starring into the mirror. I smiled and closed the door behind me. She looked back at me and she had this big goofy grin on her face. I smiled and sat down on her bed pulling out some makeup out of my bag. She laughed at me.

"Go shower. You are going to look even more fabulous then ever today." I told her pushing her out of the bathroom attached to the bedroom. She smiled and I heard her squeal when she closed the door. I laughed and walked out of the room to see my uncle. He was just as I expected him to be. Freaking out... So I decided to show him part A of his wedding gift.

"Oh god!" My uncle panicked, "I look a mess! The full moon was only three days ago and I am getting married!" He said moving around, he was very jumpy. I would have laughed if he jumped to high and hit his head on the ceiling.

"Remmy." I said softly, he snapped his head up. I pulled a box out of my bag. "I have something for you... I know it will be no where near the real thing, but I hope it is good enough to get you through today." I said passing over the box.

He undid the ribbon abound the white box. The red ribbon fell down to the floor and it revealed a frame, the first of three. He gasped and almost dropped the box when he removed the paper covering the photo. It was a picture of my mother. She had long blonde hair much like my own. She wore a long white coat with buttons. She waved and blew kisses out towards the photo. I saw a tear fall onto the frame and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Thank you Rosanna. I don't know what to say..." He said trying to cover up his tears I shock my head.

"I'm not done yet, lift up the frame." I ordered, he did as I said to show the next photo.

There was my father. His appearance was very different to the man I knew. Yes he had the same eyes, but they were less tired. They had a certain mischievous glint to them. I smiled when I looked at the photo again. His hair was not grey but a dark brown, almost black. He was tall and thin, but not the sickly thin he was when I knew him, he was quite handsome and strong looking. He held a beaters bat in hand and a cheeky smile on his face. He swung it forward as if he was going to hit a bludger. I had never realized he like quiddatch so much until I saw this photo.

My uncle pulled me into a tight hug, "Rosanna... I could never thank you..."

"Ah-ah! There are still two more things in that box." I told him, he picked up the frame with the photo of my father and placed it next to the one next to the one with my mother in it.

The next frame held a photo of James Potter in it. He was a carbon copy of Harry, or I guess Harry was one of him. He was grinning. I had noticed the difference between Harry and James. The eyes. James had hazel eyes and Harry had green. Either then that they had the same build, the same messy hair, the same smile, the same glasses, the same passion for quiddatch. Even if James never got the chance to raise his son the similarities were uncanny. I could go on and on about it but I think that you get the point.

Instead of interrupting me again Remus just moved the photo onto the bed to expose the last frame. One that I knew he probably never expected, or maybe he did. He didn't know that I knew he had told Harry about his friendship with Lily Evans. But she was still in that frame, she had glowing red hair and a brilliant smile. She looked young and happy... it must have been her seventh year because she was not out of school but she was with James Potter. She had green eyes, just like Harry's and a book against her chest. She tried to hide herself almost from the camera but ended up looking up from behind her book and laughed. I hoped I had chosen a good photo for this moment. I hoped this is how he remembered the four of them. I hoped I had done good.

"I thought, well I knew that you always saw yourself alone. They never did. I wanted them to be with you today, you know, even if they can't really be with you." I said, he pulled me into a strong hug and kissed my forehead.

"Thank you so much Rosanna, I don't think I can ever thank you." He said, I shock me head and smiled.

"Remmy you don't realize, you have given me a family again. That was something I hadn't had so many years without... I am the one who can never thank you." I said crying, he held me tightly again and then pulled away. He shock his head.

"You are just like your mother." He told me before I walked down the hall wiping away the tears and entering Tonks' room. She was sitting waiting by the make up mirror. I walked over and magically dried her hair. Then I got her to change it to longer so I could fix her hair into a fancy bun with curls falling out.

Once I was done her hair, which was surprisingly not colourful but an ordinary light brown, her natural hair colour actually. She had dark eyes and I did her make up accordingly. When I was done she looked fabulous.

She then dressed into her wedding dress which was quite fabulous. Then I passed over her shoes. She almost had a heart attack. "No way am I wearing those. I am a klutz. I would die in those." She told me, I smiled.

"Tonks that's the thing. Remus will catch you."

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