If there's a future we want it now!

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Valentine's POV

"Ian!" I shouted and ran towards my brother to pull him in a hug. Since Julia explained me everything that happened, I didn't stop crying. And the fact that Ian was here didn't make it better.

Because we're the reason why our cousin almost died.

Aunt Julia promised me, that it wasn't a suicide try. She said there's probably something wrong with her inner things, like the stomach, because she got punched in her stomach many times, Julia told. I just wanna kill all those people who did this to Molly! So that means I have to kill myself and Ian. I can't say it different, because we're actually really the reason why we're here. I wish we never started that band.  

"What happened?" Ian asked. No one told him until now what happened. Julia just called him, like me, and said that Molly is in hospital. But not more. I tried to calm down and explain everything to Ian. But as much as I tried I couldn't stop crying. Before I could get on my knees and continue crying, I felt how two arms from behind went around my waist and kept me close to a body. I put my head in my hands and felt from the grip that it was Jack how kept me save. Jack dragged me to a chair and I sat on it. Then he turned to Ian and explained everything that happened to him. I had time to calm down a bit and think about everything. So, my cousin gets bullied in school because of the way she is and the music she listens to. They never told us that, because it's also because of Ian's and my band. Those people think that Molly thinks that she's something better. And now, she's in hospital because she suddenly began to cough blood in the night. Which could be because of all the punches she got in her stomach. Motherfucker. There aren't any words that described my feelings. I didn't know what to feel. I just wanna know how Molly is now and where she is. "Julia Coleman?" a doctor asked. Julia stood up from her chair like she got hit by a lightning and walked to the doctor. "So, she's okay. Those coughs with blood got used from injuries in her stomach area. Those may got used from punches or something like that. We could fix that and she's sleeping right now, but as soon as she's awake you can see her. She's in room 7.112, I'm gonna tell the nurses to tell you when she's awake" the doctor informed us. "Thank you doctor" Julia thanked and the doctor left. I got up from my chair and hugged Julia, who was crying again. "Everything's gonna be okay. She's gonna be okay" I whispered in her ear. After I pulled away, I got hugs from Ian and Jack. "So, do you need anything? Coffee or something to eat?" Jack asked us after he pulled away. "A coffee would be nice" I said and smiled thankfully at him. Julia and Ian took a coffee, too and Jack left to get us those. "He's really nice. Don't let him slip away" Julia whispered in my ear when Jack was out of our sight. I smiled at her and then looked at my hands. Molly is gonna be okay. Thank god. "Hey, don't feel guilty. It's not our fault that she got bullied" Ian tried to calm me down. "That's it, I think it is our fault. If we wouldn't have started this band, she might not be here" I honestly said. Ian put an arm around me and pulled me closer. "It's not our fault" he said again. "Mrs. Coleman? Your daughter is awake now. You can see her" a nurse said when she walked by. Julia had an expression of relief in her face. We all stood up from our chairs and went to room nr. 7.112. I quickly sent a message to Jack and told him where we were. When we reached the room, Julia faltered quickly before she knocked on the door. Then she opened the door and we went inside. Molly lay in the bed and looked really exhausted. Everywhere were machines around her, but she probably didn't need most of them. But this sight was almost killing me. When Molly recognized us, she smiled weakly. "Hey sweety" Julia said with tears in her eyes and walked closer to the bed. "Hey Mom" Molly said very quiet. Julia took a chair, sat next to the bed and took Molly's hand in hers. "Val, Ian, come closer, please" Molly almost whispered. I first faltered but then walked closer and stood on the other side of her bed. Ian stood next to me and then searched for some chairs to sit on. "Where's Dad?" Molly asked weakly. "He's still on this business travel and must be in the airplane right now. He took the next flight to come home and as soon as he's here, he's gonna visit you" Julia explained and Molly nodded. "Molly, I'm so sorry that all of this happened to you" I apologized and took her hand. She just smiled and turned her head to face me. "It's not your fault. Not yours and not Ian's or anyone of your band. It's the fault of the people in school, they bullied me and not you did that" Molly told and still smiled. The tears were streaming down my cheeks and Ian took Molly's hand, too. "You're gonna be okay. We're gonna do something against that bullying. I promise you" I said and tried to smile. Honestly I had no idea how I could help her. But I had to. I promised it her, and I'm not gonna break that promise.

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