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Dad wakes up Ned and I for school and we quickly get ready. I wait as Ned gets changed and think about what dad told me when I got home yesterday. I see Ned and we both walk to the kitchen with our bags on our backs and quickly eat breakfast. Dad waves us off and locks the door as we leave. "You have such a cool dad." Ned says and I side glance him as we walk to school. "Ya but your mom's really cool as well." We all talk the rest of the way and when we see MJ she greets us with her usual "Hey losers." We all walk in together like usual but the principle see me and calls me over. "Peter can you meet me in my office?" She says I nod and wave to Ned and MJ before walking over to the principle. We walk into her office and she motions her hand to a chair and I sit down. "Peter that test you took yesterday was part of a new inter program set up by Stark Industry's. You passed the test and have been elected to be an intern there. You will go every Monday and Friday. Since you took the test yesterday though you will go there today and Friday this week. After this it will be even Monday and Friday. The only thing I ask is that you keep your grades up." She says and I sit there shocked. I give her a nod and she gives me a small smile. "Alright get going Peter. There is a car outside waiting for you." She says and I nod before walking out of her office and out of the school to the car. I don't get to close before getting punched in the stomach by Flash as he walks in the school. I knew it was completely but I let it happen like alway as to not alarm anyone. I clutch my stomach as I walk over to the car and a guy with a name tag the says Happy opens the back door for me and I get in. He gives me a confused glance as I continue to clutch my stomach while I get in. He shuts the door and then get in the driver's seat and drives me to SI. I send Ned a text about it and then watch as I see SI come more into view. When we get there Happy parks the car and we get out. I walk inside and up to the receptionist desk and see a lady standing there and she looks down at me. "You must be Peter. My name is Pepper Potts but you may call me Pepper. I'm going to show you to where you will be working." She says and I nod. She walks out from behind the desk and walks over to an elevator and waves me over. I walk over and we get in the elevator. "Are you okay Peter?" Ms. Potts asks me and I give her a small nod. "Ya, I'm fine. I just might have ran into the counter this morning and bruised my stomach." She nods and I watch has we gradually continue up the floors. "Ms.Potts what floor are we going to?" She looks at me and says "We're going up to floor 62. Here you will give coffee to people and in your extra time you can build in the labs if you wish." I nod and when we get there we walk out and I walk over to my desk has Ms. Potts gets my supervisor. I meet him and then she leaves and I get right to work.

4 hours later

I get called to deliver four cups of coffee up to floor 85 and I make the coffee as instructed and then go to the elevator and it starts to move up before I say anything. "I was informed of your coming arrival Peter." The AI that I heard Ms. Potts called Fri say. I wait and when I get up there I see a messy lab but I find a place to set the coffees down at and do so while taking a look around at the same time. I hear someone clear their throat as I look at a problem that's wrong and had started to fix. I turn around and Tony freaking Stark is standing in front of me with one of the cups of coffee that I brought up. "Sir I'm so sorry. This is my first day and I had no idea who's lab this was, so after I set the coffee down I looked around for a second and saw that this problem was wrong and I wanted to fix it for the person who was working on it. I'm so sorry please don't fire me." I rush all of that out and when Mr. Stark walks closer to me. I feel myself flinch and he stops walk towards me. I know that I did that because of everything that Flash has done to me but I can't help it. "Calm down kid I'm not mad. I set that up knowing you were coming up here. I wanted to see if you were as smart as your test results said you were. Pep just put you in that spot as a test to see how you would react to being here as a coffee server. It's safe for me to say that you passed the test Peter." Mr. Stark says and he hold out his hand for me to shake. I do and he gives me a slight nod to the board and I let go of his hand and quickly finish the problem before turning back to Mr. Stark and looking down at my hands as I wait for him to say something. He pats me on my shoulder and I look up at him. "You're smart for a high school student. It's a good thing you're my person intern because we can't have all that knowledge go to waist now can we." He says and gives me a side glance with a smile of his face. I smile but that gets ruined by the bruise on my stomach. I grab my stomach because of the pain and I pull out a small granola bar and eat it. The bruise starts to disappear and I let go of my stomach. Mr. Stark looks at me confused and tell him the same thing I told Ms. Potts. He nods and then we continue to talk. I get a text from my dad and I check to see what it is. I send him a bit of how everything was going and he told me to stay there after my shift ended because he was going to get me. I smile and put my phone up and then I continue to get to know Mr. Stark. At lunch I pull out my lunchbox and eat while Mr. Stark works on the Iron Man suit. "Connect the old cable wires from that busted radio and hook them up to the thrusters and then and twenty times a amount of power. It should make the suit go after if you hook them up right." I pull out my calculus homework and work on it while I eat and hear Mr. Stark set the tools he was using on the counter and walks over to me. "How did you know ai was working on the thrusters?" He asks and I set my pencil down before turning around to look at him with part of a sandwich in my hand. "For the past 30 minutes you've been complaining about how slow the suit it. So that's what I assumed you were doing." Mr. Stark nods and goes back to work as I finish lunch and my homework. When I finish I walk over and help him until the work day ends and I pack up my things. "Bye Mr. Stark." "Kid how are you getting back home?" He asks and I show him the text that dad sent me. "You can stay with me in the commons until you dad gets here." He says and we walk to the elevator and get in before going up to the commons. When we get there I see the rest of the Avengers and then look over at Uncle Loki and Uncle Thor. When they see me walk out of the elevator they run over and I get picked up by Uncle Thor and I hug him. "Thor put my intern down." Mr. Stark say and Thor does but hands me to Loki and I give him a hug as well. Everyone but Thor is shocked by this and get even more shocked when he hugs me back. "So Peter how do you feel now that you're hear and get to see your Uncle Thor and cool Uncle Loki more often?" Uncle Loki says and Thor picks me up and places me on his shoulders. Everyone else becomes even more shocked. When they all calm down we're all in the living room and talking when I hear the sound of an all familiar portal opening. Dad steps out and he looks and me and waits. "Let's go home son. I have dinner in the oven and Uncle Wong is here. Be sure to say goodbye to everyone." Dad says and I nod before hugging Uncle Loki and Thor before joining my dad and turning to everyone and waving. "Bye." "Bye." They say and then I walk through the portal.

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